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Espn Speedworld
Espn Speedworld - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Espn Speedworld
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Continent Américain
   USA ESPN Speed World
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Park Place Productions
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Racing, Driving
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USA 1994
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Allemand ESPN Speed World ist ein typisches Rennspiel, das der NASCAR nachempfunden ist. Der Spieler erhält einen Serienwagen und kann ihn vom Winkel des Spoilers über die Einstellung der Stoßdämpfer bis hin zum Reifendruck tunen.
nnEs gibt drei verschiedene Arten von Speedways: Super Speedway, Short Track und Road Courses mit 5 verschiedenen Strecken zur Auswahl. Die Spieler können entweder gegen den Computer antreten, der alle 23 anderen Stock Cars gleichzeitig auf der Strecke hat, oder in einem geteilten Bildschirm gegen einen Freund spielen.
Anglais ESPN Speed World is a generic racing game that is made to resemble NASCAR. The player is given a stock car and can tune the car from the angle of the spoiler, to the setting of the shocks, and up to the pressure of the tires.

There are three different types of speedways to race on: Super Speedway, Short Track and Road Courses with 5 different tracks for each to choose from. Players can choose to race against the computer that has all 23 other stock cars on the track at once or play head-to-head on a split screen against a friend.

It also featured realistic driving physics. While it didn't have a NASCAR license, it did have ESPN which broadcasted the races and had NASCAR analyst, Dr. Jerry Punch, who lent his voice to the game for the color commentary.
Espagnol ESPN Speed ??World es un juego de carreras genérico que se hace para parecerse a NASCAR. Al jugador se le da un auto stock y puede ajustar el auto desde, el ángulo del spoiler, el ajuste de los golpes y hasta la presión de los neumáticos. Hay tres tipos diferentes de carreras para competir en: Super Speedway, Short Track y Road Courses con 5 pistas diferentes para cada una. Los jugadores pueden optar por competir contra la computadora que tiene los 23 otros stock cars en la pista a la vez o jugar cara a cara en una pantalla dividida contra un amigo. También presentó física de conducción realista. Si bien no tenía una licencia de NASCAR, sí tenía a ESPN que transmitía las carreras y tenía al analista de NASCAR, el Dr. Jerry Punch, quien prestó su voz al juego para el comentario en color.
Français ESPN Speed World est un jeu vidéo de course sorti en 1994 sur Mega Drive et Super Nintendo. Le jeu a été développé et édité par Sony Imagesoft.
Italien ESPN Speed World è un gioco di corse generico creato per assomigliare a NASCAR. Al giocatore viene data una stock car e può mettere a punto l'auto dall'angolo dello spoiler, all'impostazione degli ammortizzatori e fino alla pressione delle gomme.

Ci sono tre diversi tipi di speedway su cui correre: Super Speedway, Short Track e Road Courses con 5 diversi tracciati tra cui scegliere. I giocatori possono scegliere di gareggiare contro il computer che ha tutte e 23 le altre stock car in pista contemporaneamente o giocare testa a testa su uno schermo diviso contro un amico.
Portugais Neste jogo de corrida com a licença ESPN, o jogador será apresentado ao universo da NASCAR Racing, podendo escolher um dentre 24 pilotos fictícios para disputar provas em três modos diferentes: Super Speedway, Short Track e Road Courses, sendo 5 pistas diferentes para cada um desses modos. As corridas são realísticas no que diz respeito à física e é essencial fazer a configuração da suspensão, do ângulo do spoiler e da pressão dos pneus antes de cada prova.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .