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Snowboard Challenge
Snowboard Challenge - NES - Console Nintendo
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Snowboard Challenge
Game name (by Region)
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Continent Américain
   USA Heavy Shreddin'
Europe Snowboard Challenge
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JV:+3 ans
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Sports / Skiing
Release date(s)
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USA 01/06/1990
Europe 1990
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Allemand In diesem Snowboardspiel fährt der Spieler auf verschiedenen Abfahrten. Insgesamt gibt es fünf Disziplinen: Downhill, Slalom, Halfpipe, Buckelpiste und Backwoods. Beim Downhill geht es darum, den Hang so schnell wie möglich hinunterzufahren. Im Slalom musst du das Brett zwischen den Toren hindurchführen. In der Halfpipe musst du Stunts ausführen und in Moguls musst du über kleine und große Buckelpisten springen. In Backwoods musst du verschiedene Hindernisse überwinden oder einen Weg finden, sie zu umgehen.

Du verdienst auch Punkte, indem du verschiedene Stunts auf dem Weg ausführst. Zu den möglichen Stunts gehören Toe Grap, Hand-Plant, Mid-Air 360 und Mule-Kick.

Es gibt drei verschiedene Gipfel, von denen jeder ein paar unterschiedliche Abfahrten bietet. Die Bergketten heißen Poseur Peak, Scary Summit und Mt. Mortified.
Anglais In this snowboarding game, the player goes on various runs completing events on downhill mountains. There are five events in all: Downhill, Slalom, Half-pipe, Moguls and Backwoods. In Downhill the object is to get down the slope as fast as possible. In Slalom you have to guide the board between the gates. In halfpipe, you have to perform stunts on a half pipe. In Moguls, you have to jump over both small and large moguls. In Backwoods, you'll be given different obstacles to contend with and you'll have to find away to get around them.

You also earn points by executing various stunts along the way. Stunts you can pull off are a toe grab, hand-plant, mid-air 360, and a mule-kick.

There are three different peaks, each featuring a couple different runs. The mountain ranges consist of Poseur Peak, Scary Summit, and Mt. Mortified.
Espagnol En este juego de snowboard, el jugador va en varias pistas completando eventos en las montañas de descenso. Hay cinco eventos en todos: Downhill, Slalom, Half-pipe, Moguls y Backwoods. En descenso el objetivo es bajar la pendiente lo más rápido posible. En Slalom tienes que guiar el snow entre las banderas. En half-pipe, tienes que realizar acrobacias en una rampa. En Moguls, tienes que saltar sobre los magnates pequeños y grandes. En Backwoods, tendrás diferentes obstáculos para lidiar y tendrás que encontrarlos y pasar alrededor de ellos.

También ganas puntos ejecutando varias acrobacias a lo largo del camino. Los trucos que puedes sacar son un agarre de dedo del pie, una planta de mano, un salto en el aire 360º y un golpe de mula.

Hay tres diferentes picos, cada uno con un par de carreras diferentes. Las cordilleras consisten en el pico de Poseur, la cumbre asustadiza, y el monte Mortified.
Français Heavy Shreddin sur Nes est un jeu de snowboard. Dévalez les pentes enneigées en veillant à ne pas vous ramasser un arbre ou autres obstacles encombrants ! Le jeu se compose d'un total de 18 pistes. Soyez le plus rapide et remportez la coupe du monde.
Italien In questo gioco di snowboard, il giocatore percorre varie corse completando eventi su montagne in discesa. Ci sono cinque eventi in tutto: Downhill, Slalom, Half-pipe, Moguls e Backwoods. In Downhill l'obiettivo è di scendere il più velocemente possibile. In Slalom devi guidare la tavola tra i cancelli. Nell'halfpipe, devi eseguire acrobazie su un half pipe. In Moguls, devi saltare sia i piccoli che i grandi gobbe. In Backwoods, ti verranno dati diversi ostacoli da affrontare e dovrai trovare un modo per aggirarli.
nnGuadagni punti anche eseguendo varie acrobazie lungo il percorso. Le acrobazie che puoi eseguire sono una presa per le dita dei piedi, un impianto a mano, un 360 a mezz'aria e un calcio di mulo.
nnCi sono tre diverse vette, ognuna con un paio di piste diverse. Le catene montuose sono costituite da Poser Peak, Scary Summit e Mt. Mortified.
Portugais Neste jogo de snowboard, o jogador faz várias corridas completando eventos em montanhas em declive. São cinco eventos ao todo: Downhill, Slalom, Half-pipe, Moguls e Backwoods. No Downhill o objetivo é descer a encosta o mais rápido possível. Em Slalom, você deve guiar o tabuleiro entre os portões. No halfpipe, você deve realizar acrobacias em um halfpipe. Em Moguls, você tem que pular tanto pequenos quanto grandes magnatas. Em Backwoods, você terá de enfrentar vários obstáculos e terá que encontrar uma maneira de contorná-los.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .