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Fatal Fury - First Contact
Fatal Fury - First Contact - Neo-Geo Pocket Color - Console Portable SNK
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Fatal Fury - First Contact
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Garou Densetsu : First Contact
Continent Américain
   USA Fatal Fury : First Contact
Monde Fatal Fury - F-Contact
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Fighting / Versus
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USA 30/04/1999
Japon 27/05/1999
Europe 01/10/1999
Monde 1999
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Allemand Fatal Fury: First Contact ist ein „Pocket-Remix“ von Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, der fast das gesamte ursprüngliche Gameplay, die Charaktere und die Einstellungen beibehält.
First Contact enthält auch einen einzigartigen Charakter: Lao (der Kämpfer, der in der Intro-Animation von RBFF2 eine Niederlage gegen Xiangfei und Rick erlitten hat), nur im VS-Modus spielbar.
Dies ist das zweite Kampfspiel, das speziell für das NGP portiert wurde und uns mit grafischer Qualität und einem beeindruckenden „Chibi-Stil“ belohnt, sowohl was die Sprites als auch das Artwork betrifft.
SNK hat uns hier hervorragende Konvertierungsarbeit geleistet, da wir die gleichen Spielgefühle wie bei RBFF2 beibehalten, die Persönlichkeiten und Bewegungen der Protagonisten nahezu intakt sind und der Übergang in den „Chibi“-Modus gelungen ist.
Anglais Using the world-famous Japanese "SD" (Super-Deformed) artwork style, this is the only title of the Fatal Fury series to be released on SNK's color handheld.

The game is based on its arcade/console counterpart Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers, and has its main characteristics, like the possibility of execute special moves while blocking (a.k.a. Breakshots), the execution of high-strength blows (a.k.a. S. Power and P. Power moves) and the starring of two new combatants (Li Xiangfei and Rick Strowd).

Due to NGPC hardware limitations, some characters have been removed from the main cast (as well as the background/foreground battle plane system). With this, the fighters initially available for this contest are: Andy Bogard, Terry Bogard, Joe Higashi, Mai Shiranui, Kim Kaphwan, Ryuji Yamazaki, Rick Strowd, Li Xiangfei, Billy Kane, Wolfgang Krauser and Geese Howard.
Espagnol Utilizando el famoso estilo de arte japonés "SD" (Super-Deformed) este es el único título de la serie Fatal Fury que se lanzó para la portátil de SNK El juego se basa en su homólogo de arcade/consola Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers. Debido a las limitaciones de hardware de NGPC, algunos personajes han sido eliminados del elenco principal. Con esto, los luchadores inicialmente disponibles para este juego son: Andy Bogard, Terry Bogard, Joe Higashi, Mai Shiranui, Kim Kaphwan, Ryuji Yamazaki, Rick Strowd, Li Xiangfei, Billy Kane, Wolfgang Krauser y Geese Howard.
Français Fatal Fury: First Contact est un "Pocket-Remix" de Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, gardant quasiment l'integralité du gameplay original, les personnages et les decors.
First Contact inclu aussi un personnage unique : Lao (Le combattant qui essui une defaite contre Xiangfei et Rick dans l'animation d'intro de RBFF2), jouable uniquement en mode VS.
C'est le 2eme jeu de combat à etre porté specifiquement pour la NGP et nous gratifie d'une qualité graphique avec un "chibi-style" impressionant, tant au niveau des sprites que des artworks.
SNK nous fourni ici un excellent travail de conversion car on garde les memes sensations de jeu qu'avec RBFF2, les personnalités et coups des protagonistes sont quasi intactes et le passage en mode "chibi" est reussi.
Italien Utilizzando il famoso stile artistico giapponese "SD" (Super-Deformed), questo è l'unico titolo della serie Fatal Fury ad essere rilasciato sul palmare a colori di SNK.
Il gioco è basato sulla sua controparte arcade / console Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers, e ha le sue caratteristiche principali, come la possibilità di eseguire mosse speciali durante il blocco (a.k.a. Breakshots), l'esecuzione di colpi ad alta forza (a.k.a. S. Power e P. Power moves) e la protagonista di due nuovi combattenti (Li Xiangfei e Rick Strowd).
A causa delle limitazioni hardware di NGPC, alcuni personaggi sono stati rimossi dal cast principale (così come dal sistema di sfondo/piano di battaglia in primo piano). Con questo, i combattenti inizialmente disponibili per questo concorso sono: Andy Bogard, Terry Bogard, Joe Higashi, Mai Shiranui, Kim Kaphwan, Ryuji Yamazaki, Rick Strowd, Li Xiangfei, Billy Kane, Wolfgang Krauser e Geese Howard.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .