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Metal Marines
Metal Marines - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Metal Marines
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Militia
Continent Américain
   USA Metal Marines
Europe Metal Marines
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 18/11/1994
USA 01/12/1993
Europe 01/06/1994
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Allemand Der Kalte Antimaterie-Krieg hat die Erde in Schutt und Asche gelegt, da die gelagerten AM-Waffen der verschiedenen Nationen in einem Ketteneffekt ausgelöst wurden und große Teile der Erde verdampften. Die einst großen Kontinente haben sich drastisch in Tausende winziger Inseln verwandelt, und zahlreiche Städte sind in die Ozeane gespült worden. In diesem Aufruhr eilt Zorgeuf der Große mit einer Truppe von Befehlshabern herbei, um die verwirrte Welt zu erobern, und ruft das Erdreich aus. Die einzige Hoffnung, ihn zu besiegen, liegt außerhalb der Erde, da die Kolonialstreitkräfte einen Kommandoträger von der großen Orbitalbasis aus entsenden. Da so viele Armeen verschwunden sind, wurde die Bodeninfanterie durch den Metal Marine ersetzt, einen fünfzig Fuß großen gepanzerten Roboter, der zum Angriff oder zur Verteidigung in die Schlacht geschickt werden kann. Von ihrer jeweiligen Kommandozentrale aus muss jede Konfliktpartei die Platzierung von Einrichtungen auf dem Boden steuern, um sich gegen feindliche Angriffe zu verteidigen, Ressourcen zu verwalten und den Feind erfolgreich anzugreifen.
Anglais The Antimatter Cold War has left Earth ruined as the stockpiled AM weapons of various nations were triggered in a chain effect, vaporizing large portions of the Earth. The once great continents have been drastically changed into thousands of tiny islands and various cities have washed into the oceans. During this turmoil, Zorgeuf the Great rushes to conquer the bewildered world along with a troop of commanders and declares the Earth Empire. The only hope to defeat him lies from without Earth, as the Colonial Forces send a command carrier from the major orbital base. With so many armies gone, the ground infantry unit has been replaced by the Metal Marine, a fifty foot armored robot that can be sent into battle for attack or defense. From their respective Command Center, each side in the conflict will need to direct the placement of facilities on the ground to defend against enemy attack, manage resources and successfully strike the enemy.

Metal Marines is an isometric strategy game. Controlling one side of a conflict, the player must wage a campaign across several islands to defeat Zorgeuf and his lieutenants. The player controls logistics of the base to ensure that there are the necessary assets to wage war. On each map, the player places three underground command bases, if all of these are destroyed the battle is lost. The player must manage the resources of their money to construct new buildings or upgrade existing facilities on the map. Different buildings include Energy Plants, Factories, Economic Centers, Radar systems, Anti-Aircraft missiles, fake buildings and fake HQ bases, mine fields, gun pods, missile launchers, metal marine hangers and even ICBMs. At any time, the player may order an attack and choose which assets to fire at the opponent. Missiles, Metal Marines carriers and ICBMs all use different levels of fuel. Metal Marines once deployed in an area will automatically fire rifles at nearby targets or engage even closer targets in melee attacks. Gunpods, while stationary, will also fire on nearby enemies. Metal Marines are largely autonomous but can be manually controlled to a minor degree (directional) by the player.
Espagnol Metal Marines es un juego de estrategia isométrica. Zorgeuf y sus lugartenientes. Controlando un lado de un conflicto. El jugador controla la logística de la base para garantizar los activos necesarios para hacer la guerra. En cada mapa, el jugador coloca las bases de mando subterráneas; si se destruyen todas, la batalla se pierde. El jugador debe administrar los recursos de su dinero para construir nuevos edificios o actualizar las instalaciones existentes en el mapa. Diferentes edificios incluyen plantas de energía, fábricas, centros económicos, sistemas de radar, misiles antiaéreos, edificios falsos y bases HQ falsos, campos de minas, vainas de armas, lanzadores de misiles, ganchos de metal navales e incluso misiles balísticos intercontinentales. En cualquier momento, el jugador puede ordenar un ataque y elegir qué activos disparar al oponente. Misiles, Metal Marines e ICBMs usan diferentes niveles de combustible. Metal Marines pronto será desplegado en el futuro cercano.
Français Metal Marines est un jeu de guerre futuriste sur Super Nintendo. Le Monde est sous l'emprise de Zorgeuf et de ce qu'il a appelé l'Empire de la Terre. Vous devrez construire et gérer des bases militaires pour aller affronter les forces de Zorgeuf disséminées sur des petites îles à travers le Monde. Il est possible de construire des bâtiments pour la défense contre les missiles adverses et des usines pour développer des Metal Marines, des robots géants que vous enverrez au combat.
Italien Metal Marines è un gioco di guerra futuristico per Super Nintendo. Il mondo è nella morsa di Zorgeuf e di quello che lui chiamava l'Impero della Terra. Dovrai costruire e gestire basi militari per andare contro le forze di Zorgeuf sparse su piccole isole in tutto il mondo. È possibile costruire edifici per la difesa contro i missili nemici e fabbriche per sviluppare Metal Marines, robot giganti che invierai in battaglia.
Portugais Desenvolvido pela Namco Bandai, Metal Marines (SNES) se tornou um clássico dos jogos de estratégias. Apesar de ter sido lançado simultaneamente também para computadores, nos consoles brilhou como um dos grandes exemplares do gênero. Nele você controla mechas gigantes na batalha contra o Império de Zorgeuf, um regime autoritário que está controlando o planeta Terra e seus os habitantes. Você é o membro de uma aliança interplanetária de colônias terrestres e a última esperança da Terra.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .