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Quattro Arcade
Quattro Arcade - NES - Console Nintendo
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Quattro Arcade
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Continent Américain
   USA Quattro Arcade
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France 1992
USA 1992
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Allemand Quattro Arcade ist eine Sammlung von 4 Action-Arcade-Spielen, die alle über Einzel- und 2-Spieler-Modi verfügen.

1. C.J.'s Elephant Antics: C.J., der Elefant, hat sich in einer Elefantenfalle verfangen. Eines führte zum anderen und als Nächstes befindet er sich in einem Pariser Zoo. Er macht sich aus dem Staub und schwört, sich auf den Weg zurück nach Afrika zu machen. Dabei reist er durch Paris, die Schweiz und Ägypten, um sein Ziel zu erreichen. Dieses Spiel ist ein Side-Scrolling-Actionspiel. Offensiv kann C.J. Bomben auf unzählige Feinde in seinem Weg werfen. Außerdem verfügt er über einen Fallschirm, mit dem er aus großen Höhen sicher nach unten gleiten kann. 2 Spieler können dieses Spiel kooperativ als 2 verschiedenfarbige C.J. Charaktere spielen.
Anglais Quattro Arcade is an collection of 4 action arcade games, all of which feature single and 2-player modes.

1. C.J.'s Elephant Antics: C.J. the elephant went and got himself caught in an elephant trap. One thing led to another and the next thing you know, he's in a Parisian zoo. He makes a break for it and vows to make his way back home to Africa, traveling through Paris, Switzerland, and Egypt in order to reach his destination. This game is a side-scrolling action game. Offensively, C.J. can toss bombs at myriad enemies in his path. He also has a parachute that allows him to glide safely down from great heights. 2 players can play this game cooperatively as 2 differently colored C.J. characters.

2. Stunt Buggies: this game involves 1 or 2 players piloting buggies around dangerous mazes filled with renegade buggies on a quest to collect all the bombs in order to escape the maze.

3. F-16 Renegade: your crazy professor has hacked into the US Air Force's computers and programmed all of the jets to fly off and start World War III. Since no one will believe your tale on this matter, you take it upon yourself to follow your professor's footsteps: you hack into the USAF computers yourself but to locate the F-16 training program so that you can then break into the air base and heist a jet in order to take down all of the malevolent computer-controlled jets. The action in this game consists of flying a jet and shooting other jets. However, the perspective alternates from overhead scrolling (odd levels) to 3rd person view from behind the jet (even levels). Powerups come in the form of stronger weapons, smart bombs, and extra lives. The game also features a 2-player competitive mode.

4. Go! Dizzy Go!: Dizzy's nemesis, the evil wizard Zaks, has abducted Dizzy's friends. Thus, the task falls to Dizzy to rescue them. To do this, he must collect fruit in a variety of dangerous mazes scattered throughout several worlds including an underwater realm, forest realm, a pyramid, a mountain, and a castle. Additionally, 2 players can team up to conquer the mazes.

All of the games feature 2-player modes. This is an unlicensed NES game.
Espagnol Quattro Arcade es una colección no licenciada para NES que incluye 4 juegos de acción arcade, cada uno con modos para 1 o 2 jugadores:

C.J.'s Elephant Antics: C.J., un elefante atrapado en un zoológico de París, intenta regresar a África atravesando París, Suiza y Egipto. Este juego de desplazamiento lateral permite lanzar bombas, usar un paracaídas y jugar cooperativamente con un amigo.
Stunt Buggies: Pilota un buggy en laberintos llenos de buggies renegados, recolecta bombas y encuentra la salida. Soporta juego cooperativo.
F-16 Renegade: Como piloto, debes detener jets programados para iniciar la Tercera Guerra Mundial. Alterna entre una vista aérea y en tercera persona, recolectando potenciadores y enfrentando oleadas de enemigos. Incluye modo competitivo de 2 jugadores.
¡Go! Dizzy Go!: Dizzy debe rescatar a sus amigos secuestrados por el mago Zaks, superando laberintos en mundos como un bosque, una pirámide o un castillo. Ofrece modo cooperativo.
Con variedad de géneros y opciones multijugador, Quattro Arcade destaca como una colección diversa de juegos.
Français Quattro Arcade sur Nes est une compilation des quatre jeux d'arcade suivants : C.J.'s Elephant Antics, Stunt Buggies, F-16 Renegade et Go! Dizzy Go!.
Italien Quattro Arcade su Nes è una raccolta dei seguenti quattro giochi arcade: C.J.'s Elephant Antics, Stunt Buggies, F-16 Renegade e Go! Dizzy Go!.
Portugais Quattro Arcade é uma compilação dos quatro jogos de arcade a seguir: Elephant Antics de C.J., Stunt Buggies, F-16 Renegade e Go! Dizzy Go!
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .