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Mercenary 3 - The Dion Crisis
Mercenary 3 - The Dion Crisis - Amiga - Ordinateur Commodore
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Mercenary 3 - The Dion Crisis
Game name (by Region)
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Europe Mercenary III : The Dion Crisis
Monde Mercenary III - The Dion Crisis
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Action / Adventure
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Europe 1992
Monde 1991
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Allemand In diesem dritten Teil der Mercenary-Reihe musst du innerhalb von 24 Stunden so viel Geld wie möglich verdienen. Du besuchst die Orte des Sonnensystems mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln oder findest deinen alten Sternengleiter. Ein Teleportationssystem beschleunigt die Erkundung. Zunächst beeindruckt die Größe des zugänglichen Gebiets, doch bald entdeckst du einzelne Aufgaben, die dir Geld einbringen. Die Gebäude sind gut gestaltet, jedoch weit auseinander, sodass große leere Flächen entstehen, was das Laufen zwischen ihnen überflüssig macht. Anders als in anderen Abenteuern gibt es mehrere Wege zum Spielabschluss, was die Erfolgschancen erhöht. Die Grafik läuft schnell auf einem leistungsstarken Amiga, was das Spielvergnügen steigert. Deine Position kann jederzeit auf einem von 10 Slots gespeichert werden. Das Gameplay ist ein Gewinner, etwas langsam für Hardcore-Arcade-Fans, aber ideal für Rätselliebhaber. Es ist das, was der virtuellen Realität auf dem Amiga am nächsten kommt.
Anglais In this third part of the Mercenary series you have to enlarge your previous success by getting as much money as you can within 24 hours. To do this you visit the locations of that solar system with either some public transport, or you also can find your old star glider. There is also a teleportation system, which speeds things up. Initially you are struck by the size of the accessible area, but eventually you explore the area and you find single tasks, the completion of which
brings you money.

The buildings are nicely constructed, although a bit distant from each other, so there are large areas of nothing, but on the other hand you don't need to walk between them. Unlike in other adventures there's not only one way to complete the game, so your chances of solving it is increased significantly. The graphics are reasonably fast on a powerful Amiga, so it's really fun to play it if you get into it. The position of your game can be saved every time on one of the 10 slots.

As far as gameplay goes though, it's a winner. Perhaps a bit too slow moving for hard-bitten arcade fans, but for those who like to ponder over problems rather than leaping in feet first all guns blazing, it's the closest you're going to get to virtual reality on your Amiga. And it's a damn sight more interesting as well. A large, bulging sack of gorgeousness.
Français Après le succès de l'opération Damoclès (dans Mercenary II: Damocles), et la catastrophe évitée, les peuples du système solaire Gamma ont repris une existence paisible, de commerce, de politique et de plaisir.
Vous vous étiez retiré du monde mais à votre retour, vous constatez que tout ne va pas si bien que cela: un personnage sinistre a pris de l'importance - l'énigmatique P C Bil. Vous décelez sous ses airs de bienveillance une ambition démesurée qu'il vous faudra réprimer!
Mercenary 3 - The Dion Crisis est le dernier volet de la trilogie Mercenary.
Italien In questa terza parte della serie Mercenary devi aumentare il tuo precedente successo ottenendo più soldi che puoi entro 24 ore. Per fare questo visiti le posizioni di quel sistema solare con dei mezzi pubblici, oppure puoi anche trovare il tuo vecchio aliante stellare. C'è anche un sistema di teletrasporto, che accelera le cose. Inizialmente si rimane colpiti dalle dimensioni dell'area accessibile, ma alla fine si esplora l'area e si trovano singoli compiti, il cui completamento
ti porta i soldi.
Portugais Nesta terceira parte da série Mercenary, você tem que ampliar seu sucesso anterior obtendo o máximo de dinheiro possível dentro de 24 horas. Para fazer isso, você visita os locais daquele sistema solar com algum transporte público, ou você também pode encontrar seu velho planador estelar. Há também um sistema de teletransporte, que acelera as coisas. Inicialmente você fica impressionado com o tamanho da área acessível, mas eventualmente você explora a área e encontra tarefas únicas, cuja conclusão é lhe traz dinheiro.

Os edifícios são bem construídos, embora um pouco distantes uns dos outros, de modo que há grandes áreas de nada, mas por outro lado não é preciso caminhar entre eles. Ao contrário de outras aventuras, não há apenas uma maneira de completar o jogo, portanto suas chances de resolvê-lo aumentam significativamente. Os gráficos são razoavelmente rápidos em um poderoso Amiga, então é realmente divertido jogá-lo se você entrar nele. A posição de seu jogo pode ser salva toda vez em um dos 10 slots.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .