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Joe And Mac 3 - Lost In The Tropics
Joe And Mac 3 - Lost In The Tropics - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Joe And Mac 3 - Lost In The Tropics
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Tatakae Genshijin 3 : Shuyaku wa Yappari Joe & Mac
Continent Américain
   USA Joe & Mac 2 : Lost in the Tropics
Europe Joe & Mac 3 : Lost in the Tropics
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Release date(s)
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France 02/04/1994
USA 02/04/1994
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Im dritten Teil der Steinzeitsaga hat sich gegen­über den beiden Vorhüpfern wenig geändert: Die Geschwister Joe und Mac schwingen ihre Keulen zwischen klirrenden Gletschern, brodelnder Vulkanlandschaft und dichtem Dschungel. Ein niederträchtiger Konkurrenzstamm hat sich Eure Stammeskrone unter den Nagel gerissen. Die Suchaktion führt Euch über eine Oberwelt mit sechs prähistorischen Szenarien.
Anglais This sequel puts you back into the roles of the cavemen, Joe and Mac. This time, a caveman named Gork has stolen the crown belonging to the Chief of Kali Village, and it's up to you to retrieve it by using the 7 Rainbow Stones you will collect on your journey.

Along the way, you will fight dinosaurs, cavemen, and other prehistoric enemies as your travel through the jungle, or through the ice and snow, or even through a volcanic wasteland. Along the way, you can pick up upgrades for your club, or pick up projectiles from eating certain health-recovery items. In some levels, you'll ride in a stone cart, trying to hope over gaps and avoid enemies as you try to reach the end.

Improving on the original's platformer/brawler co-op gameplay, this game adds adventure and role-playing game elements that create a more involving experience compared to the first game. You can now collect coins in the levels to purchase items from Tiki Village, such as meat to recover your health, or even remodel your hut back at your home village. The game also uses a password system to track your progress. The game also shifts to an overhead map so you can wander to whichever level you wish, and return to completed levels to earn more money or power-ups.
Espagnol Mejorando el juego cooperativo de plataforma / peleador original, este juego agrega elementos de aventuras y juegos de rol que crean una experiencia más envolvente en comparación con el primer juego. Ahora puede recoger monedas en los niveles para comprar artículos de Tiki Village, como carne para recuperar su salud, o incluso remodelar su cabaña en su aldea natal. El juego también usa un sistema de contraseña para seguir tu progreso. El juego también cambia a un mapa general para que pueda pasear al nivel que desee y regresar a los niveles completados para ganar más dinero o potenciadores.
Français La couronne légendaire a disparu!
Nos héros, Joe et Mac, se sont portés volontaires pour partir à la recherche de la couronne de leur chef et la ramener afin que la paix soit rétablie dans leur patrie. Bien entendu, ils ne risquent pas leurs vies pour rien, ils veulent également impressionner les filles des cavernes!
Joe et Mac risquent d'avoir de petits problèmes d'orientation. Il vaudrait mieux qu'ils ne se perdent pas dans les marais boueux et les îles volcaniques. Toi seul peut sauver l'île et rendre la couronne à son propriétaire.
Italien La leggendaria corona non c'è più!
I nostri eroi, Joe e Mac, si sono offerti volontari per cercare la corona del loro leader e riportarla indietro in modo che la pace potesse essere ripristinata nella loro patria. Naturalmente, non rischiano la vita per niente, vogliono anche impressionare le ragazze delle caverne!
Joe e Mac potrebbero avere piccoli problemi di orientamento. Sarebbe meglio se non si perdessero in paludi fangose e isole vulcaniche. Solo tu puoi salvare l'isola e restituire la corona al suo proprietario.
Portugais Esta sequência o coloca de volta na pele dos homens das cavernas, Joe e Mac. Desta vez, um homem da caverna chamado Gork rouba a coroa do Chefe da Vila de Kali, e cabe a você recuperá-la usando as 7 Pedras Arco-Íris que você vai coletar em sua jornada. No caminho você enfrentará dinossauros, homens das cavernas e outros inimigos pré-históricos a medida em que você viaja por florestas, terras de gelo e neve, ou até mesmo por paisagens vulcânicas.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .