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Another World
Another World - Atari ST - Ordinateur Atari
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Another World
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Continent Américain
   USA Another World
Europe Another World
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U.S Gold
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Europe 1991
USA 1991
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Allemand Another World (bekannt als Out of This World in den U.S.A. und Outer World in Japan) ist ein Action-Adventure-Spiel, das von Eric Chahi entworfen und entwickelt wurde und den Spieler in die Rolle eines rothaarigen Physikers versetzt, der auf einem fremden Planeten gefangen ist.
Das Spiel beginnt, als ein Blitz das Labor von Lester Chaykin trifft, der Experimente durchführt. Die Explosion projiziert den jungen Wissenschaftler in eine besonders feindliche Parallelwelt. Lester wird schnell von einer humanoiden Spezies eingesperrt und trifft auf einen notdürftigen Begleiter.
Anglais San Francisco 2016. A series of earthquakes has damaged several nuclear power plants, and the subsequent nuclear contamination has forced the survivors to flee underground. Their only hope to get off the continent is to use newly developed matter transporters. However, these transporters require certain types of crystals to work. Since men cannot survive on the surface, the task of collecting the crystals is assigned to a cyborg.

You take control of the cyborg and must collect different types of crystals in a number of side-scrolling levels, while fighting off mutated animals. Your cyborg can jump, shoot and use smart bombs that damage everything on screen. From time to time, extras appear that replenish some of your health or improve your weapon. If your weapon is at maximum power, you can also collect additional smart bombs.

The main task of each level is to collect crystals and use them in one of the teleporters that can be found at each end of a level.
There are three types of crystals that are used for different purposes. Green crystal teleport you to the other end of a level. Red crystals take you to another level and blue crystals are needed to get to another continent. Usage of the crystals is rather complicated as each crystal has a different charge and they have to be put into the right slot of the teleporters. Not paying attention to the charge may even cause the transporter to explode.
Français Another World sur Atari ST est un jeu d'action-aventure qui démarre lorsque la foudre s'abat sur le laboratoire de Lester Chaykin qui procède à des expériences. L'explosion projettera le jeune scientifique dans un monde parallèle particulièrement hostile. Rapidement emprisonné par une espèce humanoïde, Lester fait la rencontre d'un compagnon de fortune.
Italien San Francisco 2016. Una serie di terremoti ha danneggiato diverse centrali nucleari e la conseguente contaminazione nucleare ha costretto i sopravvissuti a fuggire sottoterra. La loro unica speranza di lasciare il continente è utilizzare trasportatori di materia di nuova concezione. Tuttavia, questi trasportatori richiedono determinati tipi di cristalli per funzionare. Poiché gli uomini non possono sopravvivere in superficie, il compito di raccogliere i cristalli è affidato a un cyborg.
Prendi il controllo del cyborg e devi raccogliere diversi tipi di cristalli in una serie di livelli a scorrimento laterale, mentre combatti gli animali mutati. Il tuo cyborg può saltare, sparare e usare bombe intelligenti che danneggiano tutto sullo schermo. Di tanto in tanto compaiono degli extra che ripristinano parte della tua salute o migliorano la tua arma. Se la tua arma è alla massima potenza, puoi anche raccogliere bombe intelligenti aggiuntive.
Il compito principale di ogni livello è raccogliere i cristalli e usarli in uno dei teletrasporti che si trovano a ciascuna estremità di un livello.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .