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Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid - Playstation - Console Sony
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Metal Gear Solid
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Metal Gear Solid
Continent Américain
   USA Metal Gear Solid
Europe Metal Gear Solid
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JV:+16 ans
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 21/10/1998
Japon 03/09/1998
Europe 22/02/1999
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Metal Gear
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Allemand FOXHOUND, ein abtrünniges, genetisch verbessertes Spezialkommando, unternimmt einen Putsch auf einem abgelegenen Archipel in Alaska, bei dem es sich in Wahrheit um "Shadow Moses", eine geheime Abrüstungseinrichtung der Regierung, handelt. Die Einheit unter der Leitung des Söldners Liquid Snake haben mehrere atomare Sprengköpfe in ihre Gewalt gebracht sowie den Mecha Metal Gear REX, der die Atomraketen abfeuern kann. Mit diesem Trumpf erpressen die Terroristen die US-Regierung, um die sterblichen Überreste des legendären Söldners Big Boss zu erhalten.
Solid Snake kehrt notgedrungen aus dem Ruhestand zurück und wird auf die Bitte von Colonel Roy Campbell hin darauf angesetzt, die Verteidigungslinien der Terroristen zu durchdringen und die terroristische Bedrohung zu zerschlagen.
Anglais Renegade special forces unit FOXHOUND has taken over Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago - publicly a nuclear weapons disposal facility but in truth a top secret weapons development site and home to Metal Gear REX.

With the help of the genetically engineered Next Generation Special Forces, Liquid Snake has seized the facility, taken hostages and hijacked REX, demanding the US Government give them One Billion Dollars and the remains of legendary soldier Big Boss.

Returning from retirement, former FOXHOUND operative Solid Snake has been tasked with infiltrating the island on a solo mission to free the hostages and stop his former unit before they can launch a nuclear attack.
Espagnol Metal Gear Solid es un juego que mezcla varios géneros, como acción aventura, sigilo o espionaje. Fue desarrollado por Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ) siendo el tercer juego de la saga y el primero en publicarse en PlayStation, la trama comienza tras el incidente de Zanzibar tras el cual Solid Snake se retiró del servicio activo. Años más tarde es requerido para realizar una nueva misión: infiltrarse en la base de la isla de Shadow Moses en Alaska, donde algunos integrantes el grupo de élite FOXHOUND se han rebelado y amenazan con usar Metal Gear Rex, un tanque bípedo capaz de lanzar una cabeza nuclear a cualquier punto del planeta.
Français Infiltrez un complexe militaire terroriste pour faire échouer une conspiration nucléaire.
Concentrez vous, alertez vos sens, restez en vie...
Metal Gear Solid: Espionnage, stratégie et action.
Italien FOXHOUND, un rinnegato, commando speciale geneticamente potenziato, sta compiendo un colpo di stato su un remoto arcipelago dell'Alaska che è in realtà "Shadow Moses", una struttura segreta di disarmo del governo. L'unità, guidata dal mercenario Liquid Snake, ha preso il controllo di diverse testate nucleari e del Mecha Metal Gear REX, che può sparare i missili nucleari. Con questa carta vincente, i terroristi ricattano il governo degli Stati Uniti per ottenere i resti del leggendario mercenario Big Boss.
Solid Snake è costretto a tornare dalla pensione e, su richiesta del colonnello Roy Campbell, è pronto a penetrare le difese dei terroristi e smantellare la minaccia terroristica.
Portugais Metal Gear Solid é um jogo espionagem lançado para a PlayStation. Nesta obra, Solid Snake deve se infiltrar em Shadow Moses, uma base militar no Alasca, para salvar reféns. O jogador encontra novas armas e equipamentos em toda a aventura, alternando diálogos, sequencias de infiltração e batalhas com chefes. O cenário de Hollywood combinado com muitas cinemáticas faz dele um jogo muito cinematográfico.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .