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Another World
Another World - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Another World
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Outer World
Continent Américain
   USA Out of This World
Europe Another World
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Number of Players
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 27/11/1992
USA 01/11/1992
Europe 27/05/1993
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Another World (bekannt als Out of This World in den U.S.A. und Outer World in Japan) ist ein Action-Adventure-Spiel, das von Eric Chahi entworfen und entwickelt wurde und den Spieler in die Rolle eines rothaarigen Physikers versetzt, der auf einem fremden Planeten gefangen ist.
Das Spiel beginnt, als ein Blitz das Labor von Lester Chaykin trifft, der Experimente durchführt. Die Explosion projiziert den jungen Wissenschaftler in eine besonders feindliche Parallelwelt. Lester wird schnell von einer humanoiden Spezies eingesperrt und trifft auf einen notdürftigen Begleiter.
Anglais You play Lester, a young physics professor, who suddenly finds himself in a strange alien world after a lightning struck during his particle experiment. Now he must fight for his life, first with his bare hands, then with a gun he finds. But what gives him courage is that he is not alone. One of the aliens, who together with him escapes from the prison, helps him on his dangerous quest. Friendship can overcome all the obstacles.

Out of This World is an action adventure game, where the adventuring element is concealed behind what looks like a typical platform shooter. The gameplay is based mainly on physical and environmental puzzles. There is no on-screen interface, and no in-game dialogue. Each enemy requires a different strategy, and often there is only one way to solve the problem. Typically, enemies will be defeated through the use of a gun you find near the beginning of the game; the gun can be used to create a shield from behind which you can safely fire.

The game is divided into levels, each one of which can be accessed by typing a code you learn after having completed the level. If you die (which is often) you restart the level anew. The game features vector graphics and animated cut scenes.
Espagnol Del diario de Lester Knight Chaykin:

Aprovecho este corto descanso para anotar algo de información útil, en el cuaderno que ha sobrevivido a mis últimas aventuras. Me he separado de mi compañero; sin su ayuda, aún estaría atrapado. Espero encontrarlo. Le debo mi vida.
Ahora me encuentro perdido en un laberinto de corredores subterráneos. Ignoro cuanto tiempo he estado vagando. Y constantemente encuentro corrientes que amenazan con inundar estos corredores en cualquier momento.
Afortunadamente he encontrado un arma que puede perforar un agujero en casi todo lo que encuentre. Me ha salvado la vida innumerables veces.
Hay muchos guardias por estos corredores. Debo moverme antes de que...
Français Another World sur Super Nintendo est un jeu d'action-aventure qui démarre lorsque la foudre s'abat sur le laboratoire de Lester Chaykin qui procède à des expériences. L'explosion projettera le jeune scientifique dans un monde parallèle particulièrement hostile. Rapidement emprisonné par une espèce humanoïde, Lester fait la rencontre d'un compagnon de fortune.
Italien Lester Knight Chaykin, un giovane scienziato, è nel suo laboratorio, conducendo esperimenti su un acceleratore di particelle, quando improvvisamente un fulmine colpisce il suo laboratorio, facendo sì che il suo acceleratore lo trasporti in un altro mondo. Perso in un mondo sconosciuto, finisce per diventare prigioniero di una razza di creature umanoidi. Tuttavia, nella sua prigionia, finisce per fare amicizia con uno degli alieni e insieme i due cercheranno di sfuggire ai loro nemici.
Portugais Lester Knight Chaykin, um jovem cientista, está em seu laboratório, conduzindo experiências em um acelerador de partículas, quando, de repente, um relâmpago atinge seu laboratório, fazendo com que seu acelerador transporte-o para um outro mundo. Perdido em um mundo desconhecido, ele acaba se tornando prisioneiro de uma raça de criaturas humanoides. Porém, em seu cativeiro, acaba fazendo amizade com um dos alienígenas e, juntos, os dois tentarão escapar de seus inimigos.
General Information
Additional information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .