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Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love For Sail!
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love For Sail! - ScummVM - Machine Virtuelle
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love For Sail!
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Allemagne Leisure Suit Larry 7: Yacht nach Liebe!
   France Leisure Suit Larry 7 : Drague en Haute Mer !
Monde Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love For Sail!
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Adventure / Point and Click
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 31/10/1996
Europe 31/12/1996
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Allemand Mit welchem Resultat platzt ein Möchtegern-Macho der Weltklasse mitten in ein Kreuzfahrtschiff voller umwerfender Frauen? Ergibt das schrillen Slapstick? Schmachtende Schmollmünder am laufenden Band? Eine neue Folge vom Schaumschiff? All das und noch viel mehr - um genau zu sein, das Spiel, das Sie gerade in Händen halten: Leisure Suit Larry in Yacht nach Liebe! Al Lowes Sinn für Humor dampft auf dieser Reise mit voller Kraft voraus und liefert Ihnen das neueste Kapitel der Miss-Abenteuer aus dem Fettnapf-Leben des beliebtesten Software-Losers aller Zeiten ins Haus. Und dabei geht's nicht nur sehr feucht, sondern auch sehr fröhlich zu!
Anglais Will Larry hit bottom or dock his little dinghy? Drop a world-class lounge lizard onto a cruise ship filled with gorgeous women and what do you get? Side-splitting slapstick? A bawdy bevy of beauties? The Lust Boat? Actually, youve got it right in your hands! Its Leisure Suit Larry in Love for Sail! This trip, Al Lowe sets his wacky sense of humor to full speed ahead in the latest, greatest chapter in the hapless, hopeless life of softwares best-loved loser. Its nautical, but nice!

While believing hed spend the best night of his life in La Costa Lotta with the ultra delicious babe of Leisure Suit Larry 6, Shamara reveals herself to be turned on be only one thing: money. Leaving Larry, handcuffed on the bed and with a cigaret in his mouth, the penthouse soon catches fire. After a miraculous escape, involving a jump from the 40th floor, Larry had just about enough and decides to go on a cruise on the PMS Bouncy. The cruise ship has a weekly contest, involving various games ranging from a cooking competition to a best-dressed competition and even a sexual performance competition. The big prize? Spending a week under the hot curvy captain in her cabin. Of course Larry wants the big prize, and hell win it too, even if he has to cheat and trick other beautiful babes into eh... improving his performance.
Espagnol En Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail!, el incombustible Larry Laffer vuelve a la acción tras una decepcionante aventura amorosa en Costa Lotta. Decidido a olvidar su fracaso, se embarca en un crucero de lujo a bordo del PMS Bouncy, donde un concurso semanal ofrece al ganador una semana en la cabina de la atractiva capitana. Para ganar, Larry deberá superar pruebas tan absurdas como una competencia de cocina, una de vestuario y hasta una de rendimiento sexual. Pero no todo será sencillo: las participantes son tan extravagantes como competitivas, y Larry tendrá que usar su ingenio y algo de picardía para triunfar. Durante el viaje, resolverá acertijos, interactuará con personajes peculiares y enfrentará situaciones hilarantes. Con su humor irreverente, referencias a la cultura pop y el clásico estilo point-and-click, el juego ofrece una divertida parodia del romance y la vida en alta mar.
Français Leisure Suit Larry 7 : Drague en Haute Mer ! est un jeu d'aventure sorti sur PC. Larry n'est pas ce qu'on appelle un Apollon mais a tout de même pour ambition de séduire un maximum de jolies jeunes filles. Et c'est vous qui allez l'y aider au cours d'une croisière sur une paquebot.
Italien Leisure Suit Larry 7: Crociera in alto mare! è un gioco di avventura pubblicato su PC. Larry non è quello che chiamiamo un Apollo, ma ha ancora l'ambizione di sedurre un massimo di belle ragazze. E sei tu che lo aiuterai lì durante una crociera su un transatlantico.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .