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Streets Of Rage 2
Streets Of Rage 2 - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Streets Of Rage 2
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Bare Knuckle II : Shitou e no Requiem
Continent Américain
   USA Streets of Rage 2
Europe Streets of Rage II
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Beat'em Up
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Europe 04/01/1993
USA 01/12/1992
Japon 14/01/1993
Monde 1992
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Allemand Nach dem großen Erfolg des ersten Spiels veröffentlichte Sega bereits 1992 den zweiten Teil der Serie, der ebenfalls für den Game Gear und das Master System umgesetzt wurde. Die grundlegenden Unterschiede zu Streets of Rage waren nur marginal. Grafik und Sound wurden jedoch entscheidend verbessert, und der Umfang des Spiels (Segas erstes 16-Megabit-Modul überhaupt) wurde wesentlich erweitert, jede Stage verfügte nun über zahlreiche Teilabschnitte. Alle vier Charaktere verfügten nun über ansprechende und vielfältige Animationsphasen, die Gegnerschar wurde dramatisch aufgestockt, und der Schwierigkeitsgrad fiel im Gegensatz zum Erstling etwas moderater aus. Hardcore-Zocker wurden jedoch mit dem neuen Mania-Schwierigkeitsgrad zufriedengestellt. Darüber hinaus gab es zwei neue Figuren zur Auswahl: den Rollschuhfahrer Skate Hunter und den Wrestler Max Thunder. Diese ersetzten Adam Hunter, der nach einem Kidnapping durch Mr X verschwand und erst in Teil 3 wieder auftauchte.
Anglais After Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding and Adam Hunter destroyed the evil Syndicate leader, Mr. X, the city became a peaceful place to live, and each one of them followed their own paths. One year later, after their reunion, Adam's brother Sammy returned from school to find their apartment in a mess, and Adam nowhere to be seen, and after calling his two friends, one of them notices a photo of Adam chained to a wall, next to someone they knew very well - Mr. X, who returned to turn the peaceful city once again into a war zone. Now, Axel, Blaze, Sammy, and Axel's good friend Max, a pro wrestler, must head out to stop Mr. X once again...hopefully for good...

Streets of Rage 2 differs from the previous title in several ways. There are changes in both graphics (characters now are bigger, more detailed and with more animation frames, and scenarios are less grainy) and gameplay (the rocket move was replaced by a special move that doubles in offense and defense along several new moves), along other new features such as life bars (and names) for all enemies and the radically different new characters.
Espagnol Un año después de la derrota de "Mr. X" y su sindicato en Streets of Rage, Adam Hunter, Axel Stone y Blaze Fielding se reúnen en su club favorito para recordar su aventura. Axel ahora trabaja como guardaespaldas a tiempo parcial, Blaze enseña baile, y Adam se ha unido a la policía, viviendo con su hermano menor, Eddie "Skate" Hunter.

Al día siguiente, Skate encuentra su casa en ruinas y a Adam desaparecido. Una foto muestra a Adam encadenado ante "Mr. X", quien ha regresado junto a su sindicato para sembrar el caos, tomando nuevamente las calles con violencia y saqueos. Alarmados, Axel y Skate informan a Blaze, quien se une a ellos junto a Max Thunder, un amigo de Axel y luchador profesional.

El grupo se embarca en una peligrosa misión desde la ciudad hasta una isla secreta, enfrentando a Mr. X para liberar a Adam y devolver la paz a la ciudad.
Français Choisissez un des quatres combattants et plaquez vos ennemis au sol par des super mouvements d'arts martiaux! Tapez-leur dessus avec des tuyaux ou taillez-les en morceaux avec des couteaux et des armes Ninja! Soyez prêt pour un combat incroyable avec Streets of Rage!
Italien Scegliete uno dei quattro combattenti e sbattete il vostro avversario al suolo con incredibili mosse di arti marziali! Colpiteli con sbarre d1 ferro o tagliateli a pezzettini con coltelli e armi ninja! Preparatevi per il più entusiasmante combattimento che affronterete ancora una volta con Street of Rage!
Portugais Streets of Rage 2 é a continuação de Streets of Rage, sendo que seu enredo basicamente conta que no passado os jovens ex-policiais Axel Stone, Adam Hunter e Blaze Fielding comemoravam a vitória contra o sindicato criminoso, após um ano de sua queda. Axel virou guarda costas e Blaze agora trabalha como professora de dança, porém Adam resolve se juntar novamente a polícia e passa a morar numa pequena casa junto com seu irmão mais novo.

Um dia Axel recebe um telefonema desesperado de Eddie "Skate" Hunter (também conhecido como Eddie "Sammy" Hunter) dizendo que ao chegar na pequena casa, ela estava toda revirada e destruída. O desaparecimento de Adam marca o começo do pesadelo, em poucos dias o sindicato estava de volta às ruas, agora totalmente renovados e com muitos novos lutadores criminosos, desde ninjas armados até mesmo motociclistas que arremessam bombas.

Axel contacta Max, seu velho amigo; Blaze e Sammy (Skate), e decidem se unir para destruir novamente a organização criminal do sindicato, resgatar Adam e restabelecer a ordem e a paz.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .