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Doom - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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   Japon Doom
Continent Américain
   USA Doom
Europe Doom
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Shooter / FPV
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 29/02/1996
Europe 25/10/1995
Japon 01/03/1996
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Allemand Begebe Dich in Doom für SNES auf einen schonungslosen Kampfeinsatz und säubere eine Marsmond-Basis von ganzen Horden dämonischer Kreaturen. Kämpfe Dich durch die labyrinthartigen Level von Doom, durchforste die Korridore nach geheimen Zonen und Hilfsmitteln und zeige den der Hölle entsprungenen Monstern den Weg zurück dorthin. Verwende ein ganzes Arsenal an Waffen, Lösche die Höllenbrut aus und überlebe diese actiongeladene Abenteuer!
Anglais The Union Aerospace Corporation has been experimenting with teleportation technology on Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos. After early successes, something goes wrong. It seems the scientists have opened a gateway straight to Hell. Phobos base is overrun with demonic creatures, and the whole of Deimos simply vanishes. A squad of marines is sent to Phobos, but all except one are quickly slaughtered. It falls to the surviving marine to grab some guns and strike back at the demons.

id Software's follow-up to their genre-defining Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM is another first person shooter: full-on action seen from the space marine's perspective. Like Wolfenstein, the game consists of distinct episodes, playable in any order. The first episode, Knee-Deep in the Dead, takes place in the Phobos base and is freely available as shareware. The full game continues on Deimos in The Shores of Hell and culminates in Inferno, the final episode which takes place in Hell itself. Each episode consists of nine levels, one of which is a hidden level.

The basic objective in each level is simply to reach the exit. Since dozens of enemies stand in the way, the only way to get there is through killing them. Switches and buttons must be
pressed to advance at certain points and often color-coded locked doors will block the way - matching keycards or skull keys must be found to pass.

DOOM's engine technology is more advanced than Wolfenstein's, and thus the levels are more varied and complex. The engine simulates different heights (stairs and lifts appear frequently) and different lighting conditions (some rooms are pitch black, others only barely illuminated). There are outdoor areas, pools of radioactive waste that hurt the player, ceilings that come down and crush him, and unlike Wolfenstein's orthogonally aligned corridors, the walls in DOOM can be in any angle to each other. An automap helps in navigating the levels.

Stylistically, the levels begin with a futuristic theme in the military base on Phobos and gradually change to a hellish environment, complete with satanic symbols (pentagrams, upside-down-crosses and portraits of horned demons), hung-up mutilated corpses and the distorted faces of the damned.

DOOM features a large weapon arsenal, with most weapons having both advantages and drawbacks. The starting weapons are the fists and a simple pistol. Also available are a shotgun (high damage, slow reload, not good at distances), a chaingun (high firing rate, but slightly inaccurate in longer bursts) and a plasma rifle (combining a high firing rate and large damage). The rocket launcher also deals out lots of damage, but the explosion causes blast damage and must be used with care in confined areas or it might prove deadly to the player as well as the enemies. Two further (in)famous weapons in DOOM are the chainsaw for close-quarter carnage, and the BFG9000 energy gun, that, while taking some practice to fire correctly, can destroy most enemies in a single burst. The different weapons use four different ammunition types (bullets, shells, rockets and energy cells), so collecting the right type for a certain gun is important.

DOOM drops some of Wolfenstein's arcade-inspired aspects, so there are no extra lives or treasures to be collected for points, but many other powerups are still available. Medpacks heal damage while armor protects from receiving it in the first place. Backpacks allow more ammunition to be carried, a computer map reveals the whole layout of the level on the automap (including any secret areas), light amplification visors illuminate dark areas and radiation suits allow travel over waste without taking damage. Also available are berserk packs (which radically increase the damage inflicted by the fists) as well as short-time invisibility and invulnerability powerups.

The enemies to be destroyed include former humans corrupted during the invasion, plus demons in all shapes and sizes: fireball-throwing imps, floating skulls, pink-skinned demons with powerful bite attacks and large one-eyed flying monstrosities called Cacodemons. Each episode ends with a boss battle against one or two especially powerful creatures.

DOOM popularized multiplayer in the genre with two different modes: Cooperative allows up to four players to move through the single-player game together, while Deathmatch is a competitive game type where players blast at each other to collect 'frag' points for a kill and re-spawn in
a random location after being killed.
Espagnol La Unión Aerospace Corporation ha estado experimentando con la tecnología de teleportación en las lunas de Marte, Phobos y Deimos. Después de los primeros avances, algo sale mal. Parece que los científicos han abierto una puerta directa al infierno. La base de Fobos está repleta de criaturas demoníacas, y Deimos simplemente desaparece. Un escuadrón de marines es enviado a Fobos, pero todos excepto uno son rápidamente aniquilados. El marine sobreviviente deberá enfrentarse el solo a los demonios.
Français Doom sur Super Nintendo est un jeu de tir à la première personne. La planète Mars est envahie par des créatures de l'enfer à la suite de plusieurs expériences scientifiques. Vous incarnez un Space Marine qui a été condamné à des travaux forcés sur la planète rouge. Se retrouvant seul dans la base humaine, il tente de survivre en éliminant tous les monstres autour de lui.
Italien Doom on Super Nintendo è uno sparatutto in prima persona. Il pianeta Marte è invaso da creature provenienti dall'inferno a seguito di diversi esperimenti scientifici. Giocherai nei panni di uno Space Marine che è stato condannato ai lavori forzati sul Pianeta Rosso. Trovandosi solo nella base umana, cerca di sopravvivere eliminando tutti i mostri intorno a lui.
Portugais Doom no Super Nintendo é um jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa. O planeta Marte é invadido por criaturas do inferno como resultado de vários experimentos científicos. Você joga como um Space Marine que foi condenado a trabalhos forçados no Planeta Vermelho. Encontrando-se sozinho na base humana, ele tenta sobreviver eliminando todos os monstros ao seu redor.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .