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Brutal - Paws Of Fury
Brutal - Paws Of Fury - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Brutal - Paws Of Fury
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   Japon Animal Buranden : Brutal
Continent Américain
   USA Brutal : Paws of Fury
Europe Brutal : Paws of Fury
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Japon 22/12/1994
USA 01/12/1994
Europe 1994
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Allemand Wer das Prügeln nicht ehrt, ist des Videospielens nicht wert: Die Backpfeifen-Helden von Paws of Fury versuchen die Konkurrenz von der Matte zu stoßen. Die Idee des Levelaufstiegs blieb erhalten: Im Laufe der Kämpfe lernt Ihr neue Spezial-Attacken und speichert Euren so trainierten Helden mit einem Paßwort ab. Daß Paws of Fury überarbeitet wurde, merkt man dem Spiel­ablauf an: Die Plüsch-Fighter steuern sich deutlich flüssiger und reagieren im Gegensatz zu den Sega-Versionen ohne Zögern auf Euren Knopfdruck. Die unübersichtliche Arena, in der Ihr hinter Papierwänden kämpft und dabei nur Eure Schatten seht, wurde in ein konventionelles Wohnzimmer verwandelt. Ein paar Programmier-Patzer haben sich dennoch auf das Modul ge­schmuggelt: So beeinträchtigen die ungenaue Kollisionsabfrage und das monotone Kampfverhalten der Gegner den Spielspaß.
Anglais The Dalai Llama (bad pun or what?) has organised a martial arts contest for animals of all species to prove their skills, and you are competing in it. There are a wide variety of furry creatures to take on, and finally the Dalai Llama himself.

Brutal: Paws of Fury is a standard one-on-one beat 'em up across a variety of levels, with mostly outdoor terrain. You can choose of the many characters. Throughout the game, your character travels across Dalai Llama's island, fighting a series of duels before getting to the final showdown.

During a duel, you can punch and kick your opponent, try to use special attacks on him/her, or use a "taunt" that restores a bit of your health. Each battle lasts a number of rounds (how many - that is determined in the options menu); once one combatant has won that number of times during the battle, he wins. If the computer-controlled player won, it's game over (but you can still use a continue to start the fight anew); if you won, you move on to the next opponent. Once you have defeated them, you can watch an ending animation, different depending on the character you have chosen.

Instead of beginning a whole new game, you can fight a single duel, choosing the opponent and terrain. You can choose to fight either a computer-controlled opponent or another human player.

The visuals are leant towards cutesiness, which makes a change from the gore of Mortal Kombat and the metal of Rise of the Robots.

In the console versions, you start the game without special moves, but get a new one after each successful best-of-three bout. The computer versions drop this feature, though.
Espagnol Cada cuatro años, en la oculta Isla Brutal, los más fieros luchadores de artes marciales del mundo son invitados a competir en el más duro de los torneos. Sólo el ganador de este torneo obtendrá el privilegio de retar al Dalai Llama, el más grande luchador del mundo, por el codiciado cinturón del Campeonato Celestial.
Français Brutal : Paws of Fury est un jeu de combat sur Super Nintendo. Le Dalaï-Lama, plus grand guerrier du Monde, a convié tous les animaux maîtres dans leur discipline. Un rat boxeur, un singe maître de kung-fu ou encore un crocodile karateka, voilà les combattants qui se défient pour avoir l'honneur d'affronter le Dalaï-Lama. Le style loufoque des personnages et les animations ne manqueront pas d'ajouter une bonne dose de rire dans toute cette violence.
Italien Brutal: Paws of Fury è un gioco di combattimento per Super Nintendo. Il Dalai Lama, il più grande guerriero del mondo, ha invitato tutti gli animali maestri nella loro disciplina. Un topo pugile, una scimmia maestro di kung fu o un coccodrillo karateka, questi sono i combattenti che si sfidano per avere l'onore di affrontare il Dalai Lama. Lo stile bizzarro dei personaggi e delle animazioni aggiungerà sicuramente una buona dose di risate in tutta questa violenza.
Portugais Brutal: Paws of Fury é um jogo de luta. Dalai Lama, o maior guerreiro do mundo, convidou todos os animais mestres para sua disciplina. Um rato boxeador, um macaco mestre em kung fu e um crocodilo karateka, esses são os lutadores que querem ter a honra de enfrentar o Dalai Lama. O estilo maluco dos personagens e das animações não deixará de acrescentar uma boa dose de riso em toda essa violência.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .