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20 Em 1
20 Em 1 - Master System - Console SEGA
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20 Em 1
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   Brésil 20 em 1
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Brésil 1995
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Allemand 20 em 1 ist eine Zusammenstellung von 20 Minispielen für das SEGA Master System, die exklusiv in Brasilien veröffentlicht wurde. 20 em 1 enthält Aktivitäten, die gute Reflexe erfordern, um Fallen oder anderen Autofahrern auszuweichen, sowie Action-Minispiele, in denen Sie so viele Gegner wie möglich abschießen müssen, um die meisten Punkte zu erzielen. Alle Spiele dauern eine Minute, können aber nach Belieben neu gestartet werden, um Ihren Rekord zu schlagen und in jedem Minispiel eine Trophäe zu gewinnen.
Anglais 20 em 1 (20 in 1) is a compilation of twenty previously unreleased games in a single cartridge, which came bundled with Tec Toy's Master System III Compact (Master System II in Europe and US). The games included are:
The player is a construction worker trying to get falling tools with a bucket. He must get as many as he can until the time runs out.
2. The player is what looks like an alien machine, side scrolling over a planet collecting food and avoiding obstacles such as bombs. He must get as many as he can until the time runs out.
3. A skateboarding side scrolling game: the player must run as far as you he while avoiding obstacles such as holes in the street, until the time runs out.
4. The player is what seems to be a flea, running and jumping while the screen scrolls over a mountain of blocks, avoiding to get stuck behind the hills.
5. The player is a mouse trying to catch the cheese pieces that fall from the shelves. In order to do so, he can jump (by pressing button 1), and he must get as many as he can until the time runs out.
6. The player is a diver on a sunken ship, getting coins which fall from above, while avoiding being caught by a shark. He must get as many as he can until the time runs out.
7. A motocross racing game: the player must run down the road while avoiding obstacles trying to reach the next checkpoint before the time runs out.
8. An arcade racing game: the player must run down the street while avoiding getting hit by the other cars, until the time runs out.
9. The player is a little Brazilian Indian sailing his boat on a river, while avoiding obstacles such as rocks and arrows. He must get as far as he can until the time runs out.
10. A helicopter combat game. The player must shoot (by pressing button 1) the enemy helicopter as much as he can, avoiding to get hit, until the time runs out.
11. The player is a frog trying to catch the insects that fall from the sky. He must get as many as he can until the time runs out, while jumping from one victoria amazonica to another. He must project his tong (by pressing the button 1) in order to get the insects.
12. A classic space shooter. Fly your spaceship while the screen scrolls down, avoiding obstacles and shooting as many spaceships as he can, until the time runs out.
13. A side scrolling flight shooter. The player must shoot (by pressing button 1) as many balloons as he can while avoiding getting hit by other planes, until the time runs out.
14. A roller skating side scrolling game: the player must run as far as you he while avoiding obstacles such as logs in the street, until the time runs out.
15. A pong game with a twist: the player is a cooker trying to hit mini-pizzas inside an oven. The pizzas will bounce back if they don't get inside the oven. The player has 5 mini-pizzas and must try to hit as many as he can until the time runs out.
16. The player is a insecticide can trying to kill the insects that fall from the roof. He must kill as many as he can until the time runs out by shooting insecticide (by pressing the button 1) at them.
17. In this side scrolling game, the player is a boy who must run all the way right while shooting (by pressing button 1) other boys with his water gun, avoiding to get hit by them, before the time runs out. He must shoot as many boys as he can.
18. A skiing game: the player must race down the mountain while avoiding obstacles trying to reach the next checkpoint before the time runs out.
19. The player controls a police car running up the screen, while avoiding getting hit by other cars. He must get as far as he can, until the time runs out.
20. Another pong game: this time the player is at a squash court. He must try to hit the ball as much as he can until the time runs out. He has 3 balls.

In order to win, the player must score a certain amount of points in each game (which vary from game to game). If the player scores less the specified amount, he loses. In the "catch the object" and shooter games (1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 17), points are earned by catching or shooting objects. In racing games (3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 18 and 19), points are earned by the distance ran. In game 15 points are earned by hitting the oven; in game 20, by number of hits in the ball. In these games (15 and 20), the player can loose if he misses all his balls/pizzas. In game 4 no points are earned at all, and you'll loose if the character gets stuck and the screen scrolls over him.

The game has only two songs, one played at the title screen, the other played during all gameplay. All the text in the game is in Portuguese.
Espagnol 20 en 1 es una compilación de juegos de Sega Master System que permite a los jugadores escoger entre 20 diferentes juegos. El título fue lanzado como un paquete de juegos de revisiones anteriores. En todos los juegos tienes 60 segundos para conseguir una determinada puntuación, que varía de juego en juego. En la mayoría de juegos solo dispones de los botones derecho y izquierdo, los cuales mueven al personaje su respectiva dirección, pero algunos permiten ejecutar saltos o disparo con botón 1 o 2.
Français 20 em 1 est une compilation de 20 mini-jeux sur SEGA Master System sortie exclusivement au Brésil. 20 em 1 regroupe des activités nécessitant de bons réflexes pour esquiver les pièges ou les autres automobilistes ainsi que des mini-jeux d'action dans lesquels il faut abattre un maximum d'adversaires pour marquer le plus de points possible. Tous les jeux ont une durée d'une minute mais peuvent être relancés à volonté pour battre votre record et remporter un trophée dans chacun des mini-jeux.
Italien 20 in 1 è una raccolta di giochi di Toy Tec che consente ai giocatori di scegliere tra 20 giochi diversi. Il titolo è stato rilasciato esclusivamente in Brasile come pacchetto di gioco, incluso nelle revisioni successive del. Sistema principale. Tutti i giochi ti danno 60 secondi per raggiungere un determinato punteggio, che varia da gioco a gioco. Nella maggior parte dei giochi gli unici pulsanti disponibili sono Sinistra e Destra, che spostano il personaggio nella rispettiva direzione, ma alcuni giochi ti consentono di eseguire un'azione, come saltare o sparare con il pulsante 1 o 2.
Portugais 20 em 1 é uma compilação de jogos da Toy Tec que permite aos jogadores escolher entre 20 diferentes jogos. O título foi lançado exclusivamente no Brasil como um pacote de jogos, incluído com revisões posteriores do. Master System. Todos os jogos lhe dão 60 segundos para atingir uma determinada pontuação, que varia de jogo para jogo. Na maioria dos jogos os únicos botões disponíveis são Esquerda e Direita, que mover o personagem para a respectiva direção, mas alguns jogos permitem que você execute uma ação, como saltos ou tiro com o botão 1 ou 2.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .