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Krull - Atari 2600 - Console Atari
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Continent Américain
   USA Krull
Monde Krull
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Monde 1983
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Allemand Krull ist ein mehrteiliges Actionspiel, das auf dem gleichnamigen Film basiert. Ein Biest und seine Armee reisten durch den Weltraum, bis sie schließlich auf dem fernen Planeten Krull landeten und den gesamten Planeten verwüsteten. Aber es gibt eine Prophezeiung, die von einem König und einer Königin spricht, die eines Tages den Planeten übernehmen werden. Diese zukünftigen Herrscher sind Prinzessin Lyssa und Prinz Colwyn. Doch vor ihrer Hochzeit wird Prinzessin Lyssa von der Bestie gefangen genommen!
Sie spielen die Rolle von Prinz Colwyn mit dem Ziel, Lyssa zu retten und das Biest zu vernichten.
Anglais Krull is a multi part action game based on the movie of the same name. A beast and his army have traveled through space until finally landing on the distant planet of Krull and ravaging the entire planet. But there is a prophecy which tells of a king and queen who will someday take back the planet. These future rulers are Princess Lyssa and Prince Colwyn. But before their marrage, Princess Lyssa is captured by the beast!

You play the part of Prince Colwyn on a mission to rescue Lyssa and destroy the beast. The game is divided up into several parts.

The first part takes place during the foiled wedding. A large number of slayers arrive at the castle, and you need to defeat as many as you can to earn points. But eventually Princess Lyssa is captured.

In the next section you need to ride your horse towards the Widow's web; on the way you can collect Glaives which may be used to fight the beast. Once you reach the web, you need to make your way to the cocoon at the top of the web in order to find the correct path to the Black Fortress. The crystal spider along with strands of the web make maneuvering your way around this screen a challenge. Once you know the correct path, you ride on to the Black Fortress.

Here you need to use the Glaives you've collected to free the Princess from a prison, and then destroy the beast! After successfully completing all tasks, the game will repeat at a more difficult skill level.
Espagnol Krull es un juego de acción de partes múltiples basado en la película del mismo nombre. Una bestia y su ejército han viajado a través del espacio hasta que finalmente aterrizan en el planeta lejano de Krull, devastando el planeta entero. Pero hay una profecía que habla de un rey y una reina que algún día recuperarán el planeta. Estos futuros gobernantes son la princesa Lyssa y el príncipe Colwyn. Pero antes de su matrimonio, la princesa Lyssa es capturada por la bestia!
Juegas en el papel del príncipe Colwyn en una misión para rescatar a Lyssa y destruir a la bestia.
Français Krull est un jeu d'action en plusieurs parties basé sur le film du même nom. Une bête et son armée ont parcouru l'espace jusqu'à finalement atterrir sur la lointaine planète de Krull et ravager la planète entière. Mais il y a une prophétie qui parle d'un roi et d'une reine qui reprendront un jour la planète. Ces futures dirigeants sont la princesse Lyssa et le prince Colwyn. Mais avant leur mariage, la princesse Lyssa est capturée par la bête !
Vous jouez le rôle du prince Colwyn dans le but de sauver Lyssa et de détruire la bête.
Portugais Krull é um jogo de ação com várias partes baseado no filme de mesmo nome. Uma besta e seu exército vagaram pelo espaço até finalmente pousar no planeta distante de Krull e devastar todo o planeta. Mas existe uma profecia que fala de um rei e uma rainha que um dia assumirão o controle do planeta. Esses futuros líderes são a Princesa Lyssa e o Príncipe Colwyn. Mas antes do casamento, a Princesa Lyssa é capturada pela fera!
Você desempenha o papel do Príncipe Colwyn com o objetivo de salvar Lyssa e destruir a fera.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .