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Operation Thunderbolt
Operation Thunderbolt - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Operation Thunderbolt
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Continent Américain
   USA Operation Thunderbolt
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Lightgun Shooter
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USA 02/10/1994
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Allemand Operation Thunderbolt ist die spannende Fortsetzung von Operation Wolf. Ein Flugzeug wird auf dem Weg von Paris nach Boston von Terroristen entführt, die drohen, alle Geiseln an Bord zu töten, wenn ihre Kumpel nicht aus dem Gefängnis entlassen werden. Statt am Zielort landet das Flugzeug in Kalubya, Afrika, und alle Geiseln werden an verschiedenen Orten versteckt. Die Behörden haben den Helden von Operation Wolf gebeten, die Geiseln zu befreien, aber nur dieses Mal bringt der Held seinen Freund mit auf die Reise.

In Operation Thunderbolt gibt es acht Missionen zu erfüllen, in denen du Soldaten, Hubschrauber und Panzer abschießen musst. Das Gameplay ändert sich alle ein bis zwei Missionen. In einigen Missionen fährts du einen Jeep oder steuerst ein Boot, während du in anderen zu Fuß unterwegs bist. Du hast nur einen begrenzten Vorrat an Munition und einen begrenzten Vorrat an Raketenbomben, aber du kannst deinen Vorrat immer wieder auffüllen, indem du Kisten abschießt, die vom Himmel fallen, oder indem du eine Katze oder einen Hund tötest, die in deine Schusslinie geraten. Aus Kisten kannst du auch spezielle Gegenstände wie kugelsichere Westen, Raketenbomben und verschiedene Waffen erhalten.
Anglais Operation Thunderbolt is the exciting sequel to Operation Wolf. An airliner is hijacked by terrorists en-route from Paris to Boston, who threaten to kill all hostages on board if their mates aren't released from jail. Instead of reaching its destination, the airliner makes a landing in Kalubya, Africa, and all the hostages are hidden in various locations. The authorities have asked the hero from Operation Wolf to rescue the hostages, but only this time, the hero brings his friend along for the ride.

There are eight missions to complete in Operation Thunderbolt, and each one has you shooting down soldiers, choppers, and tanks. The gameplay varies every one or two missions. In some missions, you are driving a jeep or controlling a boat, while in others, you are walking while you're shooting. You have a limited supply of ammo, and a limited supply of rocket bombs, but you can always stock up by shooting down crates falling from the sky, or by killing a cat or dog that get in the line of fire. Also from crates, you can get special items like bulletproof vests, rocket bombs, and different weapons.

You also have a life bar to worry about. If you're shot at by soldiers, or if rocket bombs or grenades are thrown at you, you 'll lose energy, and once you're energy is depleted, you lose one of your three lives. You can lose a lot of energy by killing hostages on purpose, and you can't easily avoid killing them if you decide to use rocket bombs to wipe out enemies. The eighth mission, the mission that involves you fighting terrorists on a plane, proves to be difficult because a woman in a blue dress stands up and gets in the line of fire, and you have to very careful when you're going to use rocket bombs.

There are two endings to this game, and which ending you can watch will depend on the number of hostages you've saved, and whether or not you shot the pilot instead of the mission eight boss.
Espagnol Operación Thunderbolt es la secuela del emocionante Operation Wolf. Un avión es secuestrado por terroristas en ruta de París a Boston, que amenazan con matar a todos los rehenes a bordo si sus compañeros no son liberados de la cárcel. En lugar de alcanzar el destino de las TIC, el avión hace un aterrizaje en Kalubya, África, y todos los rehenes están ocultos en diversos lugares. Las autoridades han pedido al héroe de Operation Wolf,rescatar a los rehenes, sólo que esta vez, el héroe trae su amigo en el viaje.
Français Operation Thunderbolt sur Super NES est la suite de Operation Wolf sorti en 1988 dans les salles d'arcade. Des terroristes ont détourné un avion et caché les otages en Afrique. Le soldat vétéran Roy Adams est chargé de monter une équipe de sauvetage composée de six personnages, que l'on dirige dans le jeu. En contrôlant le viseur de l'arme d'un des six protagonistes, vous devez abattre tous les ennemis surgissant à l'écran pour progresser dans l'aventure.
Italien Operation Thunderbolt è il sequel dell'emozionante Operazione Lupo. Un aereo viene dirottato dai terroristi in viaggio da Parigi a Boston, che minacciano di uccidere tutti gli ostaggi a bordo se i loro compagni non vengono rilasciati dal carcere. Invece di raggiungere la destinazione ICT, l'aereo fa un atterraggio a Kalubya, in Africa, e tutti gli ostaggi sono nascosti in vari luoghi. Le autorità hanno chiesto all'eroe dell'Operazione Wolf di salvare gli ostaggi, solo che questa volta, l'eroe porta il suo amico nel viaggio.
Portugais A Operação Thunderbolt no Super NES é a sequência da Operação Wolf, lançada em 1988 nos fliperamas. Terroristas sequestraram um avião e esconderam os reféns na África. O soldado veterano Roy Adams tem a tarefa de montar uma equipe de resgate composta por seis personagens, que lideramos no jogo. Ao controlar a mira da arma de um dos seis protagonistas, você deve abater todos os inimigos que aparecem no jogo. a tela para progredir na aventura.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .