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Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Sun - Nintendo 3DS - Console Portable Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Pokemon Sun
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Pocket Monsters Sun
Continent Américain
   USA Pokémon Sun
   Allemagne Pokémon Sonne
   Espagne Pokémon Sol
   France Pokémon Soleil
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Role Playing Game
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 23/11/2016
USA 18/11/2016
Japon 18/11/2016
Europe 23/11/2016
Languages Information Proposed by
Anglais Pokémon Sun, along with Pokémon Moon, marks the start of the seventh generation of the Pokémon franchise. The game takes place in the Alola region, an archipelago whose culture, geography, and native wildlife are based on those of Hawaii. A number of Alola's native Pokémon have never been seen before, bringing the series' total number of Pokémon species to over 800.

The story follows a customizable protagonist who has just moved to the region and received their first Pokémon. What differs from past installments is that instead of the usual challenge of defeating eight Gyms, Alola is host to the island challenge, in which trainers face seven trials that test many other skills in addition to battling prowess. Only after clearing the seven trials and defeating the four island Kahunas can a trainer be called a champion. As the player character embarks on their island challenge, they are joined by a local boy named Hau, another newcomer to Alola named Lillie, and the mysterious Pokémon Cosmog that is under Lillie's protection. The group is forced to deal with Team Skull, a group of thugs who commit petty crimes under the leadership of their ruthless boss; the Aether Foundation, a wildlife conservation group with connections to Cosmog; and dangerous, otherworldly creatures called the Ultra Beasts.

As usual for a new pair of Pokémon games, Sun and Moon boast a number of new and improved features. HMs are now replaced by Ride Pokémon, which are unlocked over the course of the story and can be called upon at any time to provide transportation and clear obstacles. Hyper Training allows players to boost their Pokémon's individual values, hidden values that impact a Pokémon's potential for stat growth and are otherwise immutable. The new Battle Royal mode pits four trainers against each other in a free-for-all fight where the goal is to score the most KOs while trying not to let one's own Pokémon faint. A group of islands called Poké Pelago allow the player's Pokémon to play and collect items while they aren't in the active party, and each island can be upgraded to provide more and better rewards. Lastly, a location called the Festival Plaza acts as the multiplayer hub, and combines features from prior games' Join Avenue and PSS systems.
Espagnol Durante tu periplo en Pokémon Sol y Pokémon Luna explorarás las hermosas islas de la región de Alola, donde encontrarás Pokémon nunca vistos hasta ahora, además de viejos conocidos que han desarrollado su propia forma regional. Con un poco de suerte tal vez avistes incluso Pokémon legendarios u otras especies muy peculiares, como los espíritus guardianes. La RotomDex te permitirá registrar todos los Pokémon que hayas avistado y capturado.
Français L'histoire commence par le déménagement de votre personnage à Alola, mais à peine avez-vous mis les pieds dans votre nouvelle maison que les aventures s'enchaînent. Un nouveau mode de combat fait son apparition dans ces nouvelles versions : le mode battle royale où quatre adversaires peuvent s'affronter en même temps.
Portugais A história segue-se a um protagonista personalizável que acabou de se mudar para a região e recebeu o seu primeiro Pokémon. O que difere das prestações anteriores é que, em vez do desafio habitual de derrotar oito ginásios, Alola é anfitriã do desafio da ilha, em que os treinadores enfrentam sete provas que testam muitas outras capacidades para além da capacidade de combate. Só depois de passar as sete provas e derrotar as quatro ilhas Kahunas é que um treinador pode ser considerado um campeão. À medida que a personagem jogador embarca no seu desafio na ilha, junta-se-lhe um rapaz local chamado Hau, outro recém-chegado a Alola chamado Lillie, e o misterioso Pokémon Cosmog que está sob a proteção de Lillie. O grupo é forçado a lidar com Team Skull, um grupo de bandidos que cometem pequenos crimes sob a liderança do seu impiedoso chefe; a Aether Foundation, um grupo de conservação da vida selvagem com ligações ao Cosmog; e criaturas perigosas de outro mundo chamadas Ultra Beasts.
General Information
Additional information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .