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Sly 3 - Honour Among Thieves
Sly 3 - Honour Among Thieves - Playstation 2 - Console Sony
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Sly 3 - Honour Among Thieves
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Continent Américain
   USA Sly 3 : Honor Among Thieves
Europe Sly 3 : Honour Among Thieves
   France Sly 3
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JV:+3 ans
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France 18/11/2005
USA 26/09/2005
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Sly Cooper
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Allemand Sly 3 auf PS2 ist ein Spiel, das Action, Plattformen und Infiltration vereint. Sie spielen die drei Freunde Sly, Murray und Bentley, die mit dem Ziel in den Dienst zurückkehren, den größten Raubüberfall des Jahrhunderts zu begehen. Spielen Sie abwechselnd die drei Diebe, aber auch neue Charaktere, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen, ohne sich von der Polizei und den großen Geschützen der Unterwelt täuschen zu lassen.
Anglais Sly and the gang is back in this third outing of Sly Raccoon-series. This time, the story takes the boys (Sly, Bentley and Murray) to the fortress that houses the treasures of Sly's family. Although they are still weary from the adventures in the previous game, they have to get up and face the new threat that could mean the end of Sly's business and the loss of his family heritage. The game itself is a lot like the previous games: Sly sneaks, jumps, and swings himself around the levels, collecting various items, defeating bad guys and ultimately taking on the boss character. The other members of the gang step in on the action once in a while but the Sly centric sections are the main focus of the game. If you like games that had many things to do, this sneak-em-up/platform/action/adventure/puzzle game is for you.
Espagnol Sly y compañía están de vuelta en esta tercera entrega de la serie. Esta vez, la historia lleva a los chicos (Sly, Bentley y Murray) a la fortaleza que alberga los tesoros de la familia de Sly. Aunque todavía están cansados ​​de las aventuras del juego anterior, deben levantarse y enfrentar la nueva amenaza que podría significar el fin del negocio de Sly y la pérdida de su herencia familiar. El juego en sí es muy parecido a los anteriores: Sly es sigiloso, salta y se balancea por los niveles, recolecta objetos, derrota a los malos y, en última instancia, se enfrenta al jefe principal. Los otros miembros de la pandilla intervienen en la acción de vez en cuando, pero las secciones centradas en Sly son el foco principal del juego.
Français Sly 3 sur PS2 est un jeu mêlant action, plates-formes et infiltration. Vous incarnez les trois compères Sly, Murray et Bentley, qui reprennent du service dans le but de réaliser le plus gros casse du siècle. Incarnez tour à tour les trois larrons, mais aussi de nouveaux personnages, pour parvenir à vos fins sans vous faire avoir par la police et les gros bras de la pègre.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .