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Burai - Hachigyoku No Yshi Densetsu
Burai - Hachigyoku No Yshi Densetsu - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Burai - Hachigyoku No Yshi Densetsu
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   Japon Burai : Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu
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Japanese RPG
Role Playing Game
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Japon 14/01/1993
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Allemand Die Welt von Kypros wird von vielen Rassen bevölkert: Menschen, intelligenten Reptilien, hundeähnlichen Wosshu und anderen. Es gibt auch viele Götter in Kypros. Nicht alle Götter konnten das friedliche Zusammenleben der Kreaturen in Kypros akzeptieren, und Daar, der Gott der Dunkelheit, schmiedete böse Pläne, bis er vom Gott des Lichts, Risk, besiegt und versiegelt wurde. Jahre sind vergangen und der böse Dämonenlord Bido versucht, Daar wiederzubeleben. Einer alten Prophezeiung zufolge können nur acht Helden, Träger magischer Perlen, Bidos böse Pläne vereiteln: acht Helden, die aus verschiedenen Teilen von Kypros stammen und sich ihrer großen Mission nicht bewusst sind. Zu diesen Helden zählen der junge Pirat Zan Hayate, der Kämpfer des Wosshu-Stammes Gonza und seine kleine Schwester Maimai, die schöne Zauberin Lilian Lancelot und andere.
Anglais The world of Kypros is populated by many races: humans, intelligent reptiles, dog-like wosshus, and others. There are also many gods in Kypros. Not all the gods could accept the peaceful co-existence of creatures in Kypros, and Daar, the god of darkness, plotted evil schemes until he was defeated and sealed by the god of light, Risk. Years have past, and the evil demon lord Bido is trying to resurrect Daar. According to an ancient prophecy, only eight heroes, the bearers of magic pearls, can stop Bido's evil plans: eight heroes who come from different parts of Kypros, unaware of their great mission. Among those heroes are the young pirate Zan Hayate, the fighter of the wosshu tribe Gonza and his little sister Maimai, the beautiful sorceress Lilian Lancelot, and others.

Before the eight heroes unite for their ultimate journey, you play their introductory stories. You travel on the world map, visiting towns and dungeons on your way. The combat is turn-based, viewed from first person perspective. Enemies appear randomly. Each hero has his/her own unique techniques to use in battles.

The story and general gameplay of Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu is similar to those of the original Burai: Jouken for PC-98 and MSX; however, the console versions were developed from scratch and therefore differ greatly from the computer ones, having new cut-scenes, dialogues, battle interface, etc. Perhaps the most important difference gameplay-wise is the linear nature of chapters. In the computer versions, the player can choose to start as any of the eight selectable heroes; in the console versions, the player has to start with Gonza and Maimai.
Espagnol El mundo de Kypros está poblado por muchas razas: humanos, reptiles inteligentes, wosshus similares a perros y otros. También hay muchos dioses en Kypros. No todos los dioses podían aceptar la coexistencia pacífica de las criaturas en Kypros, y Daar, el dios de las tinieblas, planeó esquemas malvados hasta que fue derrotado y sellado por el dios de la luz, el Riesgo. Los años han pasado, y el malvado señor demoníaco Bido está tratando de resucitar a Daar. Según una antigua profecía, solo ocho héroes, portadores de perlas mágicas, pueden detener los malvados planes de Bido: ocho héroes que vienen de diferentes partes de Kypros, sin darse cuenta de su gran misión. Entre esos héroes están el joven pirata Zan Hayate, el luchador de la tribu wosshu Gonza y su pequeña hermana Maimai, la bella hechicera Lilian Lancelot, y otros.
Français Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu est un RPG, ou vous incarnez le jeune héros Zan Hayate. Vous voyagez sur la carte du monde, visiter des villes et des donjons sur votre chemin. Les combats sont au tour par tour. Les ennemis apparaissent de façon aléatoire.
Italien Il mondo di Kypros è popolato da molte razze: umani, rettili intelligenti, wosshu simili a cani e altri. Ci sono anche molti dei a Kypros. Non tutti gli dei potevano accettare la coesistenza pacifica delle creature a Kypros, e Daar, il dio delle tenebre, pianificò piani malvagi fino a quando non fu sconfitto e sigillato dal dio della luce, Risk. Gli anni sono passati e il malvagio signore dei demoni Bido sta cercando di resuscitare Daar. Secondo un'antica profezia, solo otto eroi, portatori di perle magiche, possono fermare i piani malvagi di Bido: otto eroi che provengono da diverse parti di Kypros, ignari della loro grande missione. Tra questi eroi ci sono il giovane pirata Zan Hayate, il combattente della tribù Wosshu Gonza e la sua sorellina Maimai, la bella maga Lilian Lancillotto e altri.
Portugais Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu é um RPG, onde você interpreta o jovem herói Zan Hayate. Você viaja no mapa do mundo, visita cidades e masmorras no caminho. As lutas são baseadas em turnos. Os inimigos aparecem aleatoriamente.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .