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Burai - Yatsudama No Yuushi Densetsu
Burai - Yatsudama No Yuushi Densetsu - PC Engine CD-Rom - Console
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Burai - Yatsudama No Yuushi Densetsu
Game name (by Region)
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Monde Burai - Yatsudama No Yuushi Densetsu
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Japanese RPG
Role Playing Game
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Asie 06/08/1991
Japon 06/08/1991
Languages Information Proposed by
Anglais Before the eight heroes unite for their ultimate journey, you play their introductory stories. You travel on the world map, visiting towns and dungeons on your way. The combat is turn-based, viewed from first person perspective. Enemies appear randomly. Each hero has his/her own unique techniques to use in battles.

The story and general gameplay of Burai: Hachigyoku no Y?shi Densetsu is similar to those of the original Burai: J?kan for computers; however, the console versions were developed from scratch and therefore differ greatly from the computer ones, having new cutscenes, dialogues, battle interface, etc. Perhaps the most important difference gameplay-wise is the linear nature of chapters. In the computer versions, the player can choose to start as any of the eight selectable heroes; in the console versions, the player has to start with Gonza and Maimai.
Espagnol Burai - Yatsudama No Yuushi Densetsu es un juego de rol.
Antes de que los ocho héroes se unan para su último viaje, juegas sus historias introductorias. Viajas en el mapa mundial, visitando ciudades y mazmorras. Las peleas se basan en turnos. Los enemigos aparecen al azar. Cada héroe tiene sus propias técnicas únicas para usar en las batallas.
Français Burai - Yatsudama No Yuushi Densetsu est un RPG.
Avant que les huit héros ne s'unissent pour leur voyage ultime, vous jouez leurs histoires d'introduction. Vous voyagez sur la carte du monde, visitant des villes et des cachots. Les combats sont basés sur le tour par tour. Les ennemis apparaissent au hasard. Chaque héros a ses propres techniques uniques à utiliser dans les batailles.
Italien Prima che gli otto eroi si uniscano per il loro ultimo viaggio, tu interpreti le loro storie introduttive. Viaggi sulla mappa del mondo, visitando città e dungeon lungo la tua strada. Il combattimento è a turni, visto da una prospettiva in prima persona. I nemici appaiono casualmente. Ogni eroe ha le sue tecniche uniche da usare nelle battaglie.
nnLa storia e il gameplay generale di Burai: Hachigyoku no Yōshi Densetsu sono simili a quelli dell'originale Burai: Jōkan per computer; tuttavia, le versioni per console sono state sviluppate da zero e quindi differiscono notevolmente da quelle per computer, avendo nuovi filmati, dialoghi, interfaccia di battaglia, ecc. Forse la differenza più importante dal punto di vista del gameplay è la natura lineare dei capitoli. Nelle versioni per computer, il giocatore può scegliere di iniziare come uno qualsiasi degli otto eroi selezionabili; nelle versioni console, il giocatore deve iniziare con Gonza e Maimai.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .