You control a beach-sports chopper that is buzzin' private beaches for bikini babes and handsome hunks. Some of the babes and hunks are already taken but others are happy to climb on board! Avoid the angered beach bodies whose squeezes you've stolen as they pursue you in jet packs and beach buggies armed with rubber bullets trying to get their favourite honey or dude back. If you’re successful, you get to party with the most beautiful girls or hunky guys on the beach!
Beach Buzzin' Chopper es un juego de acción. Su meta aquí será transportar a varias personas que van caminando por la playa con tu helicóptero para llevarlas a un área del club nocturno para que puedan divertirse.
Beach Buzzin' Chopper est un jeu d'action disponible sur le Playstation Store de la Playstation Portable. Votre but sera ici de transporter à l'aide de vos muscles diverses personnes marchant sur la plage jusqu'à une zone de discothèque afin qu'elles puissent faire la fête.