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Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-stars
Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-stars - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-stars
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   Corée Tiny Toon Adventures
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   USA Tiny Toon Adventures : Acme All-Stars
Europe Tiny Toon Adventures : Acme All-Stars
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USA 1994
Europe 1994
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Allemand Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars enthält alle üblichen Charaktere aus der Animationsserie Tiny Toon Adventures.

Es gibt verschiedene Spieloptionen. Die beiden wichtigsten Spiele sind Fußball und Basketball. Mit beiden Optionen können Sie Ihr eigenes Team mit 4 Charakteren auswählen und deren Spielpositionen auswählen. Sie können dann aus 5 verschiedenen Sportarenen auswählen. Spiele gegen die CPU oder gegen einen Freund. Im Story-Modus tritt ein vorbestimmtes Team beim Acme Looniversity-Turnier bei verschiedenen Veranstaltungen an.

Schließlich gibt es drei kleinere Spiele zu spielen: Hindernisparcours, 10-Pin-Bowling und Montana-Schlagen (wie die Maschinen "Schlagen Sie die Pop-up-Monster mit einem Hammer an", die Sie in Spielhallen sehen).
Anglais Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars features all the usual characters from the Tiny Toon Adventures animated series.

There are several different game options. The main two games are Soccer and Basketball. Both of these options allow you to pick your own team of 4 characters and to choose their playing positions. You can then pick from 5 different sporting arenas. Play against the CPU or against a friend. The Story Mode sees a predetermined team competing at several different events at the Acme Looniversity Tournament.

Finally there are three smaller games to play: Obstacle Course, 10 Pin Bowling, and Montana Hitting (like the "hit the pop up monsters with a hammer" machines that you see in amusement arcades).
Espagnol Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars presenta todos los personajes habituales de la serie animada Tiny Toon Adventures. Hay varias opciones de juego diferentes. Los dos juegos principales son fútbol y baloncesto. Ambas opciones te permiten elegir tu propio equipo de 4 personajes y elegir sus posiciones de juego. A continuación, puede elegir entre 5 diferentes escenarios deportivos. Juega contra la CPU o contra un amigo. El Modo Historia comprende a un equipo predeterminado compitiendo en varios eventos diferentes en el Torneo Acme Looniversity. Finalmente, hay tres juegos más pequeños para jugar: Obstacle Course, 10 Pin Bowling y Montana Hitting (como las máquinas "golpea los monstruos emergentes con un martillo" que ves en las salas de juego).
Français Entrez dans le monde coloré de Tiny Toon Adventures : Acme All-Stars sur Megadrive. Ce jeu de sports vous invite à disputer des matches de foot ou de basket-ball mais revus par les Toons. Le titre propose quatorze personnages jouables dont le petit Bunny et Taz. Profitez de cet univers farfelu et utilisez les capacités spéciales de chacun pour faire gagner l'équipe.
Italien Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars presenta tutti i soliti personaggi della serie animata Tiny Toon Adventures.
Sono disponibili diverse opzioni di gioco. I due giochi principali sono il calcio e il basket. Entrambe queste opzioni ti consentono di scegliere la tua squadra di 4 personaggi e di scegliere le loro posizioni di gioco. Puoi quindi scegliere tra 5 diverse arene sportive. Gioca contro la CPU o contro un amico. La modalità Storia vede una squadra predeterminata competere in diversi eventi all'Acme Looniversity Tournament.
Infine ci sono tre giochi secondari da giocare: Obstacle Course, 10 Pin Bowling e Montana Hitting (come le macchine "colpisci i mostri pop-up con un martello", che vedi nelle sale giochi).
Portugais Prepare-se para a batalha esportiva do século! Se praticar futebol, basquete, boliche, corrida de obstáculos e outros esportes já era divertido, imagine tudo isto com jogadores muito especiais. É verdade. Desta vez toda turma da ACME city resolveu malhar. Perninha, Lilica, Presuntinho, Pluck e todos os outros já estão no aquecimento. Você poderá escolher entre 14 Tiny Toons para escalar seu time. Cada um contando com movimentos looney especiais. Gráficos e sons incríveis farão você se sentir dentro dos desenhos animados e maior sucesso da TV. Não perca este ACME desafio.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .