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Galaxy 5000 - Racing in the 51st Century
Galaxy 5000 - Racing in the 51st Century - NES - Console Nintendo
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Galaxy 5000 - Racing in the 51st Century
Game name (by Region)
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Continent Américain
   USA Galaxy 5000 : Racing in the 51st Century
Europe Galaxy 5000 : Racing in the 51st Century
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Racing, Driving
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 01/02/1991
Europe 1991
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Allemand Galaxy 5000 ist ein isometrisch-perspektivisches Weltraum-Rennspiel, bei dem 4 Raumschiffe in Weltraumrennen gegeneinander antreten. 1 oder 2 menschliche Spieler können an den Rennen teilnehmen, der Rest der Schiffe wird vom Computer gesteuert. Die Schiffe absolvieren mehrere Runden auf jeder Strecke und haben eine begrenzte Feuerkapazität, um ihre Gegner aus dem Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Die Schiffe können auch springen. Die Schiffe können sogar direkt vom Rand des Kurses abspringen und (im Weltraum) herunterfallen. Wenn der Spieler einen Parcours nicht rechtzeitig abschließt, löst sich die gesamte Rennstrecke auf und lässt das Schiff in eine Art Flüssigkeit hinabstürzen.
Anglais Galaxy 5000 is an isometric-perspective space racing game where 4 spaceships compete head to head in outer space races. 1 or 2 human players can compete in the races; the rest of the ships are controlled by the computer. The ships complete several laps around each course and have limited firing capacity to throw their opponents off balance. The ships can also jump. In fact, the ships can jump right off the edge of the course and drop down (in space). If the player does not complete a course in good time, the entire race track will disintegrate and leave the ship to fall down (and apparently splash into some water below).

A notable item about this game is its use of squeaky, comical, digitized voices for exclamations when colliding with another player ("Hey!", "Excuse me!", "Watch it!"). There are also 2 completely different control schemes that a player can adopt for cruising around the course. The first scheme rotates and drives the ship in the direction that the control pad is being pressed. The second scheme uses left and right to rotate the ship and up to thrust in the direction the nose is pointing.
Espagnol Galaxy 5000 es un juego de carreras espaciales de perspectiva isométrica donde 4 naves espaciales compiten en carreras del espacio exterior. 1 o 2 jugadores humanos pueden competir en las carreras; El resto de las naves son controladas por el ordenador. Las naves completan varias vueltas alrededor de cada recorrido y tienen una capacidad de tiro limitada para lanzar a sus oponentes. Las naves también pueden saltar. De hecho, pueden saltar desde el borde de la pista y caer hacia abajo (al espacio). Si el jugador no completa un circuito a su debido tiempo, toda la pista de competición se desintegrará y dejará caer a la nave.
Français Galaxy 5000 est un jeu de courses dans l'espace sur Nes où 4 vaisseaux spatiaux s'affrontent sur un circuit. Il existe plusieurs styles de contrôles différents et les vaisseaux peuvent sauter et même dire pardon lorsqu'ils se rentrent dedans !
Italien Galaxy 5000 è un gioco di corse spaziali su Nes in cui 4 astronavi competono su un circuito. Esistono molti stili diversi di controlli e le navi possono saltare e persino chiedere scusa quando ci entrano!
Portugais O futuro das corridas de Grand Prix está no espaço sideral. E você é um dos melhores turbo-pilotos do sistema solar. Mas você é forte o suficiente para vencer o desafio final das corridas, o GALAXY 5000? Dezenas de objetos de pista, incluindo minas terrestres, torres de armas, zappers velozes, portas de dobra e picos solares mortais! Efeitos sonoros digitalizados impressionantes. Ouça o motorista gritar enquanto ele cai da pista. Use seus ganhos para reparar danos ou atualize para um turbo-craft mais poderoso!
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .