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Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle
Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle - Capcom Play System - Arcade Capcom
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Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle
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   Japon Muscle Bomber Duo: Heat Up Warriors
Monde Muscle Bomber Duo : Ultimate Team Battle
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Sports / Wrestling
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Monde 1993
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Allemand Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle, ist eine aktualisierte Version des ursprünglichen Slam Masters, die den Einzelspielmodus aus dem ursprünglichen Spiel eliminiert und sich ausschließlich auf den Zwei-gegen-Zwei-Teamkampfmodus konzentriert. Derselbe Charakter kann nun von mehreren Spielern gewählt werden, und jeder Kämpfer hat nun zwei zusätzliche Spezialbewegungen: einen doppelten Seitenangriff und eine Vakuum-Bewegung. Duo ist das einzige Spiel der Serie, das bei seinen internationalen Veröffentlichungen den Titel Muscle Bomber beibehält.
Anglais Professional wrestling experienced a sudden increase in popularity during the early 1980s, where many professional wrestling organizations were started all over the world. A severe rivalry existed among the organizations.

In order to resolve this conflict, 8 organizations combined to form the Capcom Professional Wrestling Association (CPWA), led by Victor Ortega, the CPWA?s first champion.

One day, Ortega suddenly vanished. He was considered to be the axis of the sport and his unexpected disappearance caused the CPWA to enter an age of confusion and disorder. The BPWA, a dark underground wrestling organization, chose to take advantage of this opportunity and began moving. With "Fighters of Muscle Bomber = Destiny" as the theme, the CPWA chief executives decided to hold a world tour called the ?Crash Carnival,? to decide the new king of the CPWA.

The gong that determines the new ?Master of Muscle Bomber? is sounded?
Espagnol Un día, Ortega desapareció repentinamente. Se le consideraba el eje del deporte y su inesperada desaparición hizo que el CPWA entrara en una era de confusión y desorden. La BPWA, una oscura organización de lucha clandestina, eligió aprovechar esta oportunidad y comenzó a moverse. Con "Fighters of Muscle Bomber = Destiny" como tema, los jefes ejecutivos de CPWA decidieron llevar a cabo una gira mundial llamada "Crash Carnival,? para decidir el nuevo rey de la CPWA.
Français Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (Muscle Bomber Duo: Heat Up Warriors au Japon) est un jeu vidéo de catch développé et édité par Capcom, sorti uniquement en arcade sur CP System [Dash] en décembre 1993
Italien Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle, è una versione aggiornata dell'originale Slam Masters che elimina la modalità Single Match dal gioco originale, concentrandosi solo sul team di due contro due Battle Mode. Lo stesso personaggio può ora essere scelto da più di un giocatore e ogni combattente ora ha due mosse speciali aggiuntive: un doppio attacco laterale e una mossa del vuoto. Duo è l'unico gioco della serie a mantenere il titolo Muscle Bomber per le sue uscite internazionali.

Sebbene i giocatori possano scegliere la propria squadra come desiderano, ci sono cinque combinazioni "ufficiali" che il gioco riconoscerà e nominerà. I tag team ufficiali sono i seguenti:nnHyper Cannons (Biff e Gunloc)nnExotic Warriors (Rasta e Oni)nnDeadly Brothers (Titan e Stingray)nnKnuckle Busters (Haggar and Grater)nnAssassini silenziosi (Scorpion e Jumbo)
Portugais Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle, é uma versão atualizada do Slam Masters original que elimina o modo Single Match do jogo original, concentrando-se apenas na equipe de dois contra dois Modo de batalha. O mesmo personagem pode agora ser escolhido por mais de um jogador e cada lutador agora tem dois movimentos especiais adicionais: um ataque lateral duplo e um movimento de vácuo. Duo é o único jogo da série a manter o título Muscle Bomber para seus lançamentos internacionais.

Embora os jogadores possam escolher sua equipe como quiser, existem cinco combinações "oficiais" que o jogo reconhecerá e dará um nome. As equipes de tags oficiais são as seguintes:
Hyper Cannons (Biff and Gunloc)
Exotic Warriors (Rasta and Oni)
Deadly Brothers (Titan and Stingray)
Knuckle Busters (Haggar and Grater)
Silent Assassins (Scorpion and Jumbo)
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .