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Rugby World Cup 1995
Rugby World Cup 1995 - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Rugby World Cup 1995
Game name (by Region)
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Continent Américain
   USA Rugby World Cup 95
Europe Rugby World Cup 1995
Monde Rugby World Cup 1995
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Sports / Rugby
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France 1994
USA 1994
Europe 01/12/1994
Monde 1994
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Allemand Das offizielle Spiel der IRB Rugby Union Weltmeisterschaft 1995 in Südafrika. Es enthält alle 20 internationalen Teams, die an der WM teilgenommen haben, darunter die All Blacks of New Zealand und die Springboks of South Africa, sowie ein EA All Stars-Team und einige anderer kleiner Rugby-Nationen.
Das Spiel hat viele Gemeinsamkeiten mit frühen FIFA-Titeln von EA Sports. Es verwendet eine isometrische Perspektive mit Knöpfen zum Passen und Kicken des Balls und einer zeitgesteuerten Anzeige für Zielschüsse.
Die Menüs sind wie bei FIFA aufgebaut, mit Optionen wie Arcade- und Simulationsmodi, Änderung der Bodenfestigkeit und des Wetters.
Anglais The official game of the 1995 IRB Rugby Union World Cup in South Africa. Featuring all 20 international teams that took part in the World Cup including the All Blacks of New Zealand and the Springboks of South Africa, as well as an EA All Stars team and a few other minor rugby nations

The game shares a lot with EA Sports' early FIFA titles. It uses an isometric perspective, with buttons to pass and kick the ball, and a timed gauge for place kicks.

The menus are structured in the same way as FIFA, with options including arcade and simulation modes, changing the firmness of the ground, and the weather.
Espagnol El juego oficial de la 1995 IRB Rugby Union World Cup en Sudáfrica. Con los 20 equipos internacionales que participaron en la Copa del Mundo, incluidos los All Blacks of New Zealand y los Springboks de Sudáfrica, así como un equipo de EA All Stars y algunas otras naciones menores de rugby. El juego comparte mucho con los primeros títulos de FIFA de EA Sports. Utiliza una perspectiva isométrica, con botones para pasar y patear la pelota, y un indicador de tiempo para patadas de lugar. Los menús están estructurados de la misma manera que FIFA, con opciones que incluyen modos de arcade y simulación. Posee cambio de la firmeza de la tierra y el clima.
Français Rugby World Cup 1995 sur Megadrive est un jeu de rugby qui prend pour cadre la Coupe du Monde 1995 qui s'est déroulé en Afrique du Sud. Les vingt équipes internationales sont présentes avec notamment les All Blacks de Nouvelle Zélande ou encore les Springboks d'Afrique du Sud. Le joueur peut choisir une jouabilité (arcade ou simulation), décider de la météo et de la tenue du sol.
Italien Il gioco ufficiale dell'IRB Rugby World Cup del 1995 in Sud Africa. Con tutte le 20 squadre internazionali che hanno preso parte alla Coppa del Mondo, inclusi gli All Blacks della Nuova Zelanda e gli Springboks del Sud Africa, nonché una squadra EA All Stars e alcune altre nazioni minori di rugbynnnnIl gioco condivide molto con i primi titoli FIFA di EA Sports. Utilizza una prospettiva isometrica, con pulsanti per passare e calciare la palla e un indicatore a tempo per i calci piazzati.
nnI menu sono strutturati allo stesso modo di FIFA, con opzioni che includono modalità arcade e simulazione, modifica della compattezza del terreno e del tempo.
Portugais Após emplacar o clássico FIFA International Soccer, a Electronic Arts buscou recriar com fidelidade todas as características do esporte em Rugby World Cup '95. A EA conseguiu a licença exclusiva da Copa do Mundo do esporte para colocar no título do jogo. Essa versão conta com 30 seleções nacionais, com seus pontos fortes e fracos retratados no jogo. Foram criados mais de 2 mil quadros de animação, incluindo os movimentos de diving, jumping, tackling, rucks, scrums, dropkicks, mauls e lineouts para a imersão do jogador ser total.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .