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Alone In The Dark - The New Nightmare
Alone In The Dark - The New Nightmare - Playstation - Console Sony
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Alone In The Dark - The New Nightmare
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Continent Américain
   USA Alone in the Dark : The New Nightmare
Europe Alone in the Dark : The New Nightmare
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Adventure / Survival Horror
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Europe 18/05/2001
USA 18/06/2001
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Allemand Der Besuch von Edward Carnby und Professor Aline Cedrac auf Shadow Island steht unter einem ungünstigen Stern. Auf ihrer Suche nach drei uralten Steintafeln, die angeblich den Schlüssel zu einer unglaublichen, bedrohlichen Macht darstellen, werden sie mit mysteriösen, bösen Kreaturen konfrontiert, die ihrer Reise ein schnelles Ende bereiten wollen. Urängste lauern hinter jeder Ecke. Der geringste Schatten könnte tiefe Geheimnisse offenbaren, oder die schlimmsten Albträume verbergen.
Anglais Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare is the fourth entry in the Alone in the Dark series, continuing the story set up by the previous installments. Charles Fisk has gone missing on Shadow Island and is presumed dead. His good friend, private investigator Edward Carnby, has chartered a plane to Shadow Island to investigate the disappearance of his friend and discover what the island's owner, Obed Morton, is planning. Ailene Cedrac, an ethnology Professor at Boston University, also has an interest in the island -- she believes that her long lost father is located there. Driven by intrigue as well as a desire for closure, both Cedrac and Carnby fly to the island on Halloween night.
Espagnol Octubre de 2001, Edward Carnby (un curtido investigador de lo paranormal) y Aline Cedrac (una animada chica de carácter más intelectual) se encuentran atrapados en Shadow Island, una isla encantada en la que, según se rumorea, la sombras cobran vida. El jugador se ve muy pronto atacado por "criaturas de la oscuridad", que surgen de la nada y parecen vivir entre las sombras.
Français The New Nightmare sur Playstation est le quatrième volet de la série Alone In The Dark. Vous incarnez Edward Carnby, maître dans l'étude du paranormal, qui enquête sur la mort mystérieuse de son meilleur ami. Vous menez votre investigation sur Shadow Island, une île pas vraiment réputée pour son atmosphère enchanteresse. Il est également possible de vivre l'aventure à travers les yeux du personnage principal féminin.
Italien Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare è la quarta voce della serie Alone in the Dark, che continua la storia creata dalle puntate precedenti. Charles Fisk è scomparso su Shadow Island e si presume sia morto. Il suo buon amico, l'investigatore privato Edward Carnby, ha noleggiato un aereo per Shadow Island per indagare sulla scomparsa del suo amico e scoprire cosa sta pianificando il proprietario dell'isola, Obed Morton. Anche Ailene Cedrac, una professoressa di etnologia alla Boston University, ha un interesse per l'isola - crede che suo padre perduto da tempo si trovi lì. Spinti dall'intrigo oltre che dal desiderio di chiusura, sia Cedrac che Carnby volano sull'isola la notte di Halloween.
Portugais O novo pesadelo no Playstation é a quarta edição da série Alone In The Dark. Você interpreta Edward Carnby, mestre do estudo paranormal, investigando a misteriosa morte de seu melhor amigo. Você está conduzindo sua investigação na Ilha das Sombras, uma ilha que não é famosa por sua atmosfera encantadora. Também é possível experimentar a aventura através dos olhos da personagem feminina principal.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .