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Wolfenstein 3d
Wolfenstein 3d - PC Dos - Ordinateur Microsoft
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Wolfenstein 3d
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Monde Wolfenstein 3D
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Shooter / FPV
Release date(s)
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Monde 1992
USA 05/05/1992
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Allemand Die Handlung von Wolfenstein 3D dreht sich um den fiktiven amerikanischen Soldaten polnischer Herkunft William "B.J." Blazkowicz. Er muss sich aus seiner Nazi-Gefangenschaft auf der Burg Wolfenstein befreien. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, muss sich der Spieler seinen Weg durch verschiedene Ebenen des Gebäudes freikämpfen.

Als Widersacher treten dem Spieler Wehrmachtssoldaten, SS-Männer und deutsche Schäferhunde entgegen, in späteren Missionen muss man sich jedoch auch mit Gegnern wie Zombies herumschlagen. Als Endgegner haben beispielsweise Adolf Hitler im Mech-Anzug oder ein Raketen schießender General Fettgesicht ihren Auftritt.
Anglais The first three episodes of the game focus on William "B.J." Blazkowicz's attempts to escape from Castle Wolfenstein and overthrow the Nazi regime.

In the first episode, Escape from Castle Wolfenstein, B.J., an Allied spy, has been captured while trying to find the plans for Operation Eisenfaust, and was imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein. Initially armed only with a knife and a Walther P38 (obtained by overpowering the guard in his cell), B.J. tries to escape the castle prison. Taking on SS guards, he eventually finds himself face to face with head prison guard Hans Grosse.

In the second episode, Operation: Eisenfaust, B.J. finds out that the operation is real, and that Nazis are creating an army of undead mutants in Castle Hollehammer. B.J. enters the castle and confronts the mad scientist Dr. Schabbs, creator of the mutants. His defeat signals the end of this biological war.

Die, Führer, Die! is, chronologically, the final episode. Fighting through Nazi soldiers, and attacking the bunker under the Reichstag, he finds himself up against Adolf Hitler himself (equipped with a robotic suit and 4 Gatling guns).
Espagnol En Wolfenstein 3D el jugador es William "B.J." Blazkowicz, un espía estadounidense intentando escapar de la fortaleza nazi en la cual se encuentra prisionero. Esta fortaleza está llena de guardias armados y de perros entrenados para el ataque. El edificio tiene un gran número de cuartos secretos que contienen tesoros, raciones de alimentos y botiquines de primeros auxilios, al igual que diferentes tipos de armas y municiones, todo lo cual ayudará al jugador a lograr su objetivo.

Primero debe eliminar al Superhombre nazi de Hitler, Hans Grosse, y escapar de la prisión de Wolfenstein.
Luego, ir al subterráneo del Castillo Hollenhammer, matar al Dr. Schabbs y robar los planos para la operación Eisenfaust, que planea hacer una armada de mutantes perfectos para el Führer. Después, ir al búnker de Hitler en el Reichstag y destruir al Führer.
Français Wolfenstein nous plonge dans la peau du soldat Blazkowicz, capturé par les nazis et qui doit alors tout mettre en oeuvre pour s'échapper d'un gigantesque manoir. L'histoire, découpée en six étapes, reste très concise et sert de prétexte à l'exploration des niveaux du jeu. Le but étant simplement d'aller d'un point à un autre en zigouillant dans la joie et la bonne humeur la horde de soldats nazis qui ne manqueront pas de vous barrer la route. Le scénario nous proposera tout de même l'honneur suprême de mettre fin à la vie du Führer.
Portugais Em Wolfenstein 3D, o jogo é visto pelo ponto de vista do protagonista William "B.J." Blazkowicz. O jogador circula pelos labirínticos níveis em busca de um elevador que serve de saída, matando inimigos com um arsenal de quatro armas (uma pistola, uma metralhadora, uma metralhadora giratória e uma Faca). Itens incluem comida e kit de primeiros socorros para restaurar saúde, chaves para abrir portas trancadas, e tesouros para acumular pontos. O jogador tem até 9 vidas (encontradas pelos níveis e conseguidas acumulando 40,000 pontos), e se morrer recomeça o nível com apenas uma pistola e oito balas. Certas paredes quando pressionadas com o botão de abrir portas revelam passagens escondidas, normalmente com itens mas também levando a fases secretas (uma em cada episódio - a do episódio 3 é uma paródia de Pac-Man).
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .