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Xak - The Art Of Visual Stage
Xak - The Art Of Visual Stage - MSX2 - Ordinateur Microsoft
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Xak - The Art Of Visual Stage
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   Japon Xak : The Art of Visual Stage
Monde Xak - The Art Of Visual Stage
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Role Playing Game
Japanese RPG
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Japon 01/06/1989
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Anglais Xak: The Art of Visual Stage (サーク) is the first game in the fantasy role-playing video game series Xak developed and published by Micro Cabin. It was originally released for the NEC PC-8801 computer system, with subsequent versions being developed for the NEC PC-9801, Sharp X68000, MSX2, PC-Engine, Super Famicom, and mobile phones. The first four versions were re-released for Windows on online store Project EGG. An English translation of Xak: The Art of Visual Stage was also released in 2007 on the now-defunct retro gaming service WOOMB.net, and is now to become available on Project EGG.

Xak: The Art of Visual Stage features a typical high fantasy setting. According to the game world's legends, a great war was fought between the benevolent but weakening ancient gods and a demon race, which led to the collapse and eventual mortality of the gods. After this 'War of Sealing', the gods divided the world into three parts: Xak, the world of humans, Oceanity, the world of faeries, and Xexis, the world of demons. The demon world of Xexis was tightly sealed from the other two worlds as to prevent reentry of the warmongering demon race. Some demons were left behind in Xak, however, and others managed to discover a separate means to enter Xak from Xexis anyway. This ancient history is displayed in the introduction of Xak II.

One of them, Badu, was a very powerful demon, able to use coercive magic to make humans do his bidding. Duel, the god of war, managed to defeat Badu and seal him away in a mountain of ice for 250 years. The god later settled in a village known as Fearless to live out the rest of his mortal life.

At the beginning of the game, Badu's prison is broken. Demons overrun parts of Xak once again. In order to stop the ravaging of his lands, the King of Wavis sends a messenger faerie to Dork Kart, a famous warrior living in the village of Fearless. Dork, however, has gone missing. The player takes on the role of Latok Kart, Dork's 16-year-old son, as he meets the messenger faerie, Pixie. Latok embarks on the King's quest to slay Badu, hoping to find his father along the way.

In his travels, Latok is guided by Duel's spirit. Over the course of the game, it turns out that Dork and thus Latok is a descendant of Duel. (Wikipedia)
Espagnol Hace doscientos cincuenta años, el dios "Duel" derrotó al demonio malvado llamado "Badu", encerrándolo en una montaña de hielo. Ahora Badu ha logrado escapar de su prisión. Los demonios han invadido la tierra, y el rey de Wavis ha enviado un mensajero al guerrero conocido como Dork Kart, pidiéndole que defienda el país. Sin embargo, Dork está ausente, y su hijo Latok, de dieciséis años, decide seguir las órdenes del rey, hasta enfrentarse al mismísimo "Badu".
Xak: The Art of Visual Stage es un juego de rol de acción, en el que Latok viaja por el mundo de Xak, explorando sus entornos al aire libre y mazmorras, eliminando a muchos enemigos que encuentra en su camino. Los enemigos derrotados otorgan puntos de experiencia al jugador, lo que le permite a Latok subir de nivel y volverse más fuerte. El protagonista a menudo necesita cumplir con requisitos de nivel para empuñar ciertas armas y/o equiparse con una mejor armadura.
Français Un puissant démon, Badu, réussit à s'échapper de sa prison et décide de ravager le monde, comme tout démon qui se respecte se doit de le faire. Fils d'un héros local, vous embarquez donc dans une aventure épique afin d'empêcher Badu de régner sur le monde.
Attention toutefois : ce jeu d'heroic-fantasy nécessite de bien faire monter son personnage si on veut s'en sortir sans trop de dégâts
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .