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On The Ball
On The Ball - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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On The Ball
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   Japon Cameltry
Continent Américain
   USA On the Ball
Europe On the Ball
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 1993
Japon 26/06/1992
USA 01/11/1992
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand In Anlehnung an Marble Madness oder Clod Kingdom verfolgt On the Ball einen anderen Ansatz, um ein ähnliches Ziel zu erreichen: Anstatt die Kugel auf dem Brett zu bewegen, bewegt man das Brett um die Kugel.

Die Aufgabe des Spielers besteht also darin, das Spielbrett mal im, mal gegen den Uhrzeigersinn zu drehen, um dem Ball einen rechtzeitigen und ungehinderten Weg zum Ziel eines jeden Levels zu ermöglichen, bevor der Timer auf Null fällt. Das Spiel hätte genauso gut "Trägheit" heißen können. Viele Hindernisse können umgangen werden, aber einige müssen auch frontal angegangen werden: Ein gewisser Schwung, wenn nicht gar eine bestimmte Endgeschwindigkeit muss erreicht werden, um bröckelnde Ziegelsteinbarrieren zu durchbrechen. Andere Hindernisse schalten wie Ampeln ein und aus und erfordern nicht nur Geschwindigkeit, sondern auch Timing. Einige beeinflussen die Richtung des Balls, und das Berühren einiger Hindernisse verzögert nicht nur das Vorankommen des Balls, sondern bringt auch eine zusätzliche Zeitstrafe mit sich. Umgekehrt gewähren einige Blöcke einen Zeitbonus, wenn man sich die Zeit leisten kann, die man braucht, um den landschaftlichen Umweg zu nehmen und sie einzusammeln.
Anglais There's a kind of knick-knack you may find in dusty games rooms, a maze through which you navigate a marble by subtly tilting the board, dancing with gravity and momentum, deftly rolling your sphere out of dead ends and around the obstacles posed by holes in the board. Marble Madness explores this theme in a fudged 3-D perspective, Cloud Kingdoms in a flat 2-D one -- both by directly influencing the actions of the ball. The game takes a different approach toward a similar end; instead of moving the ball around the board, you move the board around the ball.

That's right; from the get-go, gravity pulls ever down, down, down on your ball toward the bottom of your screen regardless of board orientation; the task of the player is to rotate the board now clockwise, now counter-clockwise, to further a timely and unobstructed path beneath the ball in its progress toward each level's goal before the timer ticks down to zero. The game might as well have been named "inertia." Many obstacles can be avoided, but some must be engaged head-on: a certain momentum, if not terminal velocity, must be achieved to break through crumbling brick barriers; other obstacles toggle on and off like traffic lights, demanding not only speed but timing. Some influence the ball's direction, and in addition to merely delaying the ball's progress, touching some impediments incurs an additional time penalty -- conversely, some blocks bestow time bonuses, if you can afford the ever-diminishing time needed to take the scenic detour and collect them.

It may seem like a transparent attempt to cobble together a game around a technical demo of the SNES' Mode 7 on-the-fly graphics-rotation capabilities, but Taito actually cooked up this kooky game interface two years earlier for an arcade release of this game.

(Now if only someone could explain the "Camel" part - referencing the Japanese title.)
Espagnol Hay una especie de knick-knack que puede encontrar en las salas de juegos polvorientas, un laberinto a través del cual navegar un mármol sutilmente inclinando el tablero, bailando con la gravedad y el impulso, hábilmente rodar su esfera de los callejones sin salida y alrededor de los obstáculos planteados por los agujeros En el tablero. Marble Madness explora este tema en una perspectiva tridimensional, Cloud Kingdoms en un plano 2-D - tanto por la influencia directa de las acciones de la pelota. El juego adopta un enfoque diferente hacia un fin similar; En vez de mover la pelota alrededor de la tabla, mueves la tabla alrededor de la bola.
Français On the Ball est un jeu d'agilité sur Super Nintendo. Une bille est au centre de l'écran et tombe, suivant les lois de la gravité. Pour la faire arriver à la sortie, il faut bouger le décor en le pivotant de droite à gauche avec les deux flèches. Des obstacles doivent être contournés et il faut absolument terminer le parcours durant le temps imparti. Trois modes de difficulté plus un d'entraînement vous feront passer des heures en compagnie de la petite bille.
Italien C'è una sorta di soprammobile che puoi trovare nei portici polverosi, un labirinto attraverso il quale navigare in una biglia inclinando sottilmente la tavola, danzando con gravità e slancio, facendo rotolare abilmente la tua sfera dai vicoli ciechi e intorno agli ostacoli posti dai buchi sul tabellone. Marble Madness esplora questo tema in una prospettiva tridimensionale, Cloud Kingdoms su un piano 2-D - entrambi influenzando direttamente le azioni della palla. Il gioco ha un approccio diverso verso un fine simile; Invece di muovere la palla intorno al tabellone, sposta il tabellone intorno alla palla.
Portugais On the Ball é um jogo de habilidade para o Super Nintendo. Uma bola está no centro da tela e cai, seguindo as leis da gravidade. Para chegar à saída, você deve mover o cenário girando-o da direita para a esquerda com as duas setas. Obstáculos devem ser evitados e é essencial completar o percurso dentro do tempo estipulado. Três modos de dificuldade mais um de treinamento farão você passar horas na companhia da pequena bolinha.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .