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Pokemon Omega Ruby
Pokemon Omega Ruby - Nintendo 3DS - Console Portable Nintendo
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Pokemon Omega Ruby
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Pocket Monsters Omega Ruby
Continent Américain
   USA Pokémon Omega Ruby
Europe Pokémon Omega Ruby
   Allemagne Pokémon Omega Rubin
   Espagne Pokémon Rubí Omega
   France Pokémon Rubis Oméga
   Italie Pokémon Rubino Omega
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JV:+7 ans
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Role Playing Game
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 28/11/2014
USA 20/11/2014
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Allemand Mach dich auf ein episches Abenteuer gefasst und erkunde in Pokémon Omega Rubin für die Nintendo 3DS-Systemfamilie eine Welt voller Pokémon. Dein Abenteuer findet in Hoenn statt, einer Region, die aus einer Hauptinsel besteht, die sich weit von Osten nach Westen erstreckt, zusammen mit zahllosen kleinen Inseln, die das tiefblaue Meer um sie herum übersäen. Im Herzen dieser grünbedeckten Insel brodelt ständig ein lebendiger Vulkan. Freuen Sie sich auf eine Region, die reich an natürlicher Schönheit, einer Vielzahl von Pokémon und außergewöhnlichen Menschen ist! Während deiner Reise durch Hoenn kannst du deine persönliche Super-Geheimbasis bauen und Freunde einladen, sie zu besuchen! Gestalte deine Geheimbasis selbst, indem du Dekorationen auswählst und platzierst, wie es dir gefällt. Du kannst die Super-Geheimbasen auch für ein Capture-the-Flag-Spiel verwenden. Halte Team Magma davon ab, das Legendäre Pokémon Groudon zu jagen. Halte auch Ausschau nach Alpha Saphir und allen neuen Mega-Entwicklungen.
Anglais In this enhanced remake of Pokémon Ruby Version, players travel throughout the Hoenn region on a journey to become a Pokémon Master. Like the original, the goal is to challenge the eight Pokémon Gyms of the Hoenn League and earn badges from their Gym Leaders, then take on the Elite Four and the Champion. However, the world is endangered when the villainous Team Magma tries to expand the continents by resurrecting the ancient Legendary Pokémon Groudon.

Aside from technical upgrades, the game is drastically changed in certain aspects. The Hoenn Pokédex is changed to add the evolutionary relatives of Pokémon from its original incarnation. Some Pokédex entries are also changed. Mega Evolution plays a major part of the storyline, and a new form change is introduced in the form of Primal Reversion, exclusive to Groudon and Kyogre. Some characters have had major redesigns in terms of appearance. Instead of roaming Hoenn after defeating the Champion as in the original, Latios automatically joins the player's party after summoning the player Southern Island. Latios can be used to soar through the skies of Hoenn, taking the player to locations known as Mirage Spots that cannot be reached otherwise. Pokémon Contests return under the name "Contest Spectacular" and have some new mechanics, while the basic format is largely the same.

After the main story, a new chapter called the Delta Episode is unlocked, allowing the player to once again save Hoenn from disaster. Finally, the Battle Tower is replaced by the Battle Resort, which features tough Trainers as well as a replica of the Battle Maison from Pokémon X and Y.
Espagnol En esta nueva versión mejorada de Pokémon Ruby Version, los jugadores viajan por la región de Hoenn en un viaje para convertirse en Pokémon Master. Al igual que el original, el objetivo es desafiar a los ocho gimnasios Pokémon de la Liga Hoenn y ganar insignias de sus líderes de gimnasios, luego enfrentarse al Elite Four y al Campeón. Sin embargo, el mundo está en peligro cuando el villano Team Magma intenta expandir los continentes resucitando al antiguo Pokémon legendario Groudon. Aparte de las actualizaciones técnicas, el juego cambia drásticamente en ciertos aspectos. La Pokédex de Hoenn se cambia para agregar los parientes evolutivos de Pokémon de su encarnación original.
Français Pokémon Rubis Omega est un jeu de rôle disponible sur 3DS. Remake de la version Rubis sortie sur Game Boy Advance, cet épisode reprend les Méga-Evolutions et une partie de l'interface de Pokémon X et Y pour vous offrir une version revue de la région de Hoenn. Vous pourrez également parcourir librement les cieux à dos de Pokémon et explorer les bases secrètes de vos amis.
Italien Pokémon Rubino Omega e Pokémon Zaffiro Alpha sono una coppia di videogiochi RPG della serie Pokémon sviluppati da Game Freak per Nintendo 3DS. Pubblicati nel novembre 2014, i titoli costituiscono i remake dei videogiochi Pokémon Rubino e Zaffiro per Game Boy Advance distribuiti in Giappone nel 2002.
Nei videogiochi sono nuovamente presenti le basi segrete, già introdotte nei titoli della terza generazione.[6] Sono stati aggiunti personaggi non giocanti assenti in Rubino e Zaffiro, come Iperio, che possiede un esemplare di Flygon, e Orthilla, che si esibisce alle Gare Pokémon con un Altaria. Sono inoltre presenti il Poké io&te e il Super Allenamento Virtuale, già presenti in Pokémon X e Y, che vengono integrati nel Multi PokéNav, evoluzione del PokéNav introdotto nelle versioni Rubino e Zaffiro.
Portugais Durante a tua aventura, combaterás Team Magma em Pokémon Omega Ruby e Team Aqua em Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Team Magma procura aumentar a terra, enquanto a Team Aqua pretende aumentar os mares. Para concretizar estes grandes planos, cada um deles irá recorrer ao poder de um Legendary Pokémon: Groudon ou Kyogre. O Team Magma persegue o Groudon, enquanto o Team Aqua persegue o Kyogre. O que poderia estar a levá-los a tais distâncias?
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .