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Simpsons - Bart Vs The Space Mutants, The
Simpsons - Bart Vs The Space Mutants, The - NES - Console Nintendo
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Simpsons - Bart Vs The Space Mutants, The
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Continent Américain
   USA The Simpsons : Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Europe The Simpsons : Bart vs. the Space Mutants
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USA 02/02/1991
Europe 12/12/1991
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Allemand The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants ist ein Plattformer für das Nintendo Entertainment System. Mit Bart Simpson als Hauptcharakter gilt es eine außerirdische Invasion zu verhindern, die Springfield bedroht. In dem Sidescroller kann Bart dabei eine Art Röntgenblick einsetzen, um unbekannte Personen als Mutanten zu identifizieren und erledigt diese anschließend mit einem gekonnten Sprung oder mittels Einsatz von Spraydosen. Neben den Spraydosen sind weitere Items in den Levels auffindbar, wie beispielsweise Mini-Dynamitstangen, Maschinenteile oder auch Münzen, um für bestimmte Abschnitte bekannte Begleiter wie Sideshow Bob oder Nelson als Unterstützung anzuheuern.
Anglais Bart vs. The Space Mutants is a platform game where the player goes into the role of Bart Simpson (from the TV show The Simpsons) and must stop the Space Mutants from invading Springfield.

On each of the five levels, Bart must collect (or get rid of) the ingredients that the Space Mutants are planning to use to build their machine, such as purple objects or balloons. He also has to collect enough "proof" of the aliens existence (brown coins left behind when they are jumped on), so his family members will help him when he meets a boss (characters such as Nelson and Sideshow Bob). This won't be easy since the Space Mutants are "using" human bodies as disguise. In order to discover who are the real Space Mutants, Bart must use his X-ray Specs.

The ways Bart can get rid of those objects sought by the Space Mutants are numerous. For instance, in the first stage, Bart must get rid of purple objects. He can dye them red, cover them, wash them, etc. Some even involve a little puzzle solving, like playing a trick on Moe to make him get out of the bar.

Bart also has some coins that can be used in many ways throughout the game, like buying things, getting devices operating, etc. Those coins are essential to solve some puzzles in the game.
Espagnol The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants es un juego de plataformas en el que juegas con Bart Simpson, que se lanza a una cruzada contra los mutantes invasores del espacio. Para marcar la diferencia entre los mutantes y los nativos, Bart usa gafas en Rayos X. Salva Springfield y detén la conspiración para destruir la ciudad con un arma secreta.
Français The Simpsons : Bart vs the Space Mutants sur Nes est un jeu de plates-formes dans lequel vous incarnez Bart Simpson qui part en croisade contre les mutants envahisseurs venus de l'espace. Pour faire la part des choses entre les mutants et les simples autochtones, Bart utilise des lunettes àRayons X. Sauvez Springfield et enrayez la conspiration visant à détruire la ville avec une arme secrète.
Italien Bart vs. The Space Mutants è un gioco platform in cui il giocatore interpreta il ruolo di Bart Simpson (dal programma televisivo The Simpsons) e deve impedire agli Space Mutants di invadere Springfield.
In ciascuno dei cinque livelli, Bart deve raccogliere (o sbarazzarsi di) gli ingredienti che gli Space Mutants intendono utilizzare per costruire la loro macchina, come oggetti viola o palloncini. Deve anche raccogliere sufficienti "prove" dell'esistenza degli alieni (monete marroni lasciate quando vengono saltati sopra), così i suoi familiari lo aiuteranno quando incontrerà un capo (personaggi come Nelson e Sideshow Bob). Non sarà facile dato che i mutanti spaziali stanno "usando" corpi umani come travestimento. Per scoprire chi sono i veri mutanti spaziali, Bart deve usare le sue specifiche a raggi X.
Portugais Bart vs. The Space Mutants é um jogo de plataforma em que o jogador assume o papel de Bart Simpson (do programa de TV Os Simpsons) e deve impedir que os Space Mutants invadam Springfield.

Em cada um dos cinco níveis, Bart deve coletar (ou se livrar) dos ingredientes que os Space Mutants planejam usar para construir sua máquina, como objetos roxos ou balões. Ele também tem que coletar "provas" suficientes da existência dos alienígenas (moedas marrons deixadas para trás quando são jogadas), para que seus familiares o ajudem quando ele conhecer um chefe (personagens como Nelson e Sideshow Bob). Isso não será fácil, pois os mutantes espaciais estão "usando" os corpos humanos como disfarce. Para descobrir quem são os verdadeiros mutantes espaciais, Bart deve usar suas especificações de raios-X.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .