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F1 - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Game name (by Region)
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Continent Américain
   USA Formula One
Europe F1
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Racing, Driving
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 1993
Europe 05/11/1993
USA 01/11/1993
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand F1 ist ein offizielles Formel-1-Rennspiel. Außerdem ist es das schnellste, wirklichkeitsgetreueste und aufregendste aller Mega-Drive Rennspiele.Erkämpfe dir den Sieg in der FIA-Formel-Eins-Meisterschaft auf den echten F1-Rennstrecken gegen Originalteams und sämtliche Spitzenfahrer.

- Fantastischer 2-Spieler-Split-Screnn-Modus
- Batteriespeicheroption. Speichern sie Ihre besten Rundenzeiten
- Boxenstopps erlauben Ihnen, REifen zu wechseln und ihren Wagen umzurüsten.
- Rasanter Turbo-Modus für superschnelles Spiel.
- Digitalisierter 4-Kanal-Sound
- Renn-Action Rad an Rad: Dank eingebautem 'Speed-Up-System'ist ihnen immer jemand auf den Fersen
Anglais F1 is an Official Formula One Racing Game. There are two modes of play available: "Arcade", "Grand Prix". In both of these modes you complete a certain number of laps (4, 8, or 12) and select which circuit that you want to race on. The circuits include San Marino, France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Japan, and Australia. Some circuits are easy, while some are difficult.

There are slight differences between the two modes. For instance, "Arcade" allows you to select the circuit in any order that you like, whereas "Grand Prix" only allows you to fine-tune your car before starting a race. You also need to race a circuit in the order that they appear on the circuit selection screen, but you can skip a track if you want.

F1 is a 1-2 player game, meaning that if you have another player handy, you can compete against each other.
Espagnol F1 es un juego oficial de carreras de Fórmula Uno. Hay dos modos de juego disponibles: "Arcade", "Gran Premio". En ambos modos, completa un cierto número de vueltas (4, 8 o 12) y selecciona el circuito en el que desea competir. Los circuitos incluyen San Marino, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Alemania, Italia, Portugal, Japón y Australia. Algunos circuitos son fáciles, mientras que otros son difíciles. Hay ligeras diferencias entre los dos modos. Por ejemplo, "Arcade" le permite seleccionar el circuito en el orden que desee, mientras que "Grand Prix" solo le permite ajustar su automóvil antes de comenzar una carrera. También necesita correr un circuito en el orden en que aparecen en la pantalla de selección de circuito, pero puede omitir una pista si lo desea. F1 es un juego de 1-2 jugadores, lo que significa que si tienes otro jugador a mano, puedes competir uno contra el otro.
Français F1 sur Megadrive dispose des circuits officiels du championnat du monde de l'époque, chacun avec ses difficultés inhérentes. Vous pouvez choisir d'effectuer, seul ou à deux, de 4 à 18 tours. Le mode Arcade vous permet de choisir le circuit sur lequel vous souhaitez tester vos talents de pilote tandis que le mode Grand Prix suivra l'ordre des courses du championnat du monde FIA.
Italien La F1 su Megadrive ha i circuiti ufficiali del campionato mondiale dell'epoca, ognuno con le sue difficoltà intrinseche. Puoi scegliere di esibirti, da solo o in coppia, da 4 a 18 turni. La modalità Arcade ti consente di scegliere il circuito su cui vuoi mettere alla prova le tue abilità di guida, mentre la modalità Grand Prix seguirà l'ordine delle gare del campionato mondiale FIA.
Portugais Formula One é mais um jogo da categoria mais rápida do automobilismo a aterrissar no Mega Drive. Com licença oficial, o jogo traz 7 equipes reais: Benetton, Ferrari, Ligier, Lotus, McLaren, Tyrrell e Willians, juntamente a todos os seus pilotos, com exceção de Ayrton Senna, que não pôde estar presente devido a problemas com direitos autorais. O jogo possui dois modos, Arcade e Gran Prix, sendo a primeira opção para corridas simples entre um ou dois jogadores e a segunda, a temporada completa do ano de 1993.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .