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Voice Idol Collection - Pool Bar Story
Voice Idol Collection - Pool Bar Story - Playstation - Console Sony
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Voice Idol Collection - Pool Bar Story
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   Japon Voice Idol Collection : Pool Bar Story
Monde Voice Idol Collection - Pool Bar Story
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Four Winds
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Sports / Pool
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Japon 18/04/1997
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Anglais Pool, also known as pocket billiards, is the general term for a family of cue sports played on a pool table with six receptacles called pockets along the rails, into which balls are deposited as the main goal of play.
Outside the cue sports industry, the sport is almost exclusively referred to as "pool", due to perhaps an association with the "poolrooms" where gamblers "pooled" their money to bet remotely ("off-track") on horse races. Because these venues often provided billiard tables, the term "pool" became synonymous with billiards. Though the original "pool" game was played on a pocketless carom billiards table, the name stuck to pocket billiards as it gained in popularity. Though the traditional view of billiards as a refined and noble pastime did not blend well with the low-class connotations of gambling, the billiards industry's attempts to distance itself from the term "pool" beginning in the late 19th century were largely unsuccessful.
There are hundreds of pool games. Some of the more well known include eight-ball, nine-ball, straight pool, and one-pocket. The game of snooker is played on a table with pockets but is considered to be its own cue sport and is governed internationally by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (professional) and International Billiards and Snooker Federation (amateur). There are also hybrid games combining aspects of both pool and carom billiards, such as English billiards, American four-ball billiards, cowboy pool and bottle pool.
As a competitive sport, pool is governed internationally by the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA), which has national affiliates such as the US Billiard Congress of America (BCA), and which represents pool in the World Confederation of Billiard Sports, which in turn represents all forms of cue sports in the International Olympic Committee.
Voice Idol Collection - Pool Bar Story is a billiard game that is a sort of sequel to the Data East Pocket Gal arcade machine game series.
In this game the player can play and enjoy the pool bar competition against 8 different girls (that the game shows with real image actress).
Game Modes:
1 - Date: You can try to date one of the eight girls, but before they let you date her you got to win her in one of these pool modes:
- Eight Ball
- Nine Ball
- Rotation
- One Pocket
- 14.1 Continuous
- Bowlliard
After winning her you go to the dating part in there you got different answers to some questions that she will ask you, if you answer the right ones she will be happy and give you "her number", the game them will let you make a save that will be used to unlock a movie of that girl in the second cd.
2 - Tournament: Compete in a pool tournament. Pool modes:
- Eight Ball
- Nine Ball
- Rotation
- One Pocket
- 14.1 Continuous
3 - Trick: Challenge mode in which there are 16 tricks for the player to pass.
Français Voice Idol Collection - Pool Bar Story est un jeu de billard qui est une sorte de suite à la série de jeux d'arcade Pocket Gal de Data East.
Dans ce jeu, le joueur peut jouer et profiter de la compétition de pool bar contre 8 filles différentes (que le jeu montre avec l'image réelle de l'actrice).
Modes de jeu :
1 - Date : Vous pouvez essayer de sortir avec l'une des huit filles, mais avant qu'elles ne vous laissent sortir avec elle, vous devez la gagner dans l'un de ces modes de pool :
- Eight Ball
- Boule neuf
- Rotation
- Une poche
- 14.1 - Continu
- Bowlliard
Après l'avoir gagnée, vous allez à la partie de rencontre dans laquelle vous avez différentes réponses à certaines questions qu'elle vous posera, si vous répondez aux bonnes, elle sera heureuse et vous donnera "son numéro", le jeu vous permettra de faire une sauvegarde qui sera utilisée pour débloquer un film de cette fille dans le deuxième CD.
2 - Tournoi : Participez à un tournoi de billard. Modes de billard :
- Huit boules
- Neuf boules
- Rotation
- Une poche
- 14.1 Continu
3 - Trick : Mode défi dans lequel le joueur doit réussir 16 tours.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .