Resident Evil 7 is the seventh main game in the series and the first one from the canon series to switch from 3rd-person to fully 1st-person perspective. The game features Ethan as the entirely new protagonist not seen in any of the previous Resident Evil titles. He arrives to a farm house in rural part of Louisiana in search of his missing wife, Mia. His wife disappeared several years ago without a trace, and his only clue was a video file of her he has on computer telling him that if he ever sees that message, that he should stay the hell away from here and forget about her. What man could just give up on his wife so easily... Ethan definitely isn't the one to accept the current situation and has come looking for her wife and doesn't plan to return without her... or the truth behind her disappearance.
Resident Evil VII est un survival-horror sur PC en vue à la première personne jouable en solo. Dans un style sombre et glauque revenant aux racines de la série, ce nouvel épisode vous conduit dans un manoir isolé où une nouvelle expérience virale a dégénéré. Vous commencez seul et désarmé et gagnez puissance et informations au fur et à mesure que vous explorez l'univers cauchemardesque qui vous entoure. Le jeu est pensé pour être intégralement joué en réalité virtuelle.