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Tenchi Muyou ! Game-hen
Tenchi Muyou ! Game-hen - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Tenchi Muyou ! Game-hen
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   Japon Tenchi Muyou! : Game Hen
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Role Playing Game
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Japon 27/10/1995
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Allemand Sasami wird von einem mysteriösen kleinen Mädchen mit magischen Kräften entführt, und Tenchi und seine Gefährten machen sich auf den Weg, um sie zu retten, sie müssen dabei gegen Monster und andere Kreaturen kämpfen. Tenchi Muyou! Game-Hen ist ein Strategiespiel mit RPG-Elementen, das auf der beliebten japanischen Tenchi Muyo Animeserie basiert! Das Spiel bewegt sich von Kampf zu Kampf, wobei die Handlung durch Zwischensequenzen erzählt wird. Der Spieler kämpft gegen den Computer und kontrolliert abwechselnd die vier Personen seiner Gruppe. Die Gruppenmitglieder werden vor jedem Kampf auf einem separaten Bildschirm ausgewählt, und im Verlauf des Spiels kommen neue Charaktere hinzu.
Anglais Sasami is kidnapped by a mysterious little girl with magical powers, and Tenchi and his companions must travel to rescue her, battling monsters and other creatures on the way.

Tenchi Muyou! Game-Hen is a strategy game with RPG elements, based on the popular Japanese Tenchi Muyo! cartoon series. The game moves from battle to battle, with the plot being revealed through cutscenes between them. The player fights the computer on turns, controlling the individuals from a party of four. The party members are selected on a separate screen before each battle, and as the game progresses new characters become available.

During the skirmish, selecting the characters brings up a menu with three command options: move, attack or end turn. A fourth transform option becomes available later, after they reach a higher level. When moving or attacking, glowing tiles on the ground show the maximum range of the action. Performing either one costs action points, shown as eight regenerating green dots on the status window, alongside basic statistics like health, defense and attack levels. Characters level up automatically while on the battlefield, increasing their abilities and receiving more powerful attacks. Health powers are also accessed through the attack menu, recovering lost points to an ailing comrade within their range. Characters can transform to a more powerful version when they have the ability to do so, and all the eight green dots are still available. The transformed unit has more powerful attacks and a wider range of movement.

After the battle, a map screen appears where the player can save the game, and choose the next battle from one of the available paths. It is possible to revisit battlegrounds, to level up before tackling stronger enemies.
Espagnol Sasami es secuestrada por una misteriosa niña con poderes mágicos, y Tenchi y sus compañeros deben viajar para rescatarla, luchando contra monstruos y otras criaturas en el camino. Tenchi Muyou! ¡Game-Hen es un juego de estrategia con elementos de RPG, basado en el popular tenchi Muyo japonés! serie de dibujos animados. El juego se mueve de batalla en batalla, con la trama revelada a través de escenas de corte entre ellos. El jugador lucha contra la computadora por turnos, controlando a los individuos de un grupo de cuatro. Los miembros del grupo se seleccionan en una pantalla separada antes de cada batalla y, a medida que el juego progresa, los nuevos personajes estarán disponibles. Durante la escaramuza, al seleccionar los personajes aparece un menú con tres opciones de comando: mover, atacar o finalizar turno. Una cuarta opción de transformación estará disponible más tarde, después de que alcancen un nivel superior. Cuando se mueven o atacan, las fichas brillantes en el suelo muestran el rango máximo de la acción.
Français Tenchi Muyou ! Game-Hen est un jeu de rôle sur Super Nintendo. Basé sur la série animée du même nom, ce jeu offre une aventure inédite. Vous incarnez Tenchi Masaki, un jeune homme ordinaire dont la vie bascule lorsqu'il se rend compte que son grand-père était un puissant souverain dans une autre galaxie ! L'aventure commence alors qu'une extraterrestre mystérieuse nommée Mizuki débarque et kidnappe Sasami. Le reste du groupe ne tardera pas à se mettre à sa poursuite.
Italien Tenchi Muyou! Game-Hen è un gioco di ruolo per Super Nintendo. Basato sull'omonima serie animata, questo gioco offre una nuova avventura. Giocherai nei panni di Tenchi Masaki, un giovane normale la cui vita viene sconvolta quando si rende conto che suo nonno era un potente sovrano in un'altra galassia! L'avventura inizia quando un misterioso alieno di nome Mizuki arriva e rapisce Sasami. Il resto del gruppo lo seguirà presto.
Portugais Sasami é sequestrado por uma menina misteriosa com poderes mágicos, e Tenchi e seus companheiros devem viajar para resgatá-la, lutando contra monstros e outras criaturas no caminho.

Tenchi Muyou! Game-Hen é um jogo de estratégia com elementos de RPG, baseado no popular Tenchi Muyo japonês! série de desenhos animados. O jogo passa de batalha em batalha, com o enredo sendo revelado por meio de cenas entre eles. O jogador luta contra o computador em turnos, controlando os indivíduos de um grupo de quatro. Os membros do grupo são selecionados em uma tela separada antes de cada batalha e, conforme o jogo avança, novos personagens ficam disponíveis.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .