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Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92
Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92 - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Olympic Gold
Continent Américain
   USA Olympic Gold
Europe Olympic Gold
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Sports / Multisports
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 1992
Europe 1992
USA 01/06/1992
Japon 24/07/1992
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Allemand Olympia hautnah: Erleben Sie jetzt den Nervenkitzel und die Atmosphäre von sportlichen Wettkämpfen, und nehmen Sie an sieben spektakulären, olympischen Lauf-, Feld- und Schwimmdisziplinen teil. Olympic Gold: Die absolute Herausforderung. Medailienchancen haben alle Teilnehmer mit guter Kondition, Kraft und Geschicklichkeit!
Anglais The official game of the Games of the XXV Olympiad, held in Barcelona in 1992, featuring seven different events: 100M Sprint, Hammer Throw, Archery, 110M Hurdles, Pole Vault, Springboard diving and 200M Freestyle Swimming.

Gameplay features the typical button mashing formula used by Epyx during the 80s. 100M Sprint, 110M Hurdles and 200M Freestyle Swimming feature a button mashing sequence with just some changes: in the hurdles the player must hit the action key to jump over a hurdle (the timing sets the loss of speed) and in swimming, the sequence takes over one and an half minutes and the action button touches the edge for the return swim. In these events, the player initially faces a semi-final round and only qualifies for the final if ends in the top half. It's possible to watch the other semi-final.
Hammer Throw combines a strong mashing sequence, along an accurate press of the action button to release the hammer, while Pole Vault combines an initial mashing sequence, a first tap on down to set the bar, then pressing up and the action button to release the pole and jump over the bar. Archery is a technical event where the player has three rounds with six arrows each, the winner being the one with the highest score on all three rounds.

The player can choose to compete for eight nations: Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, hosts Spain, United Stats, Japan and the CIS (formerly the Soviet Union). Each nation has it's own sample of the anthem and a set of athletes to compete against the player. Each athlete is unique, and will perform differently according the the event: in some they are capable of braking World Records, in others, lucky enough to get to a final or a top-6 spot. The competition is split in two tables: sorted by medals and by total score (the gold medalist gets 24 points, the 12th only 13).
Espagnol El juego oficial de los Juegos de las XXV Olimpiadas, celebrado en Barcelona en 1992, presenta siete eventos diferentes: 100M Sprint, Hammer Throw, Archery, 110M Hurdles, salto con pértiga, trampolín y 200m de estilo libre. El jugador puede optar por competir por ocho naciones: Gran Bretaña, Francia, Alemania, Italia, los anfitriones de España, United States, Japón y la CEI (anteriormente la Unión Soviética). Cada nación tiene su propia muestra del himno y un conjunto de atletas para competir contra el jugador. Cada atleta es único, y tendrá un rendimiento diferente según el evento: en algunos son capaces de frenar los récords mundiales, en otros, lo suficientemente afortunados como para llegar a un punto final o uno de los mejores 6. La competencia se divide en dos tablas: ordenadas por medallas y por puntaje total (el medallista de oro obtiene 24 puntos, el 12° solo 13).
Français Olympic Gold : Barcelona '92 sur Megadrive est le jeu officiel des 25èmes olympiades qui se sont tenues à Barcelone en 1992. Vous pourrez concourir dans sept disciplines telles que : 100m, lancer de marteau, saut à la perche, plongeon, 200m nage libre, tir à l'arc et enfin le 110m haies. Vous devrez marteler le plus rapidement possible les boutons de votre pauvre manette pour réaliser de bonnes performances.
Italien Benvenuti alle Olimpiadi di Barcellona 1992!! Questa è la tua occasione per provare tutte le emozioni di partecipare al più grande evento sportivo del pianeta! Avrai bisogno di molta forza e coraggio per ricevere l'onore supremo: una medaglia d'oro olimpica. Qual'è la tua specialità? 100 metri piani, lancio del martello, tiro con l'arco, salto con l'asta, stile libero, tuffi o 110 metri con ostacoli? Per chi è bravo in tutte queste categorie, c'è l'Olimpiade Completa. Ma le opzioni non si fermano qui: puoi anche scegliere una Mini-Olimpiadi con le modalità che scegli o una sessione di allenamento per migliorare. Tutto in grande stile, con la cerimonia di apertura e chiusura, medaglie con diritto ad un inno e tutto il resto... In bocca al lupo, campione!!
Portugais Bem-vindo à Olimpíada de Barcelona de 1992 !! Esta é a sua chance de sentir todas as emoções de participar do maior evento esportivo do planeta! Você precisará de muita força e garra para receber a honra máxima: uma medalha de ouro olímpica. Qual é a sua especialidade? 100 metros rasos, arremesso de martelo, arco-e-flecha, salto com vara, nado livre, saltos ornamentais ou 110 metros com barreiras? Para quem é bom em todas estas categorias, há a Olimpíada Completa. Mas as opções não param por aí: você também pode escolher uma Mini-Olimpíada com as modalidades que proferir ou uma sessão de treinos para se aperfeiçoar. Tudo em grande estilo, com cerimônia de abertura e encerramento, entrega de medalhas com direito a hino e tudo mais... Boa sorte, campeão !!
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .