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Magic Darts
Magic Darts - NES - Console Nintendo
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Magic Darts
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   Japon Magic Darts
Continent Américain
   USA Magic Darts
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Sports / Darts
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 01/09/1991
Japon 26/04/1991
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Allemand Magic Darts enthält sechs verschiedene Dartspiele: 301, 501, 701, Count Up, Round the Clock und Half It. In den Spielen 301, 501 und 701 kannst du die offene oder die Doppel-Regel wählen. Du kannst eine von 10 Figuren wählen (ein Affe, ein Alien und ein Roboter sind nur einige der verfügbaren Figuren). Das Werfen eines Pfeils hängt von vier verschiedenen Faktoren ab: Position, Kurve, Winkel und Kraft. Das Spiel ermöglicht es bis zu vier Spielern, gegeneinander anzutreten.
Anglais Magic Darts contains six different games of darts; 301, 501, 701, Count Up, Round the Clock and Half It. In the 301, 501, and 701 games you can choose the open or double rules. You can choose to be one of 10 characters (a monkey,alien, and a robot are just some of the choices of characters available). Throwing a dart depends on four different factors: position, curve, angle and power. The game allows up to four players to compete against one another.

In the 301, 501, and 701 games the point is to get the score down to exactly zero.
In Count up, the players compete to see who can achieve the highest score.
In Round the Clock, players must try to hit the numbers one through twelve in sequential order.
In Half It, players begin with 40 points. Players have three chances to hit the assigned numbers to add to their own score. If the player is unable to hit all assigned numbers, their point total will be cut in half. The player with the highest score wins. The assigned numbers are 16, double ring, 17, 18,triple ring, 19, 20 and the bullseye.
Espagnol El videojuego Magic Darts es un juego de dardos que incluye seis juegos diferentes: 301, 501, 701, Count Up, Round the Clock y Half It. En los juegos 301, 501 y 701, puedes elegir las reglas abiertas o dobles. Puedes seleccionar uno de los 10 personajes disponibles, como un mono, un alienígena o un robot. Para lanzar un dardo, debes considerar cuatro factores: posición, curva, ángulo y potencia. El juego permite que hasta cuatro jugadores compitan entre sí.
Français Magic Darts sur Nes est un jeu de fléchettes dans lequel vous pouvez jouer à 6 différents types de jeu : le 301, 501, 701, le count up, l'horloge et le half it. Vous avez aussi la possibilité entre 10 personnnages (un singe, un alien, un robot...). Pour plus de précision le lancer dépend de 4 facteurs : la position, la courbe, l'angle ainsi que la puissance. Ce jeu permet à 4 joueurs de s'affronter les uns contre les autres.
Italien Magic Darts on Nes è un gioco di freccette in cui puoi giocare a 6 diversi tipi di gioco: 301, 501, 701, conteggio, cronometraggio e metà. Hai anche la possibilità tra 10 personaggi (una scimmia, un alieno, un robot...). Per una maggiore precisione il lancio dipende da 4 fattori: la posizione, la curva, l'angolo e la potenza. Questo gioco consente a 4 giocatori di competere l'uno contro l'altro.
Portugais Dardos mágicos contém seis jogos diferentes de dardos; 301, 501, 701, Count Up, Round the Clock e Half It. Nos jogos 301, 501 e 701, você pode escolher as regras aberta ou dupla. Você pode optar por ser um dos 10 caracteres (um macaco, alienígena e um robô são apenas algumas das opções disponíveis). Jogar um dardo depende de quatro fatores diferentes: posição, curva, ângulo e força. O jogo permite que até quatro jogadores competam entre si.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .