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Tko Super Championship Boxing
Tko Super Championship Boxing - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Tko Super Championship Boxing
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Kentou Ou World Champion
Continent Américain
   USA TKO Super Championship Boxing
Europe TKO Super Championship Boxing
Information Proposed by
Information Proposed by
Sting Entertainment
Number of Players
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Rating Categories
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Sports / Boxing
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 28/04/1992
USA 01/10/1992
Europe 1993
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Ein Boxspiel mit einem Meisterschaftsmodus und einem Ausstellungsspielmodus für 1 oder 2 Spieler. Im Meisterschaftsmodus wählen die Spieler einen der 8 verfügbaren Boxer aus und treten dann gegen die anderen 7 Boxer auf der Straße an, um zu versuchen, Weltmeister zu werden. Die Spieler gehen in 3-Minuten-Runden mit ihren Gegnern im Boxring von Kopf bis Fuß. Die Boxer können sich gegenseitig mit Haken und Stößen bewerfen, mit der alleinigen Absicht, ihren Gegner auf die Leinwand zu werfen, indem sie ihre gesamte Energie durch Landung dieser Schläge verbrauchen. Jeder Schlag kostet den Boxer etwas Ausdauer, was durch Boxhandschuhsymbole angezeigt wird. Wenn die Ausdauer aller Boxer aufgebraucht ist, können sie eine Weile keine Schläge mehr werfen, bis sie etwas von ihrer Ausdauer zurückgewonnen haben. Nach jedem Kampf gehen die Spieler ins Fitnessstudio, um verschiedene Übungen wie Springseil und Bankdrücken zu trainieren. Diese Übungen erhöhen den Boxer des Spielers in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Geschwindigkeit und Kraft. Zu den Optionen gehören das Einstellen der Anzahl der Runden (von 1 bis 10) und das Einstellen des Schwierigkeitsgrades (Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und Experten).
Anglais A boxing game featuring a Championship mode and a 1 or 2 player exhibition match mode.

In the Championship mode, players choose from 1 of the 8 available boxers, and then compete against the other 7 boxers on the road to try becoming the World Champ. Players go toe to toe with their opponents in the boxing ring in 3 minute rounds. The boxers can throw hooks and jabs at each other with the sole intention to knock their opponent down to the canvas by draining all their energy by landing those punches. Each punch thrown costs the boxer some stamina which is indicated by boxing glove icons. If all the boxers stamina is drained, they can no longer throw punches for a little while until they gain some of their stamina back. After each fight is over, players go to the gym to train in various different exercises like skipping rope and bench pressing weights. These exercises increase the players boxer in various areas like speed and power.

Options include setting the number of rounds (from 1 to 10) and setting the difficulty level (novice, advanced, and expert).
Espagnol TKO Super Championship Boxing. Este es un juego de boxeo donde puedes seleccionar cualquiera de los 8 combatientes. El objetivo del juego es ganar contra tus 7 oponentes y poder competir en el Campeonato.
Français TKO Super Championship Boxing est un jeu de combat sur Super Nintendo. Le joueur peut choisir parmi les 8 boxeurs présents pour devenir le roi du ring. TKO Super Championship Boxing propose trois modes de jeu différents : un mode Championnat où il faudra se frayer un chemin jusqu'au sommet, un mode Match Simple et un mode deux joueurs où il est possible d'affronter un ami pour l'envoyer dans les cordes.
Italien TKO Super Championship Boxing è un gioco di combattimento per Super Nintendo. Il giocatore può scegliere tra gli 8 pugili presenti per diventare il re del ring. TKO Super Championship Boxing offre tre diverse modalità di gioco: una modalità Campionato in cui dovrai combattere per raggiungere la cima, una modalità Single Match e una modalità a due giocatori in cui puoi competere contro un amico per mandarlo alle corde.
Portugais Um jogo de boxe com um modo de campeonato e um modo de jogo de exibição para 1 ou 2 jogadores. No modo Campeonato, os jogadores escolhem entre 1 dos 8 pugilistas disponíveis e, em seguida, competem contra os outros 7 pugilistas na estrada para tentar se tornar o Campeão do Mundo. Os jogadores vão frente a frente com seus oponentes no ringue de boxe em rodadas de 3 minutos. Os boxeadores podem lançar ganchos e socos uns nos outros com a única intenção de derrubar o oponente na tela, drenando toda a sua energia com os socos. Cada soco desferido custa ao boxeador alguma resistência, que é indicada por ícones de luvas de boxe. Se toda a resistência do boxeador for drenada, eles não podem mais dar socos por um tempo até que recuperem parte de sua resistência. Após o término de cada luta, os jogadores vão à academia para treinar vários exercícios diferentes, como pular corda e fazer supino com pesos. Esses exercícios aumentam o boxeador dos jogadores em várias áreas como velocidade e potência. As opções incluem definir o número de rodadas (de 1 a 10) e definir o nível de dificuldade (iniciante, avançado e especialista).
General Information
Additional information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .