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Rally Bike
Rally Bike - NES - Console Nintendo
General Information
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Rally Bike
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Dash Yarou
Continent Américain
   USA Rally Bike
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Number of Players
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Rating Categories
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Racing, Driving
Racing, Driving / Motorcycle
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 15/06/1990
USA 01/09/1990
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Eine landesweite Motorradrallye führt von San Fransisco nach New York. In Rally Bike hat der Spieler nur ein Ziel: sich in der Rangliste der Rennfahrer hochzuarbeiten und eine gute Platzierung zu erreichen, um sich für das nächste Rennen zu qualifizieren. Das Spiel enthält sechs Etappen, die es zu durchfahren gilt.

Der Spieler steuert ein Motorrad und muss die Ziellinie vor einer bestimmten Anzahl von Konkurrenten überqueren. Der Spieler muss es vermeiden, mit Hindernissen, gegnerischen Fahrern und Fahrzeugen zusammenzustoßen oder kein Benzin mehr zu haben. Während eines Rennens gibt es bestimmte Stellen, an denen der Spieler auftanken kann. Den Konkurrenten geht nie der Sprit aus, aber sie können gegen Hindernisse prallen und so aus dem Rennen ausscheiden. Gelegentlich fliegt während eines Rennens ein Hubschrauber vorbei und wirft unterstützende Gegenstände ab. Wenn der Spieler in einem Rennen unter die ersten zehn kommt, kann er sein Motorrad mit besseren Teilen ausrüsten.
Anglais There's a cross-country motorcycle rally going from San Fransisco to New York. In Rally Bike, the player has but one goal, to work their way up through the ranks of the racers and place high enough to qualify for the next race. The game contains six stages to race through.

The player controls a motorcycle and must cross the finish line before an established number of competitor bikes. The player must avoid crashing into obstacles, opposing racers, vehicles, and running out of gas. During a race there are certain areas where the player can refill their gas but stopping to refuel will cause competitor bikes to take advantage and race past the player. Competitors never run out of fuel but they are able to crash into obstacles thus taking them out of the race.

Occasionally during a race a helicopter will fly by dropping items that the player is able to pick up. The items are a 1000 Points Bonus, helper motorcycles that help you crash other racers, extra gasoline, Hi-grade gasoline which lasts longer than normal, a turbocharger that gives extra speed, and a helmet which provides invincibility.

If the player places in the top ten in a race, they are able to tune up their bike with better equipment. The player can upgrade their bike's engine (either 2 cycle type or 4 cycle type) and its tires(either rain, brock, or stick).
Espagnol Hay un rally de motociclismo a campo traviesa que va de San Francisco a Nueva York. En Rally Bike, el jugador no tiene más que un objetivo, para abrirse camino a través de las filas de los corredores y colocarse lo suficientemente alto como para calificar para la próxima carrera. El juego contiene seis etapas para correr.

El jugador controla una motocicleta y debe cruzar la línea de llegada antes de que un número establecido de bicicletas competidoras. El jugador debe evitar chocar contra los obstáculos, oponerse a los corredores, vehículos y quedarse sin gasolina. Durante una carrera hay ciertas áreas en las que el jugador puede recargar su gasolina, pero detenerse para repostar causará que las motos de los competidores se aprovechen y corran más allá del jugador. Los competidores nunca se quedan sin combustible, pero son capaces de chocar con obstáculos y así sacarlos de la carrera.
Français Rally Bike sur Nes est un jeu de motos dans lequel vous voyagerez de San Francisco à New York. Pour cela vous devez vous qualifier à chacune des 6 étapes que comporte le jeu.
Italien C'è un rally motociclistico cross country che va da San Francisco a New York. In Rally Bike, il giocatore ha un solo obiettivo, farsi strada tra i ranghi dei ciclisti e arrivare abbastanza in alto da qualificarsi per la prossima gara. Il gioco contiene sei fasi per gareggiare. Il giocatore controlla una motocicletta e deve tagliare il traguardo prima di un determinato numero di moto in competizione. Il giocatore deve evitare di sbattere contro ostacoli, opporsi a corridori, veicoli e rimanere senza benzina. Durante una gara ci sono alcune aree in cui il giocatore può fare rifornimento, ma fermarsi per fare rifornimento farà sì che le moto dei concorrenti ne approfittino e passino davanti al giocatore. I concorrenti non finiscono mai il carburante, ma sono in grado di colpire gli ostacoli e quindi di buttarli fuori gara.
Portugais Há uma manifestação de motociclismo cross-country indo de San Fransisco a Nova York. Em Rally Bike, o jogador tem apenas um objetivo: subir na hierarquia dos pilotos e chegar alto o suficiente para se qualificar para a próxima corrida. O jogo contém seis etapas para correr.

O jogador controla uma motocicleta e deve cruzar a linha de chegada antes de um número estabelecido de motos concorrentes. O jogador deve evitar colidir com obstáculos, opor-se a pilotos, veículos e ficar sem combustível. Durante uma corrida, há certas áreas em que o jogador pode reabastecer seu gás, mas parar para reabastecer fará com que as motos concorrentes se aproveitem e corram além do jogador. Os competidores nunca ficam sem combustível, mas são capazes de colidir com obstáculos, tirando-os da corrida.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .