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Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Jurassic Park
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Jurassic Park
Continent Américain
   USA Jurassic Park
Europe Jurassic Park
   Allemagne Jurassic Park
   Espagne Jurassic Park
   France Jurassic Park
   Italie Jurassic Park
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 01/11/1993
Europe 29/12/1993
Japon 24/06/1994
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Aus der Vogelperspektive steuert Ihr Alan Grant durch den Super-Nintendo-Park. Ihr rüstet den Wissenschaftler, der anfangs nur mit einem Elektro-Schocker ausgestattet ist, im Verlauf durch Extrawaffen auf. Explosive Bolas, Granaten, Raketen und Giftpfeile liegen herrenlos am Wegesrand – leider kann der Wissenschaftler nur zwei der Wummen tragen.Ihr macht Jagd auf ganze Dinosaurier-Herden, die in allen Teilen der Insel herumstreunen. Wie im Film werden Saurier vor allem durch hektische Bewegungen aggressiv – durch langsame Aktionen könnt Ihr den Angriffen entgehen.

Grant wandert durch den Dschungel, erkundet Hügel und aktiviert Tore oder Brücken, um in andere Teile des Parks zu gelangen. Nützliche Gegenstände, Generatoren und Computerterminals sind in Gebäuden versteckt, in denen es sich aber auch die Saurier gemütlich gemacht haben. Betretet Ihr ein Haus, wird automatisch aus der Vogelperspektive in eine 3-D-Sicht umgeschaltet. Ihr wandert durch flüssig zoomende Flure, erkundet düstere Gänge und öffnet Metalltüren, um in den nächsten Raum zu gelangen. Aufzüge befördern Euch in andere Stockwerke. Zwischen aggressiven Reptilien findet Ihr Batterien, ID-Karten oder Nachtsichtgläser, die im späteren Verlauf des Spiels dringend gebraucht werden.
Anglais The SNES game based on the film Jurassic Park is an action title that combines top-down and first-person perspectives.

Playing as Dr. Alan Grant, the player's ultimate goal is to escape the Jurassic Park island. To reach that goal, several other tasks must be completed, including restoring power to the park and destroying a Velociraptor nest.

The large game world is seen from a top-down view and can be freely explored. Some areas are not accessible from the beginning, however. To enter them, keycards must be found or some special goal be completed, like rebooting the computer system and using it to open certain gates. Dr. Grant can defend himself against the many free-roaming dinosaurs with a variety of weapons, including an electroshock gun, a shotgun, rocket launcher, gas grenade launcher and bola gun. All weapons except the electro gun require ammo to work. A radar at the bottom of the screen helps in detecting approaching dinosaurs, but will only work once the park's motion detectors have been activated.

Upon entering one of the park's buildings, the game view switches to a scrolling first person perspective, reminiscent of early first person shooters like Wolfenstein 3D. Just like outside, dinosaurs lurk in the corridors, and the same guns as in the overworld map can be used to destroy them. Many buildings consist of several floors, with elevators connecting them. Some rooms are pitch black and can only be entered when in possession of night vision goggles.

The game supports the SNES mouse for the first-person sections and the computer system interface.

Si la película te emocionó, los gráficos REAL 3-D de Ocean te dejarán boquiabierto.

Esto es en tu cara, ojo-a-globo ocular, movimiento completo en 3-D. Te acercaremos más a las principales atracciones que nunca antes. Tan cerca, que cuando te encuentras mirando a los orificios nasales de un ave rapaz hambrienta, casi puedes oler su aliento.

Juega el mejor juego de todos los tiempos: Jurassic Park en 3-D.

¡Disfruta tu estancia!
Français Jurassic Park est l'adaptation sur Super Nintendo du film réalisé par Steven Spielberg en 1993. Vous incarnez le docteur Alan Grant, le paléontologue héros du film. Vous devez tout d'abord secourir Tim et Alex en les ramenant à leur grand-père Hammond. Il faudra ensuite retourner au milieu des dinosaures afin de rétablir le courant pour pouvoir appeler les secours.
Italien Il gioco per SNES basato sul film Jurassic Park è un titolo d'azione che combina prospettive dall'alto e in prima persona.

Nei panni del Dr. Alan Grant, l'obiettivo finale del giocatore è quello di fuggire dall'isola di Jurassic Park. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, è necessario portare a termine diversi altri compiti, tra cui ripristinare l'energia elettrica nel parco e distruggere un nido di Velociraptor.
Portugais No controle do paleontólogo Alan Grant, devemos, escapar da Isla Nublar, local onde o protótipo de um parque zoológico jurássico não deu muito certo. Repleta de dinossauros dos mais variados tipos, tudo nesse jogo significa perigo. E, com poucas vidas, pouca munição, poucos continues e falta de um recurso para salvar o progresso, você provavelmente vai economizar cada gota de suor que puder.
General Information
Additional information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .