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Alien Storm
Alien Storm - CPC - Ordinateur Amstrad
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Alien Storm
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Europe Alien Storm
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Beat'em Up
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Regions Information Proposed by
Europe 1991
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Anglais The aliens are invading Earth, and it's up to the "Alien Busters" to wipe them out and destroy their creator. The Busters consist of Karla, Gordon, and Scooter. Each one of them have their own weapons and special attacks.

When you start the game, you can select any one of these characters to play as. There are six missions to complete (eight in the Genesis version) with several stages, and each mission has you blasting aliens all the way to the end, from the streets to the mother ship where you'll meet the mother of all aliens. Unfortunately, blasting these aliens will not be an easy task, as they get tougher in every mission, and are capable of hiding into objects such as plants, postboxes, trashcans, drums, and several others. Each mission has an objective such as rescuing people destroying an UFO.

When you deal with a few aliens, flying heads will appear, which you can shoot to collect life or energy (by the way, life is important to you, since if yours get empty, you're dead). However, rather than using your ordinary weapons, you can use the special attacks that are enough to kill aliens you currently see. These types of attack vary depending on the character you choose at the start of the game. For instance, Gordon summons a U.S. Air Force Jet that drop bombs across the street, while Scooter is able to teleport out of his present location, and leave a series of bombs that will blow up aliens on sight, he will then re-appear. However, using your character's special attack uses up a lot of energy, and if you have little or no energy, you can't use it.

At the end of some missions is an alien boss, which you must destroy in order to complete the mission. Also, at the end of every one, you have to enter buildings where you participate in a shooting gallery. The object is to kill aliens popping up from several locations with the building.

You can play Alien Storm by yourself, or with another person.
Espagnol Los extraterrestres están invadiendo la Tierra, y depende de los "Alien Busters" eliminarlos y destruir a su creador. Los Busters están formados por Karla, Gordon y Scooter. Cada uno de ellos tiene sus propias armas y ataques especiales.
Cuando comienzas el juego, puedes seleccionar cualquiera de estos personajes para jugar. Hay seis misiones para completar (ocho en la versión de Génesis) con diferentes niveles, y en cada misión haces explotar a los alienígenas hasta el final, desde las calles hasta la nave nodriza donde conoces a la reina de todos los alienígenas. Desafortunadamente, hacer estallar a estos alienígenas no será una tarea fácil, ya que se vuelven más fuertes con cada misión y pueden esconderse en objetos como plantas, buzones, botes de basura, tambores y muchos más. Cada misión tiene un objetivo como rescatar personas que destruyen un OVNI.
Français Alien Storm sur Amstrad CPC est un beat'em all qui vous propose d'incarner Karla, Gordon ou Scooter pour sauver le monde de l'invasion Alien. Chacun des avatars possédant ses propres caractéristiques, choisissez en fonction de votre style de jeu. Traversez les six niveaux pour atteindre le vaisseau mère et pour affronter la reine des extraterrestres. A vos canons !
Italien Gli alieni stanno invadendo la Terra, e spetta agli "Alien Busters" spazzarli via e distruggere il loro creatore. I Buster sono composti da Karla, Gordon e Scooter. Ognuno di loro ha le proprie armi e attacchi speciali.

Quando si inizia il gioco, è possibile selezionare uno qualsiasi di questi personaggi da interpretare. Ci sono sei missioni da completare (otto nella versione Genesis) con diversi livelli, e in ogni missione si fa saltare in aria gli alieni fino alla fine, dalle strade alla nave madre dove si incontra la regina di tutti gli alieni. Sfortunatamente, far saltare in aria questi alieni non sarà un compito facile, in quanto diventano più forti in ogni missione, e sono in grado di nascondersi in oggetti come piante, cassette postali, bidoni della spazzatura, tamburi e molti altri. Ogni missione ha un obiettivo come quello di salvare le persone che distruggono un UFO.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .