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Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 9 - Playstation - Console Sony
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Final Fantasy 9
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   Japon Final Fantasy IX
Continent Américain
   USA Final Fantasy IX
Europe Final Fantasy IX
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JV:+12 ans
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Role Playing Game
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USA 15/11/2000
Japon 07/07/2000
Europe 16/02/2001
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Allemand Zidane, ein Mitglied einer Räuberbande, muss an einem schönen Abend die Prinzessin entführen. Dummerweise schnappt ihr euch auch noch ihren Bodyguard mit. Weniger sauer als froh schließt sich die Prinzessin der Truppe an, die diese letztendlich vor ihrer eigenen Mutter retten muss. Auf ihrer toll inszenierten Reise quer durch die mittelalterliche Welt erlebt ihr märchenhafte Abenteuer und müsst am Ende natürlich die Welt retten. Auch in diesem Teil steht sehr viel mit Liebe auf dem Spiel.
Anglais Corruption -- the root of all evil. Alexandria's Queen Brahne was once presented as a noble and caring ruler, who would throw lavish festivals to show appreciation for her supporters. Recently, she became involved in secretive deals with mysterious people. Matters took a turn for the worse when a renegade troupe kidnapped her daughter and changed the fate of a once peaceful world.
As young Zidane Tribal and his party interrupted a renowned play and kidnapped Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, things began to fall apart. The queen fired cannons and decimated her kingdom in an attempt to prevent the terrorist organization, but her attacks failed and the troupe escaped with their lives intact.
Princess Garnet wished someone would take her away from her oppressing mother and life; the only world she knew was that of Alexandria and its large metropolitan areas. Zidane Tribal and his troupe had come at the perfect time. An innocent black mage known as Vivi Orunitia and a Pluto Knight named Adelbert Steiner, who was sworn to protect the princess at all costs, were also part of the crusade.
Although Adelbert Steiner had objections, the characters formed a pact to overthrow Queen Brahne and prevent her harmful attack in the surrounding areas of Alexandria. After the princess was abducted, Brahne hired assailants to create destructive black mage warriors. With a few of her knights and the mages, the queen unleashed a series of unmitigated attacks on neighboring towns -- she would do anything to recapture Princess Garnet.
But what are the queen's true intentions?
Espagnol La reina Brahne de Alexandria ha empezado a utilizar armas mágicas muy avanzadas para aterrorizar los reinos vecinos. Su hija, la princesa Garnet, se escapa del castillo y hace amistad con un grupo de bandidos bondadosos liderados por un hábil ladrón, Yitán, que intenta acabar con los perversos deseos de la Reina de dominar el mundo. Poco después de embarcar en su aventura, descubren que las amenazas de la Reina no son más que una mera tapadera para encubrir un complot aún más siniestro. Por el bien de la humanidad, Yitán y sus compañeros deben poner fin al reinado de Brahne antes de que ella y las fuerzas del mal que le acompañan perpetren su mortífero plan.
Français Grâce à sa main mise sur un armement magique extrêmement puissant, la reine Branet d'Alexandrie terrorise les royaumes voisins. Sa fille, la princesse Grenat, décide de s'enfuir du château et devient l'arme d'un groupe de bandits au grand cœur. Leur leader, un voleur talentueux répondant au nom de Djidane, se refuse à accepter les agissements de Branet et décide d'y mettre un terme.
Il ne faut hélas que peu de temps à notre groupe d'aventuriers pour découvrir que les menaces de la Reine cachent en réalité un complot bien plus sinistre.
Le salut de l'humanité étant en jeu, Djidane et ses amis doivent agir avant que la Reine et ses alliés n'exécutent leur plan diabolique.

* Jouez avec huit personnages inoubliables possédant chacun différentes armes, magies et compétences.
* Les superbes environnements pré-rendus vous plongeront dans un monde où le mot "magie" prend soudain tout son sens !
* Environ une heure de séquences cinématiques à couper le souffle.
Italien Corruzione: la radice di tutti i mali. La regina Brahne di Alessandria una volta fu presentata come una sovrana nobile e premurosa, che organizzava feste sontuose per mostrare apprezzamento per i suoi sostenitori. Di recente, è stata coinvolta in accordi segreti con persone misteriose. Le cose sono peggiorate quando una troupe rinnegata ha rapito sua figlia e ha cambiato il destino di un mondo un tempo pacifico.
Quando il giovane Zidane Tribal e il suo gruppo interruppero una famosa commedia e rapirono la principessa Garnet Til Alexandros, le cose iniziarono a cadere a pezzi. La regina ha sparato con i cannoni e ha decimato il suo regno nel tentativo di impedire l'organizzazione terroristica, ma i suoi attacchi fallirono e la troupe fuggì con le loro vite intatte.
Portugais Final Fantasy IX é um RPG. Nona parte da série, distingue-se dos seus predecessores por novos gráficos mais belos, cinemática de tirar o fôlego e um universo pitoresco. Navegue pelo vasto mundo do título para descobrir uma história rica em reviravoltas e magia.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .