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Tarepanda No Gunpey
Tarepanda No Gunpey - WonderSwan - Console Portable
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Tarepanda No Gunpey
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   Japon Tare Panda no GunPey
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Monde 09/12/1999
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Allemand Tarepanda no Gunpey ist ein Puzzlespiel im Gunpey-Stil, das die Modi von Gunpey EX mit einem zusätzlichen Tarepanda-Story-Modus übernimmt.
Das Spiel beinhaltet klassisches Gunpey, endloses Gunpey, einen zeitgesteuerten Linieneliminierungsmodus und einen Modus, in dem der Spieler alle Linien auf einmal eliminieren muss. Zwei Spieler können sich auch zusammenschließen, um sich gegenseitig herauszufordern und ihre besten Ergebnisse auszutauschen.
Ein Story-Modus ist ebenfalls enthalten. Tarepanda entdeckt die Existenz anderer fauler Pandas auf der ganzen Welt. Tare fragt sich, wie andere faule Pandas aussehen und macht sich auf die Suche nach ihnen.
Anglais Tarepanda no Gunpey is a Gunpey style puzzler which has the modes of Gunpey EX with an additional Tarepanda story mode.

The game includes classic Gunpey, endless Gunpey, a timed line removal mode, and a mode where the player must clear all lines at once. Two players can also link up to challenge each other and exchange high-scores.

A story mode is also included. Tarepanda discovers the existence of other lazy pandas all around the world; wondering what other floppy pandas are like Tare rolls off in search of them.

Each panda wears headgear associated with its homeland, top hat for Britain, turban for India, etc. When our hero is about to reach the new lazy panda something gets in the way, usually an incline too large to roll over. By finishing a certain number of lines you'll give your stymied panda the energy to jump the obstacle.

In the story mode a number of novel hazards are presented. Your lines may flip angles, or parts of the screen may be entirely blocked out.
Français Tarepanda no Gunpey est un casse-tête de style Gunpey qui reprend les modes de Gunpey EX avec un mode histoire supplémentaire de Tarepanda.

Le jeu comprend le Gunpey classique, le Gunpey sans fin, un mode d'élimination des lignes chronométré et un mode où le joueur doit éliminer toutes les lignes en même temps. Deux joueurs peuvent également s'associer pour se défier et s'échanger leurs meilleurs scores.

Un mode histoire est également inclus. Tarepanda découvre l'existence d'autres pandas paresseux dans le monde entier. Se demandant à quoi ressemblent les autres pandas paresseux, Tare part à leur recherche.
Italien Tarepanda no Gunpey è un puzzle in stile Gunpey che riprende le modalità di Gunpey EX con una modalità storia aggiuntiva di Tarepanda.

Il gioco include il classico Gunpey, l'infinito Gunpey, una modalità di eliminazione delle linee a tempo e una modalità in cui il giocatore deve eliminare tutte le linee contemporaneamente. Due giocatori possono anche fare squadra per sfidarsi e scambiarsi i loro punteggi più alti.

È inclusa anche una modalità storia. Tarepanda scopre l'esistenza di altri panda pigri in tutto il mondo. Chiedendosi che aspetto abbiano gli altri panda pigri, Tare va alla loro ricerca.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .