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Asterix And The Power Of The Gods
Asterix And The Power Of The Gods - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Asterix And The Power Of The Gods
Game name (by Region)
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Europe Astérix and the Power of the Gods
   France Astérix et le Pouvoir des Dieux
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France 1995
USA 1995
Europe 01/04/1995
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Allemand Cäsars Truppen haben das legendäre Schild von Vercingetorix gestohlen, und es ist die Mission von Asterix und Obelix ihn zurück in ihr gallisches Dorf zu bringen. Spiele dich als Asterix oder als Obelix durch über 20 Level. Deine Reise führt dich über Lutetia, Ägypten, Alexandria und Mesopotamien bis nach Rom!
Anglais Based on the French comics series Asterix. Asterix and Obelix are great warriors of Gaul (today's France), that was conquered by the Roman Empire 50 B.C. Vercingetorix, the great leader of the Gauls, was defeated by Julius Caesar, and lost his shield to him. Now it's up to Asterix to recover this shield from the Romans!

In this platform game, you guide Asterix through various levels. You can move on an isometric overview map to access different locations. You can jump, run, and defeat your enemies by spinning and hitting them. There is a variety of items to collect and obstacles to overcome.
Espagnol Las fuerzas de Cesar el Emperador han robado el legendario escudo de Vercingetorix. Asterix, con la ayuda de su compañero Obelix, tiene la misión de devolverlo al pueblo galo. Puedes elegir entre Asterix u Obelix para recorrer más de 20 niveles y lugares como Lutetia, Egipto, Alexandria y Mesopotamia hasta llegar a Roma.
Français Astérix et le Pouvoir des Dieux est un jeu de plates-formes sur Megadrive. Guidez Astérix et Obélix à travers les différents niveaux du jeu. Sautez, courez et mettez des baffes aux Romains qui croisent votre route ! Il y a plusieurs bonus à ramasser en chemin le long des niveaux venant tout droit de l'univers du Gaulois le plus célèbre de la planète.
Italien Basato sulla serie di fumetti francesi Asterix. Asterix e Obelix sono grandi guerrieri della Gallia (l'odierna Francia), che fu conquistata dall'Impero Romano nel 50 a.C. Vercingetorige, il grande capo dei Galli, fu sconfitto da Giulio Cesare e perse il suo scudo per lui. Ora tocca ad Asterix recuperare questo scudo dai romani!
In questo gioco platform, guidi Asterix attraverso vari livelli. Puoi spostarti su una mappa panoramica isometrica per accedere a diverse posizioni. Puoi saltare, correre e sconfiggere i tuoi nemici girandoli e colpendoli. C'è una varietà di oggetti da raccogliere e ostacoli da superare.
Portugais Com base na série de quadrinhos francesa Asterix. Asterix e Obelix são grandes guerreiros da Gália (atual França), que foi conquistada pelo Império Romano 50 aC Vercingetórix, o grande líder dos gauleses, foi derrotado por Júlio César, e perdeu seu escudo pra ele. Agora cabe a Asterix recuperar este escudo dos romanos!

Neste jogo de plataforma, você guia Asterix através de várias fases. Você pode se mover em um mapa de visão geral isométrica para acessar diferentes locais. Você pode pular, correr e derrotar seus inimigos girando e batendo neles. Há uma variedade de itens a serem coletados e obstáculos a superar.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .