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Lady Bug
Lady Bug - Atari 2600 - Console Atari
General Information
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Lady Bug
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Monde Lady Bug
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John W. Champeau
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Action / Labyrinth
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Monde 26/08/2006
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Allemand Ein Actionspiel im gleichen Stil wie Pac-Man, aber ganz, ganz anders. Die Spieler steuern einen Marienkäfer, der sich durch verschiedene Labyrinthe wagen muss, um alle Nahrungspellets „x“ einzusammeln. Zusätzlich zu den regelmäßigen Mauerlinien im Labyrinth gibt es auch mehrere rotierende Türen, die zum Einfangen von Feinden und zum Entkommen genutzt werden können. Tatsächlich sind diese rotierenden Türen der Schlüssel zum Überleben in diesem Spiel. In der Mitte jedes Labyrinths befindet sich ein anderer feindlicher Insektenstock, der feindliche Kreaturen hervorbringt. Jedes Mal, wenn der Rand um den Bildschirm eine komplette „Runde“ macht, wird eine neue feindliche Kreatur erzeugt. Die Timer für die Grenze variieren je nach Level, sodass in späteren Leveln schneller neue Feinde generiert werden und der Spielfortschritt somit zu intelligenteren, schnelleren und schneller erscheinenden Feinden führt.
Anglais An action game in the same style as Pac-Man but very very different. Players control a ladybug who must venture around different mazes collecting all of the food pellet "x"'s. In addition to there being regular lines of wall in the maze, there are also several rotating doors that can be used to trap enemies and escape. In fact these rotating doors are the key to survival in this game. In the center of each maze is a different enemy insect hive that will spawn out enemy creatures. An new enemy creature is spawned every time the border around the screen makes a complete "lap". Timers for the border vary upon the level, so later levels will generate new enemies faster, thus progression through the game brings smarter, faster and more quickly spawning enemies.

In addition to the collection of X's, each maze also contains a variety of powerups that come in three types: Poison, Letters and Hearts. Poison is deadly both to the player and the enemy. If the player is able to lure and enemy creature into a poison powerup, it will die and be removed from gameplay. Letters and hearts are powerups with multiple conditions: Collected at the right time they will add letters that will eventually spell words providing bonuses. However collected during the the improper time will only earn the player a few points. For most of the gameplay the colour of all powerups (except skulls which are unaffected) will be blue. But every few seconds it will cycle through yellow and then red colours. Grabbing a letter when flashing the colour will add it to that colour's word. The red word is "SPECIAL" and the yellow word is "EXTRA". Spelling the word, EXTRA gains the player an extra life, and spelling the word, SPECIAL brings the player to a special bonus round.

Hearts are best used as blue powerups as they will act as multipliers for the X's being picked up, first as 2x, then as 3x and finally as 5x. Multipliers are lost when the player dies, but letter powerups are not.
Espagnol Un juego de acción en el mismo estilo Pac-Man pero muy muy diferente. Los jugadores controlan una mariquita que debe aventurarse por diferentes laberintos recolectando toda la "x" del pellet de comida. Además, hay muchas puertas giratorias que pueden usarse para atrapar enemigos y escapar. De hecho, estas puertas giratorias son la clave para sobrevivir en este juego. En el centro de cada laberinto hay un insecto enemigo diferente que engendrará criaturas enemigas. Se genera una nueva criatura enemiga cada vez que el borde alrededor de la pantalla completa una "vuelta". Los temporizadores para la frontera varían según el nivel, así que progresa a través del juego de forma más inteligente, más rápida y más rápidamente engendrando enemigos.
Français Un jeu d'action dans le même style que Pac-Man mais très très différent. Les joueurs contrôlent une coccinelle qui doit s'aventurer dans différents labyrinthes pour ramasser toutes les boulettes de nourriture "x". En plus des lignes régulières de murs dans le labyrinthe, il y a aussi plusieurs portes rotatives qui peuvent être utilisées pour piéger les ennemis et s'échapper. En fait, ces portes tournantes sont la clé de la survie dans ce jeu. Au centre de chaque labyrinthe se trouve une ruche d'insectes ennemis différente qui va engendrer des créatures ennemies. Une nouvelle créature ennemie est engendrée chaque fois que la bordure autour de l'écran fait un "tour" complet. Les délais de la bordure varient en fonction du niveau, de sorte que les niveaux suivants génèrent plus rapidement de nouveaux ennemis. Ainsi, la progression dans le jeu permet d'engendrer des ennemis plus intelligents, plus rapides et qui se reproduisent plus vite.
Portugais Um jogo de ação no mesmo estilo do Pac-Man, mas muito, muito diferente. Os jogadores controlam uma joaninha que deve se aventurar por diferentes labirintos para coletar todas as "x" bolas de comida. Além das linhas regulares de paredes no labirinto, também existem várias portas giratórias que podem ser usadas para prender os inimigos e escapar. Na verdade, essas portas giratórias são a chave para a sobrevivência neste jogo. No centro de cada labirinto está uma colmeia diferente de insetos inimigos que irão gerar criaturas inimigas. Uma nova criatura inimiga é gerada cada vez que a borda ao redor da tela faz uma "volta" completa. Os temporizadores na fronteira variam de acordo com o nível, então os níveis subsequentes geram novos inimigos mais rápidos. Assim, a progressão no jogo permite que você crie inimigos de maneira mais inteligente e mais rápidos.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .