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Silent Hill
Silent Hill - Playstation - Console Sony
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Silent Hill
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Silent Hill
Continent Américain
   USA Silent Hill
Europe Silent Hill
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Team Silent
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Adventure / Survival Horror
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 31/01/1999
Japon 04/03/1999
Europe 01/08/1999
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Play Mode(s)
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Silent Hill
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Allemand Harry Mason, ein seit vier Jahren verwitweter Schriftsteller, fährt gemeinsam mit seiner siebenjährigen Tochter Cheryl in den Urlaub, den beide auf Wunsch von Cheryl in der Kleinstadt Silent Hill verbringen wollen. Während der nächtlichen Fahrt schreckt er auf, da plötzlich ein junges Mädchen die Straße zu überqueren scheint. Er versucht auszuweichen und fährt in einen Graben, woraufhin er sein Bewusstsein verliert. Als er wieder aufwacht, ist Cheryl spurlos verschwunden. Daraufhin begibt sich Harry in das nahegelegene Silent Hill, um dort nach ihr zu suchen. Als er die Stadt erreicht, stellt er fest, dass diese in Nebel gehüllt ist und dass Monster umherlaufen. Aus Harrys verzweifelter Suche nach seiner verschollenen Tochter wird ein Abenteuer in einer Welt, in der Realität und Traum zu verschwimmen scheinen.
Anglais Silent Hill is a 1999 survival horror video game for the PlayStation. The first in a series about a mysterious town of the same name, Silent Hill generated a direct sequel, three indirect sequels, a prequel and a film adaptation. The game was included in Sony's Greatest Hits and Platinum Range of budget titles as a result of strong sales. A reinterpretation of the game was developed for the Wii, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable.
The plot focuses on Harry Mason as he searches for his daughter, Cheryl, who has disappeared following a car accident which left Harry unconscious. He finds Silent Hill to be largely abandoned, shrouded in a thick fog, snowing out of season, filled with monsters and being over taken by a hellish otherworld. As Harry scours the town, he begins learning about the history of Silent Hill and stumbles upon a cult ritual undertaken to bring a god to Earth.
Espagnol Un joven hombre busca desesperadamente a su hija debatiéndose por sobrevivir en un lugar entre la realidad y el infierno, una ciudad que esconde oscuros y sangrientos secretos. Sigue las pistas de sangre para rescatar a tu querida hija de las garras de un poder infernal. Adéntrate en una dimensión alternativa de la cual no podrás escapar ni siquiera al morir. Bienvenido al maquiavélico mundo de Silent Hill...
Français Un jeune homme à la recherche de sa fille lutte pour survivre dans un monde à cheval entre la réalité et l'enfer, dans une ville renfermant de terribles et sombres secrets. Suivez la trace d'une traînée de sang et passez outre de nombreuses mutilations pour arracher l'être aimé des griffes d'une puissance démoniaque. Entrez dans une autre dimension ou la mort même n'offre aucune échappatoire. Bienvenue dans la folie de Silent Hill...
Italien Silent Hill è un videogioco survival horror del 1999 per PlayStation. Il primo di una serie su una misteriosa città con lo stesso nome, Silent Hill ha generato un sequel diretto, tre sequel indiretti, un prequel e un adattamento cinematografico. Il gioco è stato incluso nei titoli economici di Sony Greatest Hits e Platinum Range come risultato delle forti vendite. Una reinterpretazione del gioco è stata sviluppata per Wii, PlayStation 2 e PlayStation Portable.
La trama si concentra su Harry Mason mentre cerca sua figlia, Cheryl, che è scomparsa in seguito a un incidente d'auto che ha lasciato Harry privo di sensi. Scopre che Silent Hill è in gran parte abbandonato, avvolto da una fitta nebbia, nevica fuori stagione, pieno di mostri e preso da un infernale ultraterreno. Mentre esplora la città, Harry inizia a conoscere la storia di Silent Hill e si imbatte in un rituale di culto intrapreso per portare un dio sulla Terra.
Portugais Silent Hill é um horror de sobrevivência para Playstation. Você joga com Harry Mason e acaba de chegar na pequena cidade de Silent Hill a bordo do seu 4x4 e da sua filha Cheryl. No meio da noite, um acidente interrompe a viagem da família. Você acorda em seu carro, Cheryl some e um estranho cenário de neblina cobre a vila. Uma vila completamente infestada de criaturas magras e faminta por carne fresca.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .