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Dragon Ball - Shen Long No Nazo
Dragon Ball - Shen Long No Nazo - NES - Console Nintendo
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Dragon Ball - Shen Long No Nazo
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Dragon Ball : Shen Long no Nazo
Continent Américain
   USA Dragon Power
   France Dragon Ball : Le Secret du Dragon
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 1988
USA 01/03/1988
Japon 27/11/1986
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Dragon Ball: The Secret of the Dragon auf Nes ist ein Abenteuer/Action-Spiel, in dem Sie den jungen Son Goku in Begleitung von Bulma auf der Suche nach den sieben Dragonballs spielen. Die Storyline folgt mehr oder weniger dem Originalszenario durch zehn Levels, die mit Bosskämpfen durchsetzt sind. Das Spiel ist in zwei Teile unterteilt, nach sechs Leveln beginnt eine zweite Quest.
Anglais Dragon Power is an action-adventure game developed and published by Bandai for the Nintendo Entertainment System on March 3, 1988. It is a heavily localized version of the Japanese game Dragon Ball: Shenron no Nazo (translated to Dragon Ball: Mystery of the Dragon God), originally released on November 27, 1986. Although some of the European releases retain the Dragon Ball assets (under the title Dragon Ball), the North American release removes most references to the franchise. The game follows the first two volumes of the Dragon Ball manga, as the young monkey-tailed boy Goku (along with his teenage friend, Bulma, known in the North American version as Nora), embark on a quest to find all seven Dragon Balls (Crystal Balls in the NA version), in which it is believed that collecting them grants the user any wish they desire. Along the way, they encounter various characters, including turtle hermit Master Roshi (Hermit in the NA version), shapeshifting anthropomorphic pig Oolong (Pudgy in the NA version) and desert bandit Yamcha (Lancer in the NA version).
Espagnol Goku y Nora (Bulma) están en una búsqueda para encontrar siete bolas de cristal. Al encontrar todas estas bolas de cristal, el emperador dragón les concederá un deseo. No será fácil, sin embargo, hay rumores de un misterioso ejército que también está en busca de ellas.

Dragon Power es un juego basado en el anime Dragon Ball en Japón (aunque se pierde una gran cantidad de ella en la traducción). Goku puede saltar, atacar o lanzar una ola de viento de gran alcance para detener a sus enemigos. Gran parte del juego es con una vista desde arriba, aunque de vez en cuando Goku tendrá que luchar en una vista lateral. Los diferentes power-ups aumentarán sus poderes y técnicas, dejando que las habilidades más fuertes florezcan.
Français Dragon Ball : Le Secret du Dragon sur Nes est un jeu d'aventure/action dans lequel vous incarnez le jeune Sangoku accompagné de Bulma à la recherche des sept boules de cristal. La trame reprend plus ou moins le scénario original à travers dix niveaux entrecoupés de combats avec des boss. Le jeu est découpé en deux parties, au bout de six niveaux, une seconde quête démarre.
Italien Dragon Power è un gioco di azione e avventura sviluppato e pubblicato da Bandai per Nintendo Entertainment System il 3 marzo 1988. È una versione fortemente localizzata del gioco giapponese Dragon Ball: Shenron no Nazo (tradotto in Dragon Ball: Mystery of the Dragon God), originariamente pubblicato il 27 novembre 1986. Sebbene alcune delle versioni europee conservino le risorse di Dragon Ball (con il titolo Dragon Ball), la versione nordamericana rimuove la maggior parte dei riferimenti al franchise. Il gioco segue i primi due volumi del manga di Dragon Ball, quando il giovane ragazzo dalla coda di scimmia Goku (insieme alla sua amica adolescente, Bulma, conosciuta nella versione nordamericana come Nora), intraprende una ricerca per trovare tutte e sette le Sfere del Drago (Crystal Balls nella versione NA), in cui si ritiene che collezionarle esaudisce all'utente qualsiasi desiderio desideri.
Portugais Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo do Nes é um jogo de aventura / ação no qual você interpreta o jovem Son Goku acompanhado por Bulma em busca das sete esferas do dragão. O trama nos leva mais ou menos o cenário original através de dez níveis intercalados com batalhas com chefes. O jogo é dividido em duas partes, após seis níveis, uma segunda missão começa.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .