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S.a.c. Alert
S.a.c. Alert - Atari 2600 - Console Atari
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Monde 1983
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Allemand S.A.C. Alert (S.A.C. steht für Strategic Air Command) ist der vollständigste der fünf aufgetauchten Amiga-Prototypen, leider ist er auch am uninteressantesten, da er dem M-Network-Spiel Air Raiders ziemlich ähnlich ist.
Nachdem Sie „Auswählen“ gedrückt haben, um zwischen einer Boden- oder einer Seemission zu wählen (der einzige Unterschied besteht in der Farbe des „Bodens“ und der Art der Feinde, denen Sie begegnen), wird Ihnen gezeigt, wie Sie auf der wohl kürzesten Landebahn in der Geschichte der Videospiele starten . Sobald Sie in der Luft sind, müssen Sie sowohl auf Luft- als auch auf Boden-/Seeziele schießen. Natürlich werden die feindlichen Ziele auf Sie zurückschießen, daher müssen Sie auch den ankommenden Kugeln ausweichen.
Anglais S.A.C. Alert (S.A.C. standing for Strategic Air Command) is the most complete of the five Amiga prototypes that have turned up, unfortunately it is also most uninteresting being quite similar to the M-Network game Air Raiders.
After pressing select to choose between a ground or sea mission (the only difference being the color of the ?ground' and the type of enemies you encounter) you will be shown taking off on what has to be the shortest runway in the history of videogames. Once you are in the air you must shoot at both air and ground/sea targets. Of course the enemy targets will be shooting back at you, so you must dodge incoming bullets as well.
You start the game with three planes and 99 units of fuel. Fuel acts like a timer in this game, and you will crash if it runs out. In addition to a fuel gauge you also have altimeter showing how high above the ground you are (0 to 50). Being higher lets you shoot down planes, while being lower lets you shoot ground targets). Be careful though, if your altitude hits zero the ground will turn black and you will crash after a few seconds. There are also two warning lights on either side of the status bar, these lights will alert you to different dangers. They will flash red if you are too low to the ground (under 9), yellow if you're running low on fuel (under 20), and orange if you've taken heavy damage.
There are three types of enemies in the game. Planes patrol the air and will swoop towards you, fire, and run off. Taking these guys out is easiest when they're doing their swooping motion as they'll present the biggest target. In addition to planes there are anti-aircraft guns (land) and destroyers (sea) that appear at the beginning of the game, but won't actually start firing at you until the third mission. If you've taken too many damage you can attempt to land for repairs. To land you need to fly low and look for either a runway (land) or carrier (sea) and line up with it. Once you're low enough and lined up with the runway, pull up to land. It take a bit of getting used to, but it's not that hard after a few times. Once you've lost all your lives you will be given a final ranking (crew, pilot, or ace) and rated on your performance (0-9).
Interestingly it appears that S.A.C. Alert was designed with the Joyboard controller in mind. The Joyboard was an odd controller Amiga developed where the player stood on a plastic board that was supported on a little suction cup that stuck to the floor. The idea was that the player would balance themselves and lean in the direction they wanted the character to move. This worked far better in concept than in reality and makes most games impossible to play, even those designed for the Joyboard itself. S.A.C. Alert is no different in this regard so it is not recommended that you break out the Joyboard, regardless of what the prototype box artwork says. Either the playtesters at Amiga had super human reflexes and balance, or they were just masochists.
Portugais SAC. Alert (S.A.C. significa Strategic Air Command) é o mais completo dos cinco protótipos do Amiga que surgiram, infelizmente também é muito desinteressante por ser bastante semelhante ao jogo Air Raiders da M-Network.
Depois de pressionar selecionar para escolher entre uma missão terrestre ou marítima (a única diferença é a cor do? Solo 'e o tipo de inimigos que você encontra), você será mostrado decolando naquela que deve ser a pista mais curta da história dos videogames . Uma vez no ar, você deve atirar em alvos aéreos e terrestres / marítimos. É claro que os alvos inimigos estarão atirando de volta em você, então você também deve se esquivar das balas.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .