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Simcity - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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General Information
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   Japon SimCity
Continent Américain
   USA SimCity
Europe SimCity
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JV:+3 ans
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Build And Management
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 13/08/1991
Japon 26/04/1991
Europe 24/09/1992
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Allemand Inhalt des Spiels ist die Simulation einer Stadt und deren Entwicklung unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Faktoren wie Kriminalität, Umwelt, Verkehrsfluss und Bildung. Auf einer anfänglich unbebauten Landschaft kann vom Spieler Infrastruktur wie etwa Strom- und Wasserversorgung, Straßen und Schienen gebaut werden. Außerdem kann er Wohn-, Industrie- und Gewerbegebiete zur Bebauung ausweisen. Spezialgebäude wie Häfen, Parks, Schulen, Polizei- und Feuerwachen beeinflussen verschiedene Parameter in ihrer Umgebung (ein Polizeirevier führt zu geringerer Kriminalität, was die Attraktivität und den Landwert der Grundstücke in der Umgebung erhöht), die sich auf die ausgewiesenen Baugebiete und deren Bebauung auswirken.
Anglais SimCity sets you as the mayor of a new municipality, with the responsibility of building and maintaining a place where citizens can move to and work and be happy. The first task is to place essentials such as housing, transport links, schools, factories and shops. There are 50 types of these, allowing for homes of all standards and different types of businesses. Make sure to consider which sites are effective for which tasks. Some power sources pollute, others don't but are more expensive. Taxes must be raised to ensure an income, and then portions allocated to public services such as policing and roads. Earthquakes, floods and fires are all emergency situations that must be dealt to contain any damage.

Successful mayoring will cause the small village to grow into a town, then a city and finally a metropolis. As the city's size grows so do it's needs. Commercial buildings may suddenly find that they need an airport to expand trade, or housing may find itself changing rapidly as vast amounts of people come and leave.

The game also includes 8 pre-defined time-limited scenarios, with specific challenges and targets. The environment varies in each game (especially if you have the Terrain Editor add on), and this should affect your choices.
Espagnol Comience con un pequeño pueblo (ponle el nombre que quieras) y construye hasta convertirlo en una metrópoli. O, asume el reto de rescatar una ciudad abrumada con problemas. De cualquier manera, los impuestos, la planificación urbanística, el crimen, el transporte, la educación, el control de incendios y otros asuntos críticos están en sus manos. El tiempo pasa, y cada decisión que tomas tiene una consecuencia futura. Tu asistente, el Dr. Wright, puede ayudarte a tomar las decisiones correctas. ¡Solo pregunta!. Las inesperadas catástrofes también amenazan tu prospera ciudad: incendios, terremotos, accidentes aéreos, incluso un monstruo gigante al que le gusta la contaminación industrial. ¿Construirás la ciudad ideal? ¿O los ciudadanos, descontentos, te dejaran solo en un pueblo fantasma?
Français SimCity sur Super Nintendo est l'un des premiers jeux conçus par Will Wright, connu pour Les Sims. Vous incarnez le maire d'une ville et devez rendre les habitants heureux afin que ceux-ci ne vous virent pas. Le premier mode de jeu vous fait partir de zéro, avec tous les bâtiments et infrastructures à construire. Dans le mode Catastrophe, vous prenez les commandes d'une cité déjà construite et devez faire face aux catastrophes naturelles, ainsi qu'à des émeutes et autres événements inattendus.
Italien SimCity per Super Nintendo è uno dei primi giochi progettati da Will Wright, noto per The Sims. Interpreti il sindaco di una città e devi rendere felici gli abitanti in modo che non ti vedano. La prima modalità di gioco ti porta da zero, con tutti gli edifici e le infrastrutture da costruire. In modalità Disastro, prendi il controllo di una città già costruita e devi affrontare disastri naturali, così come rivolte e altri eventi imprevisti.
Portugais Comece com uma cidade incipiente (você mesmo escolhe) e transforme-a em uma metrópole. Ou aceite o desafio de resgatar uma cidade repleta de problemas. De qualquer forma, impostos, zoneamento, crime, transporte, educação, controle de incêndio e outras questões críticas estão em suas mãos. O tempo está passando e cada decisão que você toma tem uma consequência futura. Seu assistente, Dr. Wright, pode ajudá-lo a tomar as decisões certas. Basta perguntar!
Catastrofias surpresas também ameaçam sua cidade em crescimento - incêndios, terremotos, quedas de aviões e até mesmo um Koopa gigante que tem faro para poluição industrial!
Você vai construir a cidade ideal? Ou os cidadãos insatisfeitos vão deixar você com uma cidade fantasma?
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .